I rode my electric bike through the community and crashed the automatic lift bar in the community

Updated: 2024-06-29 08:20:55
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I rode my electric bike through the community and crashed the automatic lift bar in the community
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    The way to protect the rights of people injured by a car in the community: the party concerned can find the traffic management department to deal with it, or file a lawsuit to the court according to the relevant provisions of the damage compensation, and solve it through litigation procedures. The roads referred to in the Road Traffic Safety Law refer to roads, urban roads and places within the jurisdiction of the unit that allow social motor vehicles to pass. However, accidents that occur when vehicles pass outside the road, Public Security Where a report is received by the traffic control department of an organ, it shall be handled with reference to the relevant provisions of this Law. Legal basis: In Article 119 of the Road Traffic Safety Law, the meanings of the following terms in this law are: (1) "roads" refer to highways, urban roads and places under the jurisdiction of units that allow social motor vehicles to pass, including squares, public parking lots and other places used for public passage. Article 77 If the traffic control department of the public security organ receives a report of an accident that occurs when a vehicle passes off the road, it shall handle it with reference to the relevant provisions of this Law.
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