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Holy Spirit (0.1% off magic exosphere to give 100 draws) Detailed explanation of each skill effect

2024-05-10 16:58:03 Source: Game dog sorting Editor: Yao

Bleeding, lighting, cursing, poisoning: take fixed damage each round. The more layers you stack, the higher the damage

Stunned, Petrified, Frozen, Sleep: Heroes cannot act

Seal: The unit with this status cannot generate critical hit, and passive skills cannot be triggered

Weak: The unit with this state stops moving for 1 round, and this state cannot be stacked

Silence: The unit with this status cannot use the skill

Aggressive: The unit with this status will be forced to attack the aggressor only with general attack

Hit rate of skill effect: actual hit rate of skill effect=effect hit attribute - effect resistance attribute

Buff stacking rule: buffs of the same type do not stack by default. When there are multiple buffs of the same type, the strongest effect will take effect. Stackable buffs will be specially described in buff description

Holy Soul

Type: 0.1% off 160 people have played

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