2024-03-29 16:57
Index number: 000014349/2024-00033 Subject classification: Health, sports sports
Issued by: the state council Written date: March 26, 2024
title: Reply of the State Council on the Overall Plan for the Construction of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization Ice and Snow Sports Demonstration Area
Document No.: Guo Han [2024] No. 43 Date of issue: March 29, 2024

Index number:


Subject classification:

Health, sports sports

Issued by:

the state council

Written date:

March 26, 2024


Reply of the State Council on the Overall Plan for the Construction of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization Ice and Snow Sports Demonstration Area

Document No.:

Guo Han [2024] No. 43

Date of issue:

March 29, 2024

Report of the State Council on the "China Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Reply to the Overall Plan for the Construction of Ice and Snow Sports Demonstration Area

Guo Han [2024] No. 43

Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government and General Administration of Sports:

We have received your request for instructions on the Overall Plan for the Construction of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization Ice and Snow Sports Demonstration Area. It is hereby approved as follows:

1、 Agree in principle to the Overall Plan for the Construction of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization Ice and Snow Sports Demonstration Area (hereinafter referred to as the Overall Plan). The Overall Plan was printed and distributed by the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province and the General Administration of Sport, and was seriously organized for implementation.

2、 The construction of the snow and ice sports demonstration area of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, base on the new development stage, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, Give play to the important role of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization Ice and Snow Sports Demonstration Zone as a platform to promote exchanges and cooperation in sports, culture, talents, industries and other fields between the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries and the countries jointly building the "Belt and Road", encourage the first try, innovate the system and mechanism, and improve the level of opening up and cooperation to the outside world at home.

3、 The People's Government of Heilongjiang Province should earnestly strengthen the organization and leadership, improve the mechanism, clarify the division of labor, implement responsibilities, strengthen risk prevention and resolution, and solidly and effectively promote the construction of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization ice and snow sports demonstration area in accordance with the overall requirements and key tasks specified in the Overall Plan.

4、 The General Administration of Sport should work with relevant departments according to the division of responsibilities to strengthen the overall coordination, supervision and guidance of the construction of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization ice and snow sports demonstration area, so as to create a good environment for the construction of the China Shanghai Cooperation Organization ice and snow sports demonstration area. Major issues shall be reported to the Party Central Committee and the State Council in a timely manner.

the state council

March 26, 2024

(This document is publicly released)
