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Mobile version of erp system

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ERP is a highly integrated system, and integration is also ERP software The foundation of. In the past, in traditional enterprises, data was repeatedly input between different departments, which was difficult to share and could not form a cycle. However, erp can make enterprise data highly centralized and easy to manage, thus improving management efficiency and decision-making level.

Select Most Erp system It must be flexible, able to adapt to various changes, and allow system adjustment and modification.

Any time. In this regard, our warehouse management cloud ERP is very good. If an enterprise is compared to a sports car, ERP is equivalent to an important part of the car for performance improvement in sports. The enterprise manager is the engine. The role of ERP is to help business management It is better to manage the enterprise than to let ERP manage the enterprise. Ge Shan believes that the selection and implementation of enterprise ERP should be based on the existing conditions, development strategies and practical needs of the enterprise itself. It is necessary to select an ERP service provider and implementation plan, not to say that it is right to choose a big brand. It is different for all industries to have solutions.

How to use advanced management methods to improve their competitive advantages in speed, management, quality, technology and other aspects, and improve the management level of enterprises has become an urgent task for SMEs; ERP system integrates information technology and advanced management thinking, forming Enterprise information Integration, integration lies in the systematization of the whole control system. All node settings are combined with the company's affairs. Control procedures are the organic whole of the whole handling system and highly automated in the company's transaction processing.

  1、 In addition to the information requirements for enterprise business, enterprises also need mobile business requirements:

1. Office mobility, which can work no matter where you are, is a problem that every enterprise must face in the process of business expansion

2. With the popularity of Ipad and other electronic products, mobile business is a problem that enterprises face to solve in the face of online shopping and virtual payment

  2、 Mobile ERP management system What are the main functional characteristics?

1. Support customers to place orders online on the front page, and the back system receives order management.

2. Serial number scanning management.

3. To do work reminder: the system reminds the staff to complete the assigned work in a timely manner.

4. Process steps can be flexibly set to keep tracking order status at any time.

5. The computer reconciliation results are accurate.

6. It supports automatic data backup and online software upgrade.

7. Batch printing of express bill, continuous paper printing of delivery bill, accurate printing without deviation.

Released: October 15, 2020 10:53 Edited by: Panpu Software · zhangyan[ Print this page ]    [ close ]
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Chengdu Company: No. 9, Floor 1, No. 160 Jianshe South Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu

Chongqing Company: Floor 18, Huachuang Business Building, Hongqihegou, Jiangbei District, Chongqing

Consulting: 400-8352-114

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