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user management

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User management includes department management, job management and personnel management. Through these three parts, enterprises can manage internal personnel well and classify them into their corresponding departments.

  The user management of Panpu ERP system mainly has these functions:

1. New users automatically synchronize personnel profile information to reduce the workload of repeated entry.

2. The access mechanism can be set according to different conditions. You can set whether to allow repeated login, enhance access control, and improve access security.

3. Upload the user signature map, and display the signature in the approval process after the subsequent approval process.

4. Link user management with departments, positions and roles to make the identity and authority of each user clearer.

5. You can set the direct supervisor of each user, so that each leader can directly view the related work of each subordinate, such as subordinate reports, subordinate plans, subordinate customers, etc

Released: 2021-06-21 19:16 Source: Fanpu Software[ Print this page ]    [ close ]
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Chengdu Company: No. 9, Floor 1, No. 160 Jianshe South Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu

Chongqing Company: Floor 18, Huachuang Business Building, Hongqihegou, Jiangbei District, Chongqing

Consulting: 400-8352-114

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