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The National Letters and Calls Bureau further standardized the procedures for handling letters and calls
Measures for Guiding Visitors to Visit Levels by Levels in accordance with Law (GXF [2014] No. 4)

Portal of the National Bureau of Letters and Calls www.gjxfj.gov.cn Date: 2014-04-24 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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The National Letters and Calls Bureau further standardized the procedures for handling letters and calls
Measures for guiding visitors to visit level by level according to law

Article 1 In order to further strengthen the territorial responsibility, improve the efficiency of complaint reporting, guide visitors to visit level by level according to law, and promote the timely and local settlement of complaint reporting matters, the Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations on Complaints and Complaints and the Opinions on Innovating the Working Methods of the Masses to Solve the Outstanding Problems of Complaints and Complaints, and in combination with the actual work.

Article 2 The complaint reporting agencies of the people's governments at all levels and other administrative organs shall accept the complaint reporting matters within the scope of their duties at different levels in accordance with the principles and relevant provisions of the "Regulations on Complaints and Complaints" of "territorial management, hierarchical responsibility, who is in charge, who is responsible for it, and the combination of solving problems in a timely and local manner in accordance with the law and persuasion and education", and handle them according to the prescribed procedures and time limits.

Article 3 The people's governments at all levels and the working departments of the people's governments at or above the county level should attach great importance to the first letter and first visit, timely and properly handle the matters of letters and visits on the spot, and prevent the letters and visits from going up due to the untimely acceptance and handling.

Article 4 Petitioners shall generally submit complaints in written form such as letters, e-mails and online complaints. A complainant who proposes a complaint reporting matter in the form of a personal visit shall, according to the nature and level of jurisdiction of the complaint reporting matter, go to a reception place established or designated by the authority at the same level or a higher level that has the authority to handle the matter according to law. The first organ to be interviewed shall accept the case first and shall not shirk responsibility.

The higher authorities will not accept the complaint reporting matters that cross the same level and the higher authorities, and guide the visitors to submit them in writing or in the form of visits to the authorities that have the authority to deal with them according to law, and at the same time, report the relevant information to the lower authorities in a timely manner.

Article 5 The complaint reporting agencies of the people's governments at all levels and other administrative organs shall register the complaint reporting matters reported by the visitors one by one, decide whether to accept them within the prescribed time limit, and inform the visitors. The competent authority must issue a notice of acceptance to the visitor. If it does not fall within the scope of its own acceptance, the acceptance authority shall be specified.

The "three spans and three separations" complaint reporting matters shall be divided into responsibilities, accepted and handled in accordance with the principles and procedures specified in Article 24 of the Regulations on Complaints and Calls and the Working Norms for the National Complaints and Calls Bureau to Coordinate the "three spans and three separations" complaint reporting matters.

Article 6 The complaint reporting office and other administrative organs of the people's government at all levels shall not accept the complaint reporting matters that fall within the scope of the functions and powers of the people's congresses at all levels, the standing committees of the people's congresses at or above the county level, the people's courts and the people's procuratorates, as well as those that have been or should be resolved by legal means such as litigation, arbitration, administrative reconsideration, etc. according to law, However, the visitor shall be informed to submit it to the relevant authorities in accordance with the procedures prescribed by relevant laws and administrative regulations.

Article 7 If a complaint reporting matter has been accepted or is being handled, and the visitor submits the same complaint reporting matter to the superior authority of the accepting or handling authority within the prescribed time limit, the superior authority shall not accept it.

Article 8 If a visitor refuses to accept the opinions on handling (re examination) of complaint reporting matters, and visits the higher authorities again without making a request for re examination (re examination), the complaint reporting office of the people's government at all levels and other administrative organs shall not accept it, and guide the visitor to go through the procedure of re examination (re examination).

Article 9 If the complaint reporting matter is not satisfied with the handling (review) opinions, but without justified reasons, the complaint reporting matter is not submitted for review (review) within the specified time limit, it shall not be accepted.

If the petition has been reviewed and confirmed by the provincial (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) people's government review and review institution, or the petition has been reviewed and filed and entered into the national petition information system, and the visitor still makes a complaint with the same fact and reason, the petition work agencies and other administrative organs of the people's governments at all levels will no longer accept it.

Article 10 If the central and state organ's reception department has not submitted the complaint reporting matter to the provincial people's government's complaint reporting office and other administrative organs, or the relevant provincial department is handling the complaint reporting matter and does not exceed the statutory processing time limit, it shall not be accepted; If the petition has been reviewed and concluded, it will not be accepted.

Article 11 The competent authority shall handle the complaint reporting matters within the prescribed time limit, issue the handling opinions to the visitors, and inform them of the time limit and authority for requesting reexamination (review). If it is necessary to postpone the processing, a notice of extension shall be issued. If a visitor requests reexamination (review), the reexamination (review) authority shall notify in writing whether it accepts the request and issue a reexamination (review) opinion within the specified time limit.

The handling opinions, notice of extension and review (recheck) opinions shall be delivered to the visitors in time and the signing procedures shall be strictly followed.

Article 12 The complaint reporting agencies of the people's governments at all levels and other administrative organs shall record the information of complaint reporting matters and all written documents in the process of acceptance and handling into the national complaint reporting information system in a timely manner to ensure standardized procedures, complete data and information sharing.

Article 13 The complaint reporting office of the people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for supervising the acceptance and handling of complaint reporting matters by the relevant administrative organs at the same level and lower levels. For those who fail to register and input as required, fail to accept and handle complaint reporting matters as required, fail to accept and handle complaint reporting matters according to the specified time limit and procedures, and fail to implement the complaint reporting matters handling opinions, causing people to skip the level to visit, they shall supervise the handling in accordance with Article 36 of the Complaint Reporting Regulations, put forward suggestions for improvement, and report as appropriate; If the circumstances are serious or serious consequences are caused, suggestions on accountability shall be made to the relevant local authorities and departments in accordance with the Regulations on Letters and Calls and the Interim Provisions on Disciplinary Punishment for Violation of Letters and Calls.

Article 14 The complaint reporting agencies of the people's governments at all levels and other administrative organs shall carry out legal publicity and education in various forms, guide visitors to submit complaint reporting matters in written form, and make level by level visits in accordance with the procedures specified in the Regulations on Complaints.

Article 15 The complaint reporting agencies of the people's governments of all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the reception departments of the central and state organs shall, in accordance with the Complaints Regulations and these Measures, and in combination with the actual situation of their own departments in their respective regions, formulate detailed rules for implementation. Social organizations, enterprises and institutions shall refer to these Measures.

Article 16 These Measures shall be interpreted by the National Bureau of Letters and Calls.

Article 17 These Measures shall come into force as of May 1, 2014.

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