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After sales maintenance

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Business introduction:

With the change of market environment, services have been integrated into all walks of life and play an increasingly important role, becoming the best way for enterprises to increase product added value, implement differentiation strategies, and then obtain competitive advantages. Providing good service can help enterprises obtain feedback information, reduce customer turnover rate and win more new customers, and can promote the sustainable growth of enterprise profits.

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1、 Difficulties encountered by most enterprises in managing after-sales maintenance

1. From the time the customer applies for maintenance to the time when the maintenance personnel actually complete the on-site maintenance, there are too many processes to go through, which may lead to the customer's dissatisfaction with the after-sales service of the enterprise due to the delay in work.

2. The dispatching of after-sales maintenance and the management of customer repair application cannot be matched one by one, which may easily lead to the situation that a certain application has been dispatched for many times or the dispatching has been forgotten, which not only increases the cost of manpower and time, but also easily affects the customer's experience of the enterprise.

3. The business of traditional management of on-site maintenance is completely in the charge of special maintenance personnel. Customers who need to visit again may not follow up in time.

4. The management of the warranty is disordered, and the customers within the warranty period cannot obtain the warranty rights due to the loss of the warranty.

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  2、 Advantages of Panpu ERP in managing after-sales maintenance:

1. After receiving the customer's repair request, the after-sales personnel fill in the repair acceptance form, and the maintenance personnel accept the repair request on the system to provide on-site repair services.

2. After maintenance, the maintenance personnel can log in to the system with their mobile phones on the site to fill in the maintenance processing form and feed back the maintenance situation. The after-sales administrator can also check it synchronously.

3. The repair acceptance form is bound to the sales contract, and the warranty information of all products can be pulled directly to facilitate the after-sales manager to manage the customer's warranty and expenses.

Released: 2021-07-17 14:49 Source: Fanpu Software[ Print this page ]    [ close ]
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Chengdu Company: No. 9, Floor 1, No. 160 Jianshe South Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu

Chongqing Company: Floor 18, Huachuang Business Building, Hongqihegou, Jiangbei District, Chongqing

Consulting: 400-8352-114

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