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A ( one hundred and two thousand seven hundred and forty-three ) B ( eighty-eight thousand six hundred and eighty-eight ) C ( one hundred and two thousand and twenty-seven ) D ( fifty-six thousand six hundred and sixteen ) E ( thirty-six thousand two hundred and fourteen ) F ( seventy-eight thousand four hundred and fifty-four ) G ( fifty-six thousand four hundred and thirty-two ) H ( sixty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty-four ) I ( forty-nine thousand eight hundred and thirty-four ) J ( twenty-one thousand three hundred and ninety-one ) K ( thirty-five thousand four hundred and twenty-nine ) L ( fifty-two thousand six hundred and eighty-three ) M ( ninety-nine thousand four hundred and ninety-seven ) N ( sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-six ) O ( twenty-three thousand six hundred and sixty-two ) P ( seventy thousand three hundred and twenty-three ) Q ( twelve thousand one hundred and twenty-nine ) R ( fifty thousand nine hundred and forty-six ) S ( one hundred and twelve thousand one hundred and forty-one ) T ( eighty-five thousand five hundred and fifty-eight ) U ( twenty-three thousand seven hundred and forty-one ) V ( twenty-three thousand seven hundred and four ) W ( twenty-five thousand and nineteen ) X ( seven thousand and nineteen ) Y ( thirteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven ) Z ( seventeen thousand and sixty-one ) Symbol ( twelve thousand two hundred and seventy-two ) number ( ten thousand one hundred and sixty-five ) other ( eleven thousand four hundred and eighty-two )
Adelamic ( eighty-seven ) Ahom ( one hundred ) arabic ( forty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine ) Avistoic ( two hundred and four ) Ai Lin Miwen ( twelve ) Anatolian hieroglyphs ( eight hundred and eighty-six ) Oriya ( six thousand one hundred and thirty-two ) Baspa ( one thousand three hundred and nine ) Balinese ( four hundred and seventy-five ) Inscription of Pahlavi ( one hundred and thirty-five ) Pahlavi ( one hundred and eight ) Batak ( three hundred and ninety-one ) Bergeri Miao ( nineteen ) Baikushigi ( ninety-seven ) Buginese ( five hundred and ninety-three ) Bushedin ( five thousand five hundred and fifteen ) Chuck Marvin ( one hundred and thirty-one ) Tai Tan ( five hundred and thirty-four ) Dai language in Dehong ( seven hundred and eighty-five ) Dives Akuruwen ( forty-four ) Dogla ( twenty-two ) Phoenician ( two hundred and eighty-nine ) Ganjaragon German ( twenty-seven ) Khmer ( nine thousand five hundred and seventy-eight ) Granta ( one thousand five hundred and twenty-nine ) Gubei Arabic ( one hundred and six ) Old Persian ( two hundred and fourteen ) Gujarati ( seven thousand and six hundred ) Gumuji ( seven thousand one hundred and thirty-seven ) Arabics ( four hundred and four ) more...
Elbasan ( one hundred and twenty-one ) Duroy's shorthand ( fifty-six ) Caucasian Albanian ( one hundred and sixteen ) Gothic ( four hundred and seven ) Glagolitic ( five thousand five hundred and two ) Georgian ( thirteen thousand one hundred and sixty-six ) Guperm ( one hundred and eleven ) Old Hungarian ( one hundred and ten ) Old Italic ( six hundred and fifty-three ) Latin ( one million four hundred and one thousand four hundred and twenty-six ) braille ( twenty-five thousand four hundred and eighty-four ) ogham ( six thousand and ninety ) Runes ( seven thousand five hundred and forty-five ) Cyprian ( one hundred and eighty ) Cyrillic ( two hundred and sixty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-five ) Greek ( six hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred and thirty-two ) Linear A ( one hundred and twenty-five ) Linear B ( four hundred and fifty-three ) Bernard Shaw ( two hundred and seventy-three ) Armenian ( fifteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-five ) Symbol ( one million two hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-seven ) Unknown text ( four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine )
arabic ( forty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine ) Ethiopic ( seven thousand three hundred and twenty-five ) Obo Kevin ( twenty-three ) Ottoman ( two hundred and thirty-seven ) Bamum ( one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two ) Bashavah ( fifty-five ) Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs ( one hundred and sixty-three ) Coptic ( one thousand one hundred and sixty-two ) Latin ( one million four hundred and one thousand four hundred and twenty-six ) braille ( twenty-five thousand four hundred and eighty-four ) Meroy handwriting ( one hundred and thirty-two ) Meroy hieroglyphs ( one hundred and twenty ) Mende syllabic writing ( fifty-two ) Tifinagh ( one thousand two hundred and fifteen ) Vai ( two thousand and sixteen ) West African written languages ( nine hundred and sixty-seven ) Symbol ( one million two hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-seven ) Unknown text ( four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine )
North America
Oserzhi ( one hundred and fifteen ) Deseret ( six hundred and six ) Canadian Aboriginal Unified Syllabic Writing ( six thousand nine hundred and forty-four ) Latin ( one million four hundred and one thousand four hundred and twenty-six ) braille ( twenty-five thousand four hundred and eighty-four ) Cherokee ( ten thousand two hundred and eighty-five ) Symbol ( one million two hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-seven ) Unknown text ( four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine )
South America
Latin ( one million four hundred and one thousand four hundred and twenty-six ) braille ( twenty-five thousand four hundred and eighty-four ) Symbol ( one million two hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-seven ) Unknown text ( four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine )
Latin ( one million four hundred and one thousand four hundred and twenty-six ) braille ( twenty-five thousand four hundred and eighty-four ) Symbol ( one million two hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-seven ) Unknown text ( four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine )
Business must be authorized ( nine hundred and thirty-one thousand six hundred and forty-six ) Free and commercially available ( seventy-two thousand two hundred and sixty-one ) MacOS system is commercially available ( one thousand one hundred and ninety-one ) Alibaba platform is commercially available ( thirty-one ) The JD platform is commercially available ( seventy-two ) The word is commercially available by the client ( ninety-five ) IFonts client is commercially available ( two hundred and forty-one ) IFontCloud client is commercially available ( two ) Personal non-commercial ( nine thousand three hundred and forty-nine )
Official distribution ( eight hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred and sixty ) Extract Transform ( one hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred and sixty-seven ) Unofficial modification ( eleven thousand three hundred and eighteen ) Copycat font ( two thousand three hundred and forty-three )
Printed ( one thousand seven hundred and fifteen ) Calligraphic style ( eight hundred and sixty ) Archaic style ( three ) Icon ( one thousand two hundred and twenty-nine ) bar code ( seventy ) Unclassified ( one million one hundred and twenty-six thousand and sixty-eight )
TTF ( seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty-three ) OTF ( two hundred and thirty-two thousand six hundred and seventy-three ) TTC ( twenty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-one ) FON ( five thousand three hundred and thirty-three )
Installation and embedding ( seven hundred and thirty-three thousand six hundred and twenty-three ) Preview and Print Embed ( one hundred and twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and fifty ) Editable Embed ( sixty-four thousand seven hundred and seventy-one ) Bitmap embedding only ( one hundred and one ) Limit license embedding ( thirty-six thousand nine hundred and forty-two ) No subset ( seventy-eight thousand and sixteen )
3D ( two hundred and thirty-seven ) 3D Expanded ( three ) 3D Expanded Italic ( three ) 3D Italic ( forty ) 3D Oblique ( four ) 3D Outline ( two ) 3D Shadow ( eleven ) Black ( fourteen thousand and sixty-five ) Black Compressed ( nineteen ) Black Condensed ( two hundred and fifty-three ) Black Condensed Italic ( eighty-five ) Black Condensed Oblique ( thirty-eight ) Black Expanded ( ninety-three ) Black Expanded Italic ( fourteen ) Black Expanded Oblique ( six ) Black Extra Condensed ( twenty-one ) Black Extra Condensed Italic ( four ) Black Italic ( six thousand and fifty-nine ) Black Italic Expanded ( three ) Black Italic Outline ( two ) Black Narrow ( fifteen ) Black Normal ( eight ) Black Oblique ( two hundred and ninety-six ) Black Outline ( twenty-six ) Black Outline Italic ( five ) Black Outline Oblique ( three ) Black Plain ( four ) Black Semi Condensed ( ten ) Black Shadow ( twenty-one ) Black Thin ( two ) more...
Basic Multilingual Plane
Basic Latin ( one million three hundred and ninety-nine thousand four hundred and seventy-three ) Latin - 1 Supplement ( one million three hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-six ) Latin Extension-A ( one million fifty-six thousand three hundred and sixty-five ) Latin Extension-B ( eight hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and seventy-four ) IPA Extensions ( two hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine ) Blank Modifier Letter ( one million sixteen thousand and twenty-one ) Combining Phonetic Accents ( three hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and fifty-three ) Greek and Coptic ( six hundred and fifty-seven thousand two hundred and eleven ) Cyrillic ( two hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and forty-eight ) Cyrillic Supplement ( sixty-four thousand nine hundred and eighty-four ) Armenian ( fifteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-five ) Hebrew ( twenty-one thousand four hundred and forty-four ) arabic ( twenty-eight thousand six hundred and ninety ) Syriac ( five thousand five hundred and sixty-nine ) Arabic Supplement ( ten thousand three hundred and ninety-eight ) It takes Wen ( five thousand six hundred and six ) West African written languages ( nine hundred and sixty-seven ) Samaritan ( four hundred and seventy-eight ) Mandawen ( four hundred and eighty-six ) Syriac Supplement ( four hundred and twenty-nine ) Arabic Extension-B ( sixty-one ) Arabic Extension-A ( two thousand six hundred and six ) Sanskrit in Tiancheng style ( sixteen thousand nine hundred and twenty-one ) Bengali ( eight thousand seven hundred and three ) Gumuji ( seven thousand one hundred and thirty-four ) Gujarati ( seven thousand and six hundred ) Oriya ( six thousand one hundred and thirty-two ) Tamil ( nine thousand three hundred and thirty-nine ) Telugu ( six thousand six hundred and twenty-one ) Kannada ( six thousand five hundred and ninety-five ) more...
Multilingual supplement plane
Linear Text B Syllable Text ( four hundred and thirty-six ) Linear B Ideograms ( two hundred and nine ) Aegean numerals ( two hundred and sixty ) Ancient Greek Numbers ( two thousand two hundred and ninety-seven ) Ancient symbols ( seven hundred and thirty-five ) Festos mud disc text ( two hundred and ninety-one ) Lycian ( three hundred and ninety ) Karia ( four hundred and twenty-five ) Coptic Leap Surplus Number ( two hundred and fifty ) Old Italic ( six hundred and fifty-three ) Gothic ( four hundred and seven ) Guperm ( one hundred and eleven ) Ugarit ( two hundred and twenty-seven ) Old Persian ( two hundred and fourteen ) Deseret ( six hundred and six ) Suberne ( two hundred and seventy-three ) Ottoman ( two hundred and thirty-seven ) Oserzhi ( one hundred and fifteen ) Elbasan ( one hundred and twenty-one ) Caucasian Albanian ( one hundred and sixteen ) Linear A ( one hundred and twenty-five ) Cyprus Syllable Script ( one hundred and eighty ) Royal Aramaic ( one hundred and forty-two ) Palmyra ( one hundred and one ) Nabatean ( one hundred and ten ) Hathaway ( one hundred ) Phoenician ( two hundred and eighty-nine ) Lydia ( one hundred and eighty-five ) Meroy hieroglyphs ( one hundred and twenty ) Meroy handwriting ( one hundred and thirty-two ) more...
Ideographic supplementary plane
CJK Unified Ideograph Extension B ( twenty-seven thousand and fifty-one ) CJK Unified Ideograph Extension C ( fourteen thousand four hundred and ninety-nine ) CJK Unified Ideograph Extension D ( twelve thousand three hundred and eighty-two ) CJK Unified Ideograph Extension E ( nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven ) CJK Unified Ideograph Extension F ( seven thousand two hundred and twenty-four ) CJK Compatible Ideograph Supplement ( nineteen thousand three hundred and ninety-five ) No block ( five thousand two hundred and twenty-two )
Level 3 Ideographic Plane
CJK Unified Ideograph Extension G ( two thousand one hundred and eighty-eight ) No block ( five thousand two hundred and twenty-two )
Special purpose supplementary plane
Language coding label ( five hundred and ninety-five ) Variation Selectors Supplement ( one thousand one hundred and sixty-five ) No block ( five thousand two hundred and twenty-two )
Private use area - A plane
Supplementary reserve area - A ( five thousand and seventy-six )
Private use area - B plane
Supplementary reserve area - B ( one thousand one hundred and fifty-two )
thin ( fifteen thousand two hundred and nine ) superfine ( twenty-two thousand four hundred and ninety-six ) Superfine ( twenty-two thousand four hundred and nine ) fine ( fifty-three thousand five hundred and one ) Semithin ( two hundred and fifty ) commonly ( five hundred and ninety-seven thousand four hundred and sixty-seven ) secondary ( one hundred and twenty-six thousand two hundred and ninety ) Semithick ( twenty-eight thousand one hundred and seventy-six ) crude ( one hundred and twenty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two ) Extra coarse ( twenty-one thousand six hundred and eight ) Ultracoarse ( twenty-one thousand six hundred and twenty-three ) heavy ( thirty-six thousand six hundred and eighty-three ) black ( thirty-six thousand six hundred and eighty-three ) Extra black ( one thousand five hundred and sixty-two ) Ultrablack ( one thousand five hundred and fifty-three )
Overlength ( three thousand four hundred and twenty-eight ) Expertise ( eight thousand two hundred and five ) long ( thirty-eight thousand two hundred and sixty-eight ) Half length ( twelve thousand five hundred and fifty-two ) Medium (normal) ( nine hundred and twenty-six thousand five hundred and sixty ) Semiflat ( three thousand seven hundred and seventy ) flat ( seventeen thousand one hundred and six ) Extra flat ( one thousand and fifty-four ) Ultraflat ( one thousand one hundred and fourteen )
 Word Plus - Free download of 10000 fonts
 Aa Future Black
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 Aa Flame Clerical Script
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