2024-05-09 23:12
Index number: 000014349/2024-00042 Subject classification: Public security, security, justice justice
Issued by: General Office of the State Council Written date: May 6, 2024
title: Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Legislative Work Plan of the State Council for 2024
Document No.: GBF [2024] No. 23 Date of issue: May 9, 2024

Index number:


Subject classification:

Public security, security, justice justice

Issued by:

General Office of the State Council

Written date:

May 6, 2024


Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Legislative Work Plan of the State Council for 2024

Document No.:

GBF [2024] No. 23

Date of issue:

May 9, 2024

General Office of the State Council

Circular of the State Council on the Legislative Work Plan for 2024

GBF [2024] No. 23

People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions of the State Council, and institutions directly under the State Council:

The 2024 Legislative Work Plan of the State Council has been approved by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and is now printed and distributed to you. Please implement it carefully.

General Office of the State Council

May 6, 2024

(This article is deleted)

2024 Legislative Work Plan of the State Council

2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and a key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the 14th Five Year Plan. The general requirements of the legislative work of the State Council in 2024 are: under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, and deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", Strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", achieve the "Two Safeguards", adhere to the organic unity of the Party's leadership, the people's ownership and the rule of law, promote the domestic rule of law and the foreign rule of law, adhere to the simultaneous development of legislation, reform, abolishment and release, further enrich the legislative form, focus on the "small quick" and "small incision" legislation, and accelerate the filling of legislative weaknesses and gaps, We will give full play to the role of the rule of law as a safeguard to consolidate the foundation, stabilize expectations and benefit the long term, so as to provide a solid legal guarantee for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization.

1、 We will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and ensure the overall work of the Party and the state with high-quality legislative services

We should closely follow the legislative needs of Chinese style modernization, accurately grasp the "big country", adhere to the principle of highlighting key points, giving priority to urgent needs, making overall plans, and scientifically and rationally arrange legislative projects.

Focusing on promoting high-quality development, The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is requested to review the draft Law on the Promotion of Private Economy, the revised draft of the Law on Tenders and Bids, the draft of the National Development Planning Law, the draft of the Energy Law, the draft of the Atomic Energy Law, the revised draft of the Accounting Law, the revised draft of the Banking Supervision and Administration Law, the revised draft of the Anti unfair Competition Law, the draft Law on the Protection and Quality Improvement of Cultivated Land, the revised draft of the Fisheries Law Draft amendments to the Civil Aviation Law. Formulate the regulations on fair competition review, the regulations on punishment of state-owned enterprise managers, the regulations on rare earth management, the provisions of the State Council on the implementation of the registered capital registration management system of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, and revise the regulations on guaranteeing the payment of small and medium-sized enterprises, the regulations of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People's Bank of China, and the provisional regulations on enterprise information publicity The regulations of the State Council on the standards for declaration of concentration of business operators and the regulations on the administration of toll roads. It is ready to submit to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation the draft of the Consumption Tax Law, the revised draft of the Tax Collection and Administration Law, the revised draft of the People's Bank of China Law, the revised draft of the Commercial Bank Law, the revised draft of the Insurance Law, the draft of the Telecommunications Law, the revised draft of the Lawyers Law, the revised draft of the Certified Public Accountants Law, the revised draft of the Metrology Law, the revised draft of the Product Quality Law, the draft of the Transport Law Revised draft of the Railway Law. Prepare to formulate regulations on the administration of state-owned financial capital, local financial supervision and administration regulations, regulations on the supervision and administration of listed companies, regulations on the administration of access to motor vehicle production, regulations on rural roads, and prepare to revise regulations on foreign exchange administration, regulations on direct marketing, regulations on prohibition of pyramid selling, and regulations on road transportation.

Focusing on strengthening the self construction of the government, The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is requested to consider the draft amendment to the Statistics Law. Formulate regulations for the implementation of the Archives Law, and revise regulations and rules for filing. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is ready to submit the revised draft of the People's Police Law and the draft law on the administration of government affairs to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation. Prepare to formulate regulations on the supervision of administrative law enforcement, regulations on the issuance of policies, regulations on the procedures for the formulation of administrative normative documents, and prepare to revise regulations on the implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law and regulations on the procedures for the formulation of rules.

Around the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and strengthening the country through culture, The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is requested to review the revised draft of the Law on Popularization of Science and Technology. We formulated the regulations on promoting public reading, protecting and inheriting red resources, and revised the regulations of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the regulations on the protection of new plant varieties. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is prepared to submit the draft of the Artificial Intelligence Law, the revised draft of the Trademark Law, the revised draft of the Teachers' Law, the draft of the Radio and Television Law, and the draft of the Law on the Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage for deliberation. The regulations on the protection of historic blocks and ancient buildings, the regulations on the protection of traditional villages, and the measures for the management of Internet information services, as well as the regulations on the protection of historic and cultural cities, towns and villages will be prepared to be revised.

Focusing on improving people's wellbeing, The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is requested to review the draft law on public health emergencies. We formulated regulations for the implementation of the Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests, regulations on urban public transport, regulations on housing leasing, and regulations on the placement of ex servicemen, and revised regulations on pensions and preferential treatment for servicemen and regulations on commendation of martyrs. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is prepared to submit the revised draft of the Road Traffic Safety Law, the draft of the Medical Security Law, the draft of the Pharmacist Law, and the draft of the Social Assistance Law for deliberation. Prepare to formulate regulations on the administration of clinical research, transformation and application of new biomedical technologies, regulations on the supervision of social insurance funds, regulations on urban housing security, and prepare to revise regulations on the implementation of the Drug Administration Law, regulations on fitness for all, regulations on marriage registration, regulations on urban water supply, and regulations on the administration of foundations.

Focusing on promoting green development, The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is requested to review the draft National Park Law. We formulated the Regulations on Ecological Protection Compensation, the Interim Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emission Trading, the Regulations on Water Conservation, the Regulations on the Protection of Ancient and Famous Trees, and revised the Interim Regulations on Express Delivery. Prepare to formulate regulations on ecological environment monitoring, regulations on environmental risk management of chemical substances, and regulations on the protection of Miyun Reservoir.

Focusing on improving the system of national security and the rule of law, The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is requested to review the draft law on the safety of hazardous chemicals and the revised draft prison law. Formulate regulations on network data security management and regulations on safe production in coal mines. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is ready to submit the draft law on national fire protection and rescue personnel and the revised draft law on earthquake prevention and disaster reduction to the NPC for deliberation. Regulations on satellite navigation and regulations on the safety management of grain reserves are to be formulated, and regulations on the implementation of the Law on Guarding State Secrets, detailed rules for the implementation of the Anti Spy Law, and regulations on the safety supervision of special equipment are to be revised.

Focusing on strengthening the rule of law concerning foreign affairs, Submit to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation the revised draft of the Arbitration Law, the revised draft of the Anti Money Laundering Law, the revised draft of the Foreign Trade Law and the revised draft of the Maritime Law. To formulate regulations on export control of dual-use items and provisions on international cruise ships' replenishment at ports of the People's Republic of China. It is ready to submit to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation the revised draft of the Customs Law. Prepare to formulate regulations on commercial mediation, prepare to revise regulations on the administration of foreign labor service cooperation and measures for the use of the design of the National Emblem abroad. In order to promote world peace and development, actively participate in the reform and construction of the global governance system, and carry out the review of relevant international treaties.

At the same time, the relevant departments of the State Council should speed up the handling of legislative projects that comprehensively deepen reform, transform government functions, and urgently need national security, accelerate the modernization of national defense and the military, and other legislative projects assigned by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, so as to complete the drafting and review tasks as soon as possible. For other legislative projects that are under study but are not included in the legislative work plan, the relevant departments shall continue to study and demonstrate them.

2、 Strengthen and improve the legislative work in the new era to further improve the quality and efficiency of legislation

Adhere to the Party's overall leadership over legislative work. Adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, to guide legislative work, give full play to the Party's role as the core leadership in taking charge of the overall situation and coordinating all parties, implement the Party's leadership in all aspects of the legislative work, and ensure the correct political direction.

Adhere to legislation for the people, seeking truth and pragmatism. Adhere to the people centered development thought, thoroughly practice people's democracy throughout the process, strengthen the construction of legislative contact points, fully listen to the opinions of experts and scholars, and actively respond to the new needs and expectations of the people for legislative work. Based on the great practice of Chinese style modernization, we should carry out solid legislative investigation and research, and enhance the pertinence and applicability of laws and regulations. We will improve the legislative model, explore the establishment of a rapid legislative response mechanism for legislative matters that are strongly reflected by the people and urgently needed for economic and social development, and promote "small quick" and "small incision" legislation.

We will resolutely safeguard the unity, dignity and authority of the country's legal system. Adhere to the simultaneous development of legislative reform, abolishment and release, strengthen the legislative linkage in the same field and related fields, and timely issue supporting legal provisions as required; Adhere to the combination of comprehensive clean-up and special clean-up, and vigorously and orderly promote the clean-up of laws and regulations. We will strengthen the rule of law guarantee for major national reforms, and give full play to the role of legislation in guiding, promoting, standardizing, and safeguarding. We will strengthen the filing and review of laws and regulations, adhere to the principle of "everything is necessary, everything must be reviewed and everything must be corrected", strengthen the review and correction efforts, and improve the quality and efficiency of the filing and review work.

Strengthen the publicity and interpretation of the whole process of legislation. Adhere to the organic combination of legislation and law popularization. According to the characteristics and needs of each link of legislation, guide all sectors of society to participate in legislation extensively, enhance the effectiveness of legislative publicity, respond to social concerns in a timely manner, and create a good atmosphere for the introduction and implementation of laws and regulations. Actively explain the concept, culture and practice of the rule of law of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and tell the story of the rule of law in China in the new era.

Continue to improve the legislative work of local governments. Local governments should adhere to the problem oriented, demand oriented and effect oriented legislation, and strictly abide by the legislative authority and procedures. Encourage local governments to actively explore and practice regional coordinated legislation. Vigorously strengthen the construction of the local government's legislative work team, equip and strengthen the work force, and organize special training in a planned way.

3、 Strengthen responsibility and earnestly implement the legislative work plan

All departments of the State Council should attach great importance to the legislative work, strengthen organizational leadership, improve the working mechanism, tighten responsibilities, strengthen progress management, and improve the efficiency of legislative work on the premise of ensuring the quality of legislation.

The drafting department shall do a good job of drafting in strict accordance with the requirements, and reserve reasonable time for review, deliberation and other work. If the relevant content of the draft laws and regulations submitted for approval involves the division of responsibilities of departments, administrative licensing, financial support, preferential tax policies, etc., it shall be approved by the relevant departments of organization preparation, review and reform, finance, taxation, etc; If there are major differences between departments, the drafting department should actively coordinate to reach an agreement; Before submitting the draft laws and regulations for review, the drafting department shall communicate with the Ministry of Justice in a timely manner to explain the situation of soliciting opinions and coordinating major differences.

The Ministry of Justice should strengthen overall planning, coordination, supervision and guidance, take the initiative to understand the relevant situation, properly review the legislation, earnestly safeguard the national interests and the fundamental interests of the people, and prevent the influence of departmental interests. For major legislative projects with limited time and great difficulty, intervene in advance when necessary, and organize special classes to actively promote them. If the focus problem of contradiction in the legislative project is prominent, we should increase the overall coordination efforts to prevent long delays.

Annex: Legislative items specified in the 2024 Legislative Work Plan of the State Council and the units responsible for drafting


The Legislative Work Plan of the State Council for 2024

Legislative projects and units responsible for drafting

1、 Legal bills to be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation (21)

1. Draft Energy Law (drafted by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration)

2. Draft Amendments to the Statistical Law (drafted by the National Bureau of Statistics)

3. Revised draft of accounting law (drafted by the Ministry of Finance)

4. Revised draft of anti money laundering law (drafted by the People's Bank of China)

5. Draft Atomic Energy Law (drafted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense)

6. Draft Amendment to the Bidding Law (drafted by the National Development and Reform Commission)

7. Revised Draft Arbitration Law (drafted by the Ministry of Justice)

8. Draft Amendments to the Anti Unfair Competition Law (drafted by the State Administration of Market Supervision)

9. Draft Law on Response to Public Health Emergencies (drafted by the National Health Commission and the National Bureau of Disease Control)

10. Draft Law on National Parks (drafted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the State Forestry and Grassland Administration)

11. Draft Law on Promotion of Private Economy (drafted by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Justice)

12. Draft Amendments to the Maritime Code (drafted by Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Transport, etc.)

13. Draft Law on National Development Planning (drafted by the National Development and Reform Commission)

14. Revised draft of the Law on Popularization of Science and Technology (drafted by the Ministry of Science and Technology)

15. Revised draft of the Banking Supervision and Administration Law (drafted by the State Administration of Financial Supervision)

16. Draft Amendments to the Fisheries Law (drafted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

17. Draft amendments to the Civil Aviation Law (drafted by Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation Administration of China)

18. Draft Law on the Safety of Dangerous Chemicals (drafted by Emergency Management Department)

19. Revised draft prison law (drafted by the Ministry of Justice)

20. Draft Law on Cultivated Land Protection and Quality Improvement (drafted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

21. Revised Draft of Foreign Trade Law (drafted by the Ministry of Commerce)

It is ready to submit to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation the draft of the Consumption Tax Law, the revised draft of the Tax Collection and Administration Law, the revised draft of the People's Bank of China Law, the revised draft of the Commercial Bank Law, the revised draft of the Insurance Law, the draft of the Telecommunications Law, the revised draft of the Lawyers Law, the revised draft of the Certified Public Accountants Law, the revised draft of the Metrology Law, the revised draft of the Product Quality Law, the draft of the Transport Law The draft amendment to the Railway Law, the draft amendment to the People's Police Law, the draft law on the administration of government affairs, the draft artificial intelligence law, the draft amendment to the Trademark Law, the draft amendment to the Teachers' Law, the draft radio and television law, the draft law on the protection of historical and cultural heritage, the draft amendment to the road traffic safety law, the draft law on medical security, the draft pharmacist law, the draft law on social assistance The draft law on national fire rescue personnel, the revised draft law on earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, and the revised draft customs law.

2、 Administrative regulations to be formulated and revised (30 pieces)

1. Regulations of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People's Bank of China (revised) (drafted by the Ministry of Justice)

2. Provisions of the State Council on the Reporting Standards for Concentration of Undertakings (revised) (drafted by the State Administration of Market Supervision)

3. Regulations on the Implementation of the Archives Law (drafted by the National Archives Administration)

4. Regulations on Safe Production in Coal Mines (drafted by the Emergency Management Department and the State Administration of Mine Safety)

5. Interim Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emission Trading (drafted by the Ministry of Ecological Environment)

6. Interim Regulations on Enterprise Information Publicity (revised) (drafted by the Ministry of Justice)

7. Regulations on Ecological Protection Compensation (drafted by the National Development and Reform Commission)

8. Regulations on Water Conservation (drafted by the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and the National Development and Reform Commission)

9. Military Pensions and Preferential Treatment Ordinance (Amendment) (drafted by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, and the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission)

10. Regulations on the Placement of Ex servicemen (drafted by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission)

11. Regulations on the Implementation of the Consumer Protection Law (drafted by the State Administration of Market Supervision)

12. Provisions on International Cruise Lines Replenishing at Ports of the People's Republic of China (drafted by the Ministry of Justice)

13. Regulations on Punishment of Managers of State owned Enterprises (drafted by the Ministry of Justice, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the Ministry of Finance)

14. Regulations on Rare Earth Management (drafted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

15. Interim Regulations on Express Delivery (Revised) (drafted by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Transport and the State Post Office)

16. Regulations on Fair Competition Review (drafted by the State Administration of Market Supervision)

17. Provisions of the State Council on the Implementation of the Registered Capital Registration Management System of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (drafted by the Ministry of Justice and the General Administration of Market Supervision)

18. Regulations on Guarantee of Payment of Small and Medium sized Enterprises (Revised) (drafted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

19. Regulations on the Administration of Toll Roads (Amendment) (drafted by Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Justice)

20. Regulations on the Filing of Regulations and Rules (Amendment) (drafted by the Ministry of Justice)

21. Regulations on Network Data Security Management (drafted by the National Cyberspace Office)

22. Urban Public Transport Regulations (drafted by the Ministry of Transport)

23. Regulations on Export Control of Dual Use Items (drafted by the Ministry of Commerce)

24. Regulations of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (revised) (drafted by the Ministry of Science and Technology)

25. Martyrs Praise Ordinance (Amendment) (drafted by the Department of Veterans Affairs)

26. Regulations on Promoting Reading for All (drafted by the State Press and Publication Administration)

27. Regulations on the Protection of New Plant Varieties (Amendment) (drafted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

28. Regulations on the Protection and Inheritance of Red Resources (drafted by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage)

29. Regulations on Housing Lease (drafted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development)

30. Regulations on the Protection of Ancient and Famous Trees (drafted by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and the State Forestry and Grassland Administration)

Prepare to formulate regulations on the management of state-owned financial capital, local financial supervision and management regulations, regulations on the supervision and management of listed companies, regulations on the management of motor vehicle production access, regulations on rural roads, regulations on the supervision of administrative law enforcement, regulations on the issuance of policies, regulations on the procedures for the formulation of administrative normative documents, regulations on the protection of historical blocks and ancient buildings, and regulations on the protection of traditional villages Regulations on the Administration of Clinical Research, Transformation and Application of New Biomedical Technologies, Regulations on the Supervision of Social Insurance Funds, Regulations on Urban Housing Security, Regulations on Ecological Environment Monitoring, Regulations on the Administration of Environmental Risks of Chemical Substances, Regulations on the Protection of Miyun Reservoir, Regulations on Satellite Navigation, Regulations on the Administration of Food Reserve Security, and Regulations on Commercial Mediation.

Prepare to revise the regulations on foreign exchange management, the regulations on direct selling, the regulations on prohibition of pyramid selling, the regulations on road transportation, the regulations on the implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law, the regulations on the procedures for formulating rules, the measures for the management of Internet information services, the regulations on the protection of historic and cultural cities, towns and villages, the regulations on the implementation of the Drug Administration Law, the regulations on fitness for all, the regulations on marriage registration, the regulations on urban water supply, the regulations on the management of foundations Regulations for the Implementation of the Law on Guarding State Secrets, Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Anti Spy Law, Regulations on the Safety Supervision of Special Equipment, Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Labor Cooperation, and Measures for the Use of the National Emblem in Foreign Countries.

3、 Other legislative projects to be completed

1. Legislative projects urgently needed for comprehensively deepening reform, transforming government functions and national security

2. Accelerate legislative projects related to national defense and military modernization

3. Other legislative projects assigned by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council
