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The Story of the Sky (0.1 fold) must see introduction for beginners

2024-05-13 17:46:18 Source: Game dog sorting Editor: Yao

Cangkong Tale is a very strategic role-playing game. It is very important to match the strongest lineup in the game. This article will introduce how to create the strongest lineup in detail.

Importance of lineup selection

A reasonable lineup can make players more skillful in battle and avoid being easily defeated by the enemy. Many factors need to be considered when building the lineup.

Selection of tank roles

Tank characters play an important role in the battle. They can absorb a lot of damage and provide more time for the rear row to output damage. It is very important to choose a strong tank role.

Selection of output roles

Output characters are the main source of lethality in battle. They usually have very high attack power and critical hit rate. You need to pay special attention to these attributes when selecting an output character.

Selection of auxiliary roles

Auxiliary characters also play a very important role in fighting. They can provide various beneficial buffs and healing effects to provide support for fighting. It is necessary to reasonably select auxiliary roles when building the lineup.

Recommendations for tank roles

Recommended tank characters are: Griffin, Hell Knight, Giant Bird, etc. They have high durability and good output ability.

Recommendations for output roles

Recommended output characters are: assassin, mage, archer, etc. They have very high output ability and critical hit rate, and can cause fatal damage in battle.

Recommendation of auxiliary roles

Recommended auxiliary roles are: healers, summoners, dragon subduers, etc. They can provide various beneficial buffs and healing effects to provide support for combat.

Example 1 of lineup matching

The recommended lineup is: Griffin (tank), Assassin (output), Therapist (auxiliary), Mage (output), Summoner (auxiliary). This lineup has strong output ability and healing ability.

Example 2 of lineup matching

The recommended lineup is: Dark Knight (tank), Archer (output), Dragon Subduing Master (auxiliary), Mage (output), Therapist (auxiliary). This lineup has strong healing ability and control ability.

Method of optimizing lineup

Optimizing the lineup can make the lineup more perfect and improve the battle winning rate. Optimization methods include improving role level, upgrading equipment and skills, and cultivating pets.

Increase role level

Improving character level can improve their attributes and abilities, making them more powerful. You can obtain experience value by completing tasks, typing copies, etc.

Upgrade equipment and skills

Upgrading equipment and skills can improve the character's fighting ability. Equipment and skills can be upgraded through synthesis, enhancement, etc.

Cultivate pets

Pets can provide various beneficial buffs and attack effects to help characters. You can obtain pets by capturing wild pets or buying pet eggs.


In The Story of the Sky, the selection of lineup is very important, and a reasonable match of lineup can improve the battle winning rate. It is suggested that players should consider the character's attributes and abilities comprehensively when selecting a lineup to create the strongest lineup.

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