Ningbo Zhizao Digital Technology Co., Ltd
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Ningbo Zhizao Digital Technology Co., Ltd

MAKEX Intelligent Manufacturing Technology is a young, energetic and innovative company. Founded at the end of 2013, it is a high-tech company founded by post-80s overseas returnees. Our team focuses on the possibility of developing new technologies, exploring cutting-edge design, developing 3d printing technology and designing and customizing 3d products. It is a young company full of creativity and challenges. We welcome young people with ideals and passion for creation to join our team.

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Enterprise business information

corporate name

Ningbo Zhizao Digital Technology Co., Ltd

date of establishment

January 2, 2014 [Certified]

registered capital

RMB 4 million [Certified]

Legal representative

Pan Junshen [Certified]

Registration No

91330212084785502T [Certified]

Business Term

long-term [Certified]

registration authority

Ningbo Yinzhou District Market Supervision Administration [Certified]

Enterprise type

company with limited liability [Certified]

Business scope

R&D, manufacturing, processing, wholesale and retail of 3D printers and molds (manufacturing and processing are limited to branches) [Certified]