
It is not allowed to refuse cash and use the "health code" as the only pass voucher... It is convenient for the elderly, and the State Office has issued a document!

2020-11-25 08:26 Source: Chinese government website
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With the rapid development of China's Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other information technologies, intelligent services have profoundly changed our way of life. However, many elderly people cannot access the Internet and use smart phones, and have encountered some "problems" in their daily life, such as travel, medical treatment, consumption and so on. The General Office of the State Council recently issued the "Implementation Plan for Effectively Solving the Difficulties of the Elderly in Using Intelligent Technology", and the state will take the initiative to see how these "problems" can be solved——

Under emergency response state——

"Health code" cannot be used as the only pass certificate!

In case of the need to check the "health code", the information related to epidemic prevention and control will be automatically integrated into the "health code" through technical means, the operation will be simplified for the elderly to use, the services such as agency inspection will be optimized, and the "health code" will continue to be mutually recognized across the country to facilitate the cross provincial passage of the elderly.

All regions shall not use the "health code" as the only certificate for people to pass. For the elderly and other groups, alternative measures can be taken, such as registering with valid identity documents, passing with paper certificates, and showing the "communication travel card" as an auxiliary travel certificate.

In areas and places where conditions permit, "no health code channel" should be set up for the elderly who do not use smart phones to provide service guidance and health verification.

On the premise of fully guaranteeing the security of personal information, promote the correlation between "health code" and ID card, social security card, elderly card, citizen card, etc., and gradually realize "swipe card" or "swipe face" access.

Guarantee the basic service needs of the elderly at home!

Under the normal epidemic prevention and control, in order to effectively solve the difficulties of the elderly who cannot use intelligent technology to access online services, organize, guide and facilitate urban and rural community organizations, institutions and various social forces to enter the community and families, build and transform a number of community consumer service centers, elderly service stations and other facilities, and provide convenience for the elderly at home, especially the elderly, empty nest, disabled The left behind and other key groups provide services such as purchasing articles for daily use, taking out food and beverage, making appointments for housekeeping, collecting and paying on behalf, taking medicine by registration, on-site visits, and spiritual comfort to meet basic living needs.

Provide online and offline emergency rescue and security services!

If necessary intelligent management and service measures need to be taken in the handling of natural disasters, accident disasters, public health events, social security events and other emergencies, the needs of the elderly should be considered in the emergency plan as a whole, and emergency risk reminders, emergency shelters, "one button call" emergency rescue, relocation of the affected population Emergency rescue and support services, such as distribution and distribution of disaster relief materials, which are combined online and offline, can effectively solve the difficulties of the elderly in emergency response.

Daily travel——

Taxi travel: retain the call service and give priority to the elderly!

Maintain patrol taxi call service, and improve telephone connection rate for call service.

Guide the online car hailing platform company to optimize the car hailing software, add the function of "one button car hailing", encourage the provision of on call service, and give priority to the dispatching of cars to the elderly.

Encourage qualified areas to set up taxi waiting points and temporary stops in hospitals, residential areas, important business districts and other places, and provide convenient taxi hailing services relying on information technology.

Public transportation: cash reservation and other modes of travel!

Public transport such as railway, highway, water transport and civil aviation passenger transport, while promoting mobile payment, electronic ticket and code scanning, retains the way of using cash, paper bills, vouchers, certificates and other forms of travel.

Promote the national interconnection and convenient application of all in one traffic cards, support qualified social security cards to increase the traffic function, and encourage the elderly to take urban public transport with ID cards, social security cards, old age cards and other certificates in qualified areas.

Passenger stations: optimize window services!

Further optimize window services such as railway, highway, water transport, civil aviation passenger stations and rail transit stations to facilitate the elderly to purchase tickets and print tickets on site.

The expressway service area, toll station and other service windows should provide the elderly with convenient services and help such as consultation and guidance.

Daily medical treatment——

Multi channel registration!

Medical institutions and relevant enterprises should improve the telephone, network, on-site and other appointment and registration methods, and unblock the appointment and registration channels for the elderly, such as family members, relatives and friends, and family contracted doctors.

Medical institutions should provide a certain proportion of on-site number sources, retain manual service windows such as registration, payment and printing of inspection reports, and provide medical guides, volunteers, social workers and other personnel to provide medical guidance services for the elderly.

Optimize online medical services!

Simplify the online medical service process, and provide voice guidance, manual consultation and other services for the elderly.

We will promote medical services through multiple media such as ID cards, social security cards, and electronic medical insurance vouchers, and encourage the application of face recognition and other technologies in medical scenes.

Daily consumption——

The traditional payment method should be retained!

No unit or individual may reject cash in the form of standard terms, notices, statements, notices, etc.

To improve the face-to-face service of service personnel, retail, catering, shopping malls, parks and other high-frequency consumption places for the elderly, water and electricity fees and other basic public service fees, administrative fees should be paid in cash and bank cards.

We will strengthen the supervision of the payment market, and strengthen the rectification and rectification of discriminatory acts such as refusing to accept cash and bank card payments.

Sites operating in the form of unattended sales should meet consumers' cash payment needs in an appropriate way, and provide cash payment channels or conversion means.

Network consumption should be convenient and safe!

Promote financial institutions, non bank payment institutions, online shopping platforms, etc. to optimize user registration, bank card binding and payment processes, create large print, voice, national language, concise and other mobile banking apps suitable for the elderly, improve the ease of use and security of mobile banking products, and facilitate the elderly's daily consumption of online shopping, food ordering, housekeeping, and living fees.

Platform enterprises should provide technical measures to ensure the online payment security of the elderly.

When participating in cultural and sports activities——

Keep the manual windows and telephone lines!

For parks, sports and fitness venues, tourist attractions, cultural centers, libraries, museums, art galleries and other places that need to be reserved in advance, manual windows and telephone lines should be reserved, and a certain number of offline free entry or ticket purchase quotas should be reserved for the elderly.

Provide necessary information guidance, manual assistance and other services for the elderly to enter sports venues and tourist attractions, obtain electronic explanations, participate in national fitness events, and use intelligent fitness equipment.

When doing business——

Realize convenient handling and agency!

Relying on the national integrated government service platform, we will further promote the sharing of government data, optimize government services, and facilitate the handling of high-frequency services for the elderly, such as social insurance treatment qualification certification, allowance and subsidy collection, so that the elderly can do less errands.

The government service platforms at all levels should have the functions of authorized agents, relatives and friends, etc., to facilitate the elderly who do not use or operate smart phones to handle affairs online.

Set up necessary offline service channels!

High frequency services such as medical care, social security, civil affairs, finance, telecommunications, postal services, letters and visits, entry and exit, and living payment should retain offline processing channels and extend to the grassroots.

The physical service hall and community comprehensive service facilities should be reasonably arranged, equipped with guiding personnel, set up on-site reception windows, give priority to receiving the elderly, promote "one-stop" services, and further improve the elderly's service experience.

When using smart products——

Mobile phones and other smart terminal products are aging!

Promote the aging transformation of smart terminal products such as mobile phones to make them more convenient for the elderly, such as large screen, large font, large volume, large battery capacity, simple operation, etc.

Actively develop intelligent end products such as intelligent accessories, smart home and health monitoring, elderly care, etc.

Internet applications are aging!

Focus on promoting the aging adaptation of Internet websites and mobile Internet applications closely related to the daily life of the elderly, such as government services, community services, news media, social communications, life shopping, financial services, so as to make it easier for the elderly to access information and services.

Optimize functions such as interface interaction, content reading, operation prompt, voice assistance, etc., encourage enterprises to provide "care mode" and "elder mode" of relevant applications, and incorporate barrier free transformation into daily update and maintenance.

Deep coverage, lower charges!

We will promote in-depth coverage of mobile networks in administrative villages, and strengthen broadband network coverage of elderly care service institutions and elderly activity centers in remote areas.

We will carry out targeted cost reduction, guide basic telecom enterprises to provide more preferential rates for the elderly, reasonably reduce the cost of mobile phones, broadband networks and other services, and launch more affordable telecommunications services for the elderly.

[I want to correct mistakes] Editor in charge: Song Yan
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