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Subcontracting execution

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   Business introduction:

In order to ensure the quality and delivery date of products, most enterprises have the business of subcontracting some parts. Subcontracting generally means that other enterprises produce qualified parts or products according to their own parts processing requirements, often requiring enterprises to provide materials or technical drawings

  1、 Most enterprises have problems in outsourcing implementation

1. It is impossible to control the materials of the subcontracting factory. I don't know how many materials are left

2. I don't know whether the materials have been misappropriated. When there is a dispute with the outsourcing factory about the material inventory, it is often because of the tedious proofreading process that the dispute ends up

3. When there are many subcontracting orders and the subcontracting management is chaotic, the financial department is prone to overpayment, wrong payment, and forgetting payment

4. The issue of subcontracting orders is related to production progress management, and the control of the progress of outsourcing cannot be understood in a timely manner

5. Subcontracting cannot be completed on time, and the management of subcontracting raw materials is not in place. For example, the subcontracted parts should be shipped today according to the plan. How can you say that they have not been completed when you call. The materials of the last subcontracting order were sent as planned. Why did you call to say that the materials were not enough. This directly affects the product delivery date and order cost.

   2、 How to Effectively Improve the Outsourcing Execution Management of Production Based on ERP of Universal Software

1. Realize real-time collaboration and integrated control of the whole process of subcontracting from document generation, manufacturer, operation, order, etc

2. Independent tracking query and real-time subcontracting change notice can be made anytime and anywhere. After production, unified quality inspection can be carried out in the system to strictly control the quality of subcontracting products

3. When creating a subcontracting order, the system can synchronously create a series of vouchers such as payment plans and bill receipt plans to realize personalized and comprehensive management of subcontracting expenses

4. Control of over quantity and lead time of subcontracting receipt to ensure timely and accurate delivery of subcontracting manufacturers

Released: 2021-06-21 19:09 Source: Fanpu Software[ Print this page ]    [ close ]
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Chengdu Company: No. 9, Floor 1, No. 160 Jianshe South Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu

Chongqing Company: Floor 18, Huachuang Business Building, Hongqihegou, Jiangbei District, Chongqing

Consulting: 400-8352-114

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