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 Lichuang Industry is a member on the list of China Intelligent Manufacturing Network
two thousand and eighteen 05-31
Lichuang Industry is a member on the list of China Intelligent Manufacturing Network

Hangzhou Lichuang Industrial Co., Ltd. is an enterprise integrating production, sales and research and development. The company is a member of China Intelligent Manufacturing Network. In recent years, China has accelerated the transformation of the traditional extensive economic development model and vigorously promoted high-quality economic development,

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Technical Center
  • 06-06 two thousand and twenty-four
    Talking about the application and advantages of industrial humidification equipment

    Industrial humidifying equipment plays an important role in various production environments. They can adjust and control environmental humidity, improve the working environment and production efficiency. Let's discuss the advantages of industrial humidification equipment and its role in different application fields. First, one of the advantages of industrial humidification equipment is to improve production efficiency.

  • 05-19 two thousand and twenty-four
    Explain in detail the importance of humidification in paint spraying workshop

    In the paint shop, air drying will lead to quality problems such as unsmooth and crazing on the paint surface. Therefore, in the process of painting, it is necessary to adjust the temperature and humidity of the workshop. Humidification can make the paint have better fluidity and reduce tower lines after drying, which is helpful to improve the coating quality and operation efficiency. Usually

  • 05-18 two thousand and twenty-four
    Spray humidifier is an effective tool to improve indoor humidity

    Spray humidification equipment is a kind of equipment commonly used to improve air humidity and increase indoor comfort. Its principle is to improve the humidity in the air by transforming water into tiny water mist particles and releasing them into the air. Spray humidification equipment is widely used in various indoor environments such as homes, offices and commercial places. below

  • 05-17 two thousand and twenty-four
    Two fluid humidifier is a common industrial humidification equipment

    Two fluid humidifier is a kind of commonly used industrial humidification equipment, which is used in air conditioning systems, greenhouses, laboratories and other places. It can improve the humidity in the air by converting water into steam and releasing steam into the air. The humidification effect is realized based on thermodynamic principle. It mainly consists of the following parts: water

  • 05-16 two thousand and twenty-four
    The Importance and Application of Humidification Technology in Printing Workshop

    In the printing workshop, it is very important to maintain proper humidity for printing quality and normal operation of equipment. This article will introduce the importance, working principle and wide application of humidification technology in printing workshop. 1、 The importance of humidity control in the printing workshop During the printing process, the paper is easy to absorb or lose moisture, while the humidity

  • 05-15 two thousand and twenty-four
    Basic measures and practical methods for dust reduction in cement plants

    With the rapid development of industrialization, environmental pollution has become increasingly serious. Among them, the production process of the cement plant will produce a large amount of dust, which seriously affects the surrounding environment and human health. Therefore, it is of great significance for environmental protection and workers' health to explore the methods of dust reduction in cement plants. Background cement plant is a typical powder

  • 05-14 two thousand and twenty-four
    What is the significance of spraying disinfection in pig farms?

    Swine farm spray disinfection is a very important part of the daily management of pig farms, which can effectively prevent and control the spread of diseases, maintain the health of pigs and clean breeding environment. The significance of spray disinfection: 1. Prevention of disease transmission: pig farms are places where a large number of pigs are intensively raised, and the spread of disease is fast. By spraying

  • 05-13 two thousand and twenty-four
    Guide for selecting and purchasing spray dust suppression equipment in crushing workshop

    The spray dust suppression equipment in the crushing workshop is a common industrial production scene, which has caused certain pollution and health risks to the environment due to the causes of dust. In order to solve this problem, it is widely used in the crushing workshop. 1. Spray technology: transform water or other liquids into small droplets or mist by spray technology

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