Core functions

Omni channel coverage

More convenient channel expansion

Open up all mainstream cross-border e-commerce platforms, cover order management and performance of all categories and channels, and realize real-time viewing and analysis of sales performance data of all channels.

Lean analysis is more convenient

Easier operation

Integrate sales, advertising, and inventory data, support multi-dimensional and 120+indicator analysis, customize daily, weekly, and monthly reports in templates, improve management efficiency, and optimize decision-making processes.

More standardized business processes

Integration of purchase, sales and inventory management

Realize closed-loop data management for replenishment, planning, purchase, shipment, and logistics tracking. Business flow is more standardized, inventory control is clearer, and capital utilization is more reasonable.

More efficient business collaboration

Clearer target management

Integrate nail, fly book and WeChat, promote digital transformation, break through data barriers in sales, procurement, logistics and finance, and support tracking of six indicators.

Efficient advertising

Intelligent release of hands

Provide multinational multi store refined advertising and data analysis for SP, SD and SB advertising, reduce repeated inefficient work, and maximize advertising benefits.

One stop customer service management

Improve EDM rate

Support the integration of multi-channel and multi store communication channels such as in station letters and mails, and the automatic and regular marketing of omni channels, with the EDM rate increased by 35%.

Efficient operational tools

Supporting efficient operation

Configure efficient operational tools such as risk early warning, pricing profit trial, follow up monitoring claims, and Chatgpt AI processing to help improve operational efficiency.

Easier financial management

More accurate profit accounting

Automatic accounting of revenue, expenditure, cost and profit supports multi-dimensional financial report analysis of stores and commodities, and the business status of enterprises is clear.

Create products that meet the needs of sellers and efficiently solve business problems


Intelligent monitoring of abnormal state

Intelligent analysis to guide decision-making

Realize intelligent operation management


Deep docking platform

Data driven business growth

Realize lean management of operation and cost


All business data types

Full coverage of functional scenarios

All data analysis dimensions

Technology driven, innovation led, all-round escort

 Independent deployment
Independent deployment

One store corresponds to one server

Exclusive resources, no downtime in peak season

Store account connects to independent server to store data, which is safe and reliable

 "API+RPA" dual docking mode
"API+RPA" dual docking mode

Rely on unique underlying technical architecture

More powerful functions and more timely data acquisition

Higher accuracy, security and stability

Container deployment of microservice architecture

Flexible scalability, customers can expand capacity on demand

High performance and stability, support request concurrency

Dynamic elastic scaling to achieve high data timeliness

 Container deployment of microservice architecture
Service, success is defined by customer success

Wide service area

1V1 system demonstration, covering the whole country

4 regions, 20+urban operation centers


Customer service responded quickly

Provide professional, meticulous and patient customers

Service, 7 * 24H timely response

 two hundred
two hundred

Strong service team

Team 200+, implementation personnel from planning, deployment to implementation, all-round, professional and reliable

 three hundred and sixty
three hundred and sixty

Complete training system

Comprehensive and systematic training to make the seller fast

Use the system to go to sea easily

National Information Security Classification Protection Certification

Jijia ERP has obtained the national information security level protection level 3 filing certification.

The highest level of domestic non banking institutions.

Amazon official certification

 Amazon SPN service provider
Amazon SPN service provider
 Amazon Technology Partner
Amazon Technology Partner
 Senior partner of Amazon advertising
Senior partner of Amazon advertising
 Amazon TSPN partner service provider
Amazon TSPN partner service provider
Jijia ERP is used by the brand

Anke Innovation

The digital construction capability of Jijia ERP can help us deal with massive data more flexibly and conveniently, promote business innovation, and achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.

Hisense Group

Jijia ERP's e-commerce middle office solution has helped us complete the data access of cross-border platforms. During the whole project process, it has given efficient professional guidance and great help. It has fast response speed and high coverage of business requirements, greatly reducing the entire project cycle.

Median Holdings

Jijia ERP is connected with SAP system to complete the integration of financial system. The e-commerce platform and the ERP system realize dynamic synchronization of sales orders, capture the settlement data of sales orders and automatically transfer it to the ERP system, automatically parse and generate SAP documents of revenue, expenses and refunds, greatly reducing the manual processing workload, and improving the efficiency and accuracy of financial accounting data.

Shenzhen Zebao

All along, we have been conducting independent research and development. As time goes by, we have found that there are more and more internal personalized demands, more and more bloated systems, and more and more R&D investment. In order to reduce costs and increase efficiency, the company needs to carry out external procurement. In a comprehensive comparison, Zenga ERP stands out. As a result, we abandoned some of our self-developed systems and comprehensively entered into Jijia to realize the business integration of WMS and Kingdee Cloud Starry, greatly reducing the company's R&D investment while quickly meeting internal business demands.

Ape man innovation

Our company attaches great importance to data security and store compliance demands, and will focus on assessment when using third-party ERP products. The original purpose of ERP system is to solve the internal management problems, so that the operation customer service can be separated from the Amazon background, improve the internal compliance and management efficiency, and assist the compliance operation of enterprises. The above requirements can be well met by the product plus ERP.

Shanghai Sishun

Our company's systems are all self-developed. Amazon uses MWS to complete the platform docking. However, in 2021, Amazon will launch the SP-API interface, which will lead to the need to restructure the original MWS docking business. The Jijia e-commerce middle office will completely solve the problem of our SP-API access, let us quickly complete the interface replacement, and ensure the smooth transition of the company's internal interface.

Beisi Technology

As a leading new life digital brand in the industry, we attach great importance to the after-sales product experience. The design of the Jijia operation and customer service segments is very consistent with our business scenarios, and has played a very good supporting role in our cross-border customer service system. The functions such as customer service feedback tracking, RMA management, label analysis, etc. have effectively solved the needs of closed-loop management of customer service business.

Zhangzhou vitality

After the launch of Jijia ERP, our procurement process, especially the outsourcing process, can all realize online process management, and the data of each department can be exchanged, which not only effectively improves the management efficiency of procurement personnel on suppliers, but also improves the collaboration efficiency of internal work.

Lin's Wood Industry

We have an in-house research team, which is mainly to solve the internal delivery business demands, but there is no product support in terms of operation and after-sales. The omni channel product system of Jijia ERP has well met our business requirements in terms of operation and customer service. The openness of Jijia ERP has also enabled us to quickly connect with the self-developed system and achieve internal business closed-loop.

The Frog Prince

As a customer of Jijia 1.0, we stopped cooperation in 2018 due to various reasons. In 2020, in a new round of ERP model selection, we again chose Jijia. From the beginning of Jijia 1.0 to the current version of Jijia X, the whole system has changed greatly. Both system functions and system interactions have been significantly improved. Business scenarios have higher coverage and are easy to use. We also believe that the future of Jijia will be better and better once again.

Zhongyuan Home

Jijia's operation system is very meticulous and the data is very comprehensive, which has greatly helped us in Amazon's operation and greatly improved our internal efficiency.

Seal of Zhuhai Yizhi

The feedback from our sales colleagues is very positive, and the user activity is much higher than that of the original system. Jijia ERP provides us with a standardized management system, which can be directly used for sales decision-making and management optimization.

Jimi Technology

Our company's cross-border business has just started, focusing on Amazon and eBay. Our products are relatively high in value. The eBay platform mainly focuses on overseas warehouse delivery, so we attach great importance to order synchronization and overseas warehouse delivery. The integrated ERP multi-channel and the full process closed-loop of overseas warehouse are very good solutions to our demands for overseas expansion.