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catalog: Beijing Zhonghang Dingli Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd >> Sponge foam falling ball rebound tester >> Sponge foam ball falling rebound tester >>Sponge foam falling ball rebound tester

Sponge foam falling ball rebound tester
  •  Sponge foam falling ball rebound tester
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  • brand AVIC
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  • Location Beijing


Updated: 2024-05-30 10:28:55 Number of views: one thousand seven hundred and fifty-one evaluate

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Sponge foam ball fall rebound tester Place the ball fall rebound tester on a horizontal desktop or ground. If the placement plane is not horizontal, use a level ruler to adjust the placement plane to be horizontal first, and then check whether the upper panel of a ball fall rebound is horizontal. If it is not, turn the bottom screw to be horizontal(

Sponge foam falling ball rebound tester


I Sponge foam falling ball rebound tester an instruction manual

1. Place the falling ball rebound tester on a horizontal table top or ground. If the placement plane is not horizontal, use a level ruler to adjust the placement plane to be horizontal first, and then check whether the upper panel of a falling ball rebound is horizontal. If not, turn the base screw to adjust it to be horizontal (it has been adjusted when leaving the factory, and it needs to be adjusted again if there is any change during transportation).

2. Adjust the test falling height according to the height to be tested, and press or remove the height adjustment block.

3. Connect the sensor data line on the ball drop rebound tester host to the "data line" interface on the control box, connect the 5V power supply to the "power" interface on the control box, and then turn on the "power switch" to supply power to the equipment.

4. Cut the sample into 100mm * 100mm * 50mm, place it on the sample platform, adjust the height of the platform, and clamp the sample with the upper panel.


5. At this time, the instrument will display "Welcome to use the falling ball rebound test system". Click "Test" to enter the interface for selecting the test height. Continue to press the "Test" key, and it will switch between 500mm and 460mm. When the arrow points to the corresponding height, click "OK" to enter the test interface.


6. At this time, the interface displays, "In test". The steel ball is released through the steel ball release device. At this time, it displays the end of the test. If the test does not hit the wall, click "OK" to save the test results, and the test data is valid. Otherwise, click "Cancel", and the test is invalid.


7. Take out the steel ball through the steel ball release device, click "Test", and the screen will display "Under Test". Continue the test, so the test is valid for 9 times, and click "Print" to print the test report.


8. At any time, all previous tests can be invalidated and restarted by pressing the "Return" button.


9. The test report includes four parts of information: test height, test times, average rebound height and average rebound rate.


10. After the test, turn off the "power switch" to end the test.

Sponge foam falling ball rebound tester How to troubleshoot

  • Check whether your sensor is good or bad. Remove the sensor and face the sky. The sensor indicator light should be off
  • Detect the sensor reaction, face the distance sensor, cover it with hand, and the light is on.
  • Adjust the sensor detection distance, adjust the sensor indicator potentiometer (golden knob) to the appropriate position, only obstacles twenty The lamp is on about cm.
  • Test the system, click the start interface to enter the detection, and use your fingers to move back and forth in front of the sensor three The interface displays the end of the experiment, click OK to view the data, and adjust back and forth three Time interval, see whether the test data changes.
  • Install the mechanical device to start the test.


Problem handling:

In the experiment, check whether the sensor indicator light is on. If it is on, It indicates that there is an obstacle in front of the sensor. Solution: adjust the reaction distance; Adjust the sensor angle


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