thirteen billion five hundred and eighty-three million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-six

Shandong Dacheng Anti corrosion and Thermal Insulation Installation Engineering Co., Ltd
Intermediate member | 11th year

Company Dynamics

two thousand and twenty-two 06-29

Notice on Anticorrosion, Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling in Dacheng

In summer, the sunshine intensity is high and the hot weather continues. In order to effectively prevent heatstroke at the summer operation site, ensure the health of employees, constantly improve the working conditions and prevent high temperature

two thousand and twenty-two 06-22

Heatstroke prevention and cooling in big cities of shandong province

In the midsummer, the sunshine intensity is high and the hot weather continues. In order to effectively prevent heatstroke at the construction site in summer, ensure the health of operators, and constantly improve the working conditions

two thousand and twenty-two 06-14

Safety production of Dacheng anti-corrosion workshop

Safety production is the top priority of enterprise development, especially the work of our special industry. Safety is the life of the enterprise and the foundation of production and operation. Only improving safety in production

two thousand and twenty-two 06-06

Loving Dragon Boat Festival, fragrant rice dumplings

"The Dragon Boat Festival", a folk festival that has been popular for more than 2000 years, has gone through the vast history, and has been washed through the ups and downs of the years,

Shandong Dacheng Anti corrosion and Thermal Insulation Installation Engineering Co., Ltd

Linyi Polyurethane Insulating Pipe Co., Ltd. is a group company with a history of more than 20 years in Linyi, with a registered capital of 50 million yuan. At the same time, it was invited to participate in the CCTV Dialogue on Influence CCTV 7, CCTV Securities, and CCTV Network. Linyi Polyurethane Insulation Pipe Co., Ltd.polyurethane insulation pipe, polyurethane direct buried pipe, direct buried insulation pipe, prefabricated direct buried insulation pipe insulation pipe insulation pipe insulation pipe insulation pipe factory polyurethane insulation pipe insulation pipe factory insulation pipe, direct buried insulation pipe, polyurethane insulation pipe, steel sheathed insulation pipe, prefabricated direct buried insulation pipe Shandong insulation pipe, prefabricated direct buried polyurethane insulation pipe, directly buried insulation pipe, Linyi insulation pipe, Polyammonium

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