2024-03-13 18:57
Index number: 000014349/2024-00025 Subject classification: Industry, transportation machinery manufacturing and heavy industry
Issued by: the state council Written date: March 7, 2024
title: Circular of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade in
Document No.: GF [2024] No. 7 Date of issue: March 13, 2024

Index number:


Subject classification:

Industry, transportation machinery manufacturing and heavy industry

Issued by:

the state council

Written date:

March 7, 2024


Circular of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade in

Document No.:

GF [2024] No. 7

Date of issue:

March 13, 2024

The State Council issued the "Promotion of Large scale Equipment Renewal and

Notice on the Action Plan for Trade in of Consumer Goods

GF [2024] No. 7

People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions of the State Council, and institutions directly under the State Council:

The Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade in is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please implement it carefully.

the state council

March 7, 2024

(This document is publicly released)

Promote large-scale equipment updates and

Action plan for trade in of consumer goods

Promoting large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in is an important measure to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality development, which will strongly promote investment and consumption, both for the present and the long-term. In order to implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the following action plan is formulated to promote a new round of large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in.

1、 General requirements

To promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, we should follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, implement the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference and the fourth meeting of the Central Finance and Economic Commission, expand domestic demand as a whole and deepen supply side structural reform, implement equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in The four major actions of recycling and standard improvement are to vigorously promote the production and application of advanced equipment, promote the continuous increase of the proportion of advanced production capacity, promote more high-quality durable consumer goods into the lives of residents, unblock the resource recycling chain, and significantly improve the quality and level of the national economy cycle.

——Adhere to market orientation and government guidance. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources, and rely on the market to provide diversified supply and services in combination with the differentiated demand for upgrading various equipment and consumer goods. We will give better play to the role of the government, increase policy support for finance, taxation, finance, investment, etc., play a good policy combination, guide businesses to give up profits moderately, and form the scale effect of upgrading.

——We will continue to encourage the advanced and eliminate the backward. Establish a long-term mechanism combining incentives and constraints, accelerate the elimination of outdated products and equipment, improve safety and reliability, and promote high-end, intelligent and green development of the industry. Accelerate the construction of a unified national market and eliminate local protection.

——Adhere to the standard leading and orderly improvement. Benchmarking the international advanced level and combining the actual development of the industry, we will accelerate the formulation and revision of standards for energy conservation and carbon reduction, environmental protection, safety, recycling and other fields. Taking into account the affordability of enterprises and consumer acceptance, orderly promote the implementation of standards.

By 2027, the scale of equipment investment in industry, agriculture, construction, transportation, education, culture and tourism, medical care and other fields will increase by more than 25% compared with 2023; The energy efficiency of major energy consuming equipment in key industries has basically reached the level of energy conservation, and the proportion of production capacity whose environmental protection performance has reached the level of A has increased significantly. The popularization rate of digital R&D design tools and the numerical control rate of key processes in industrial enterprises above designated size have exceeded 90% and 75% respectively; The recycling volume of end-of-life vehicles will nearly double that of 2023, the trading volume of second-hand vehicles will increase by 45% compared with 2023, and the recycling volume of waste household appliances will increase by 30% compared with 2023. The proportion of renewable materials in resource supply will further increase.

2、 Implement equipment update actions

(1) Promote the renewal and transformation of equipment in key industries. Focusing on promoting new industrialization, focusing on key industries such as iron and steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemical, chemical, building materials, electricity, machinery, aviation, shipbuilding, light textile, electronics, and vigorously promoting the upgrading and technological transformation of production equipment, energy consumption equipment, power transmission and distribution equipment, with energy conservation, ultra-low emissions, safe production, digital transformation, and intelligent upgrading as the important direction. Accelerate the promotion of energy using equipment with advanced energy efficiency and energy-saving level, and implement energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation in different industries and fields. Promote the application of intelligent manufacturing equipment and software, accelerate the construction and popularization of industrial Internet, and foster a new model of intelligent empowerment of the digital economy. Strictly implement mandatory standards such as energy consumption, emissions, safety and the requirements of equipment elimination catalogue, and eliminate substandard equipment according to laws and regulations.

(2) Accelerate the equipment renewal in the field of construction and municipal infrastructure. Focusing on the construction of new urbanization, combined with the promotion of urban renewal and the transformation of old residential areas, we will promote the renewal and transformation of residential elevators, water supply, heat supply, gas supply, sewage treatment, sanitation, urban lifeline engineering, security, etc. by category. Accelerate the renewal of old residential elevators that do not meet the current product standards and have high safety risks. Promote the upgrading and transformation of water plants and pressurized storage and water supply facilities in various regions. We will orderly promote the transformation of heating metering, and continue to promote the renovation of heating facilities and equipment. Focusing on external wall insulation, doors and windows, heating devices, etc., we will promote energy-saving transformation of existing buildings. Continuously implement the renovation and reconstruction of gas and other aging pipelines. Accelerate the promotion of urban domestic sewage and garbage treatment facilities and equipment to remedy weaknesses and strengths. Promote the construction of IOT intelligent perception equipment supporting urban lifeline projects such as underground pipe networks, bridges and tunnels, and manhole covers. Accelerate the transformation of security equipment such as video surveillance in key public areas and roads.

(3) Support the renewal of transportation equipment and old agricultural machinery. We will continue to promote the electrification of urban buses and support the upgrading of old new energy buses and power batteries. Accelerate the elimination of operating diesel trucks with national emission standards of Grade III and below. Strengthen the industrialization capacity construction of green aviation equipment such as electric and hydrogen energy. Accelerate the scrapping and renewal of old ships with high energy consumption and high emissions, vigorously support the development of new energy powered ships, improve the supporting infrastructure and standards for new energy powered ships, and gradually expand the application scope of new energy powered ships such as electric, liquefied natural gas powered, biodiesel powered, and green methanol powered ships. We will continue to implement the subsidy policy for scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery, combine the needs of agricultural production and the development level of agricultural mechanization, solidly promote the scrapping and renewal of old agricultural machinery, and accelerate the structural adjustment of agricultural machinery.

(4) Improve the level of medical equipment for education, culture and tourism. Promote qualified universities and vocational colleges (including technical colleges) to update and replace advanced teaching and scientific research technology equipment, and improve the level of teaching and scientific research. Strictly implement the configuration standards of discipline teaching equipment, ensure the quality and quantity of the configuration and timely update the teaching equipment. Promote the upgrading of cultural and tourism equipment such as cableway cable car, amusement equipment, and performing arts equipment. We will strengthen the construction of a high-quality and efficient medical and health service system, promote the iterative upgrading of medical and health institutions' equipment and information facilities, and encourage qualified medical institutions to accelerate the upgrading of medical equipment such as medical imaging, radiotherapy, remote diagnosis and treatment, and surgical robots. Promote the transformation and improvement of medical institutions' wards, and complement the shortcomings of ward environment and facilities.

3、 Implement the action of trade in consumer goods

(5) Carry out car trade in. We will increase policy support, unblock circulation congestion points, and promote the echelon and renewal of automobile consumption. Organize and carry out national automobile trade in promotion activities, encourage automobile production enterprises and sales enterprises to carry out promotion activities, and guide orderly competition in the industry. Strictly implement the mandatory scrapping standards for motor vehicles and vehicle safety and environmental protection inspection standards, and eliminate old vehicles that meet the mandatory scrapping standards according to laws and regulations. Optimize the automobile purchase restriction measures according to local conditions, and promote the construction of the information interaction system for the full life cycle management of automobile use.

(6) Carry out the exchange of old household appliances for new ones. Take improving convenience as the core, and unblock the household appliances renewal consumption chain. Support household appliance sales enterprises to cooperate with production enterprises and recycling enterprises to carry out trade in promotions, open online and offline trade in zones for household appliances, and give preferential treatment to consumers who trade in old household appliances for energy-saving household appliances. Encourage qualified places to give subsidies to consumers for purchasing green smart home appliances. Accelerate the implementation of home appliance after-sales service improvement.

(7) Promote the renewal of household decoration consumer goods. Support residents to carry out partial renovation of old houses, kitchens and bathrooms, continue to promote the aging renovation of homes, and actively cultivate new consumption such as smart home, through government support, enterprise concessions and other ways. Promote home decoration model rooms into shopping malls, communities and platforms, encourage enterprises to build online model rooms, provide affordable products and services, and meet diversified consumer needs.

4、 Implement recycling action

(8) Improve the recycling network of waste products and equipment. Accelerate the development of the logistics system and new mode of "renewal+recycling", support the production and sales enterprises of durable consumer goods to build a reverse logistics system or cooperate with professional recycling enterprises to collect waste consumer goods at home. Further improve the recycling network of renewable resources and support the construction of a batch of centralized sorting and processing centers. Optimize the layout of end-of-life vehicle recycling and dismantling enterprises, and promote the door-to-door pickup service mode. Improve the recycling channels for office equipment of public institutions. Support the development of online trading platform for waste products and equipment.

(9) Support the circulation and trading of second-hand goods. We will continue to optimize the registration management of second-hand car transactions and facilitate transactions. Vigorously develop used car export business. Promote the standardization of transactions of second-hand electronic products, prevent leakage and maliciously recover user information. We will promote enterprises on the second-hand commodity trading platform to establish and improve the evaluation mechanism for distribution enterprises and users on the platform, and strengthen information sharing on credit records, illegal and dishonest behaviors, etc. Support electronic product manufacturers to develop second-hand transactions, refurbishment and maintenance and other businesses.

(10) Orderly promote remanufacturing and cascade utilization. Encourage the remanufacturing of qualified waste production equipment, and the quality characteristics and safety and environmental protection performance of remanufactured product equipment should not be lower than that of the prototype new product. Promote the application of nondestructive testing, additive manufacturing, flexible processing and other technologies to improve the level of remanufacturing and processing. Deeply promote the remanufacturing of traditional equipment such as auto parts, engineering machinery and machine tools, and explore high-end equipment remanufacturing business in emerging fields such as wind power, photovoltaic and aviation. Accelerate the research and development of residual life assessment technology for wind power photovoltaic, power battery and other product equipment, and orderly promote the cascade utilization of product equipment and key components.

(11) Promote high-level recycling of resources. Promote the agglomeration and large-scale development of renewable resources processing and utilization enterprises, and guide the gradual withdrawal of inefficient production capacity. We will improve the support policies for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products, and study and expand the coverage of the disposal system for waste electrical and electronic products. We will support the construction of a number of industrial clusters for the intensive processing of renewable resources such as scrap steel, scrap non-ferrous metals, and scrap plastics. Actively and orderly develop biomass liquid fuel with waste oil and non grain biomass as main raw materials. Explore the construction of an information tracking system for the use of recycled materials such as recycled plastics and metals that meet international standards. Continuously improve the technical level of waste non-ferrous metal utilization, and strengthen the research, development and application of rare and precious metal extraction technology. Timely improve the import standards and policies for retired power batteries and recycled materials.

5、 Implement standard improvement actions

(12) Accelerate the improvement of energy consumption, emissions and technical standards. Benchmark the international advanced level, accelerate the preparation and revision of a number of mandatory national standards for energy consumption quotas and product and equipment efficiency, dynamically update the advanced level of energy efficiency, energy conservation level and access level of key energy using products and equipment, and accelerate the improvement of energy conservation indicators and market access threshold. Accelerate the upgrading of relevant limit standards for energy consumption values of passenger vehicles and heavy commercial vehicles. Accelerate the improvement of emission standards for key industries, optimize and improve the emission control level of air and water pollutants. We revised and improved the cleaner production evaluation index system, and formulated and revised carbon emission accounting standards for enterprises in key industries. Improve standards for upgrading and decommissioning of wind turbines, photovoltaic equipment and products.

(13) Strengthen the improvement of product technical standards. Focus on mass consumer goods such as automobiles, home appliances, household products, consumer electronics, civil UAVs, and accelerate the upgrading of standards for safety, health, performance, environmental protection, testing, etc. We will accelerate the improvement of the quality and safety standard system for household appliances, and vigorously popularize the safe service life and energy-saving knowledge of household appliances. We will accelerate the upgrading of quality standards for consumer goods, develop a quality and safety supervision catalog for consumer goods, and tighten quality and safety supervision. We will improve standard systems such as carbon labeling, and give full play to the role of standard leadership, green certification, and high-end certification.

(14) Strengthen the standard supply of resource recycling. Improve green design standards such as materials and parts that are easy to be recycled, disassembled, recycled and remanufactured. Formulate and revise recycling standards for renewable resources such as recycling specifications for waste electrical and electronic products. We introduced national standards for information removal methods in second-hand transactions of electronic products such as mobile phones and tablet computers, guided second-hand electronic product distribution enterprises to establish information security management systems and information technology service management systems, and studied and formulated the classification standards for the availability of second-hand electronic products.

(15) Strengthen the convergence of domestic and international standards in key areas. Establish and improve the tracking and transformation mechanism for the consistency of international standards, carry out comparative analysis between Chinese standards and relevant international standards, transform a batch of advanced and applicable international standards, and constantly improve the conversion rate of international standards. Support domestic institutions to actively participate in the formulation and revision of international standards, and support the going global of key industry standards such as new energy vehicles. Strengthen the domestic and international connection of quality standards, inspection and quarantine, certification and accreditation.

6、 Strengthen policy guarantee

(16) We will increase financial policy support. Include eligible equipment renewal and recycling projects into the central budget for investment and other financial support. Adhere to the linkage between the central finance and the local government to support the exchange of old for new consumer goods, and support the exchange of old for new cars that meet the conditions through the energy conservation and emission reduction subsidies arranged by the central finance; Encourage qualified local governments to make overall use of funds related to the modern trade circulation system arranged by the central finance, and support the trade in of durable consumer goods in household appliances and other fields. We will continue to implement subsidies for the renewal of old operating vehicles and ships, and support the renewal of old ships and diesel trucks. Encourage qualified local governments to make overall use of the incentive funds for urban transport development arranged by the central government to support new energy buses and battery upgrading. Make full use of the subsidy policy for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery. The central government set up a special fund to support the recycling and disposal of waste electrical and electronic products. Further improve the government's green procurement policy and increase the procurement of green products. We will tighten financial discipline, strengthen the whole process, chain and all-round supervision of financial funds, and improve the effectiveness and accuracy of the use of financial funds.

(17) We will improve tax support policies. We will increase tax incentives for special equipment for energy and water conservation, environmental protection, and safe production, and include digital and intelligent transformation in the scope of incentives. Promote the practice of "reverse invoicing" of resource recovery enterprises to sellers of scrapped products of natural persons. Cooperate with the simple VAT collection policy of renewable resource recovery enterprises, study and improve the supporting measures for income tax collection and management, and optimize the standards and methods of tax collection and management.

(18) Optimize financial support. Guide financial institutions to strengthen support for equipment renewal and technological transformation by using re lending policy tools; The central finance will give certain discount interest support to bank loans that meet the conditions for reimbursements of re loans. Give play to the role of the working mechanism of expanding medium - and long-term loans to the manufacturing industry. We will guide banking institutions to rationally increase green credit and strengthen financial support for the production, service and consumption of green smart appliances. Banking institutions are encouraged to appropriately reduce the down payment ratio of passenger car loans and reasonably determine the term and credit line of auto loans under the premise of legal compliance and risk control.

(19) Strengthen factor guarantee. Strengthen the guarantee of factors such as land use and energy use for enterprises' technological transformation projects. Simplify the preliminary approval procedures for technical renovation projects that do not require new land and focus on equipment renewal. Coordinate the construction of facilities for classified collection, transit storage and renewable resource recovery of domestic waste in the area, and include them into the scope of public infrastructure land to ensure reasonable land use demand.

(20) Strengthen innovation support. Focusing on the "choke" problem of industrial foundation and major technical equipment that has long plagued the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, we will actively carry out scientific and technological research on major technical equipment. We will improve mechanisms such as "unveiling the list and taking the lead", "horse racing" and innovative product iteration, strengthen the support for manufacturing pilot capacity, and accelerate the industrialization of innovative achievements.

All regions and departments should, under the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, improve the working mechanism, strengthen overall coordination, do a good job in policy interpretation, and create a good social atmosphere to promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in. The National Development and Reform Commission should work with relevant departments to establish special work shifts, strengthen coordination and strengthen central local linkage. All relevant departments should formulate specific plans and supporting policies according to the division of responsibilities, implement department responsibilities, strengthen tracking and analysis, and promote the implementation of various tasks in detail. Major issues shall be reported in time according to procedures.