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Production order

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   Business introduction:

A manufacturing order is a production task issued by the planning department to the workshop and required to be executed by the workshop to meet customer needs. Workshop management personnel collect materials, organize production, and schedule and allocate workshop resources according to the production orders issued by the planning department.

   1、 Problems in production orders of most enterprises

1. Posting is not timely, there is no account but a lot of physical objects, resulting in repeated production by the production department and repeated orders by the purchase department

2. During the order production, the production plan is not well made, resulting in high inventory, production line is still disconnected, and customer delivery cannot be achieved

3. The cost control and profit analysis for each sales order cannot be achieved due to the difficulties of data mobile phones and cumbersome accounting methods.

4. When the customer calls, the salesperson will have to work hard for half a day: confirm with the production plan, purchase, workshop supervisor, etc.

5. Many enterprises have specially set up corresponding positions to track the order execution status and ensure the timely delivery of orders, which often requires a lot of manpower and effort

   2、 How to effectively improve production orders with ERP of Fanpu Software

1. With the sales order as the source of demand, you can easily track related documents according to the order number and view the status of related documents during the whole process of order execution, such as planning, production, and purchase, to clarify the order execution status

2. Through the function of order cost accounting, the actual cost of each sales order is obtained, and the profit obtained by each sales order is calculated

3. The whole process real-time system meets the needs of improving enterprise management level and realizing lean manufacturing

4. Before informatization, the on-time delivery rate of order oriented manufacturing enterprises was only 60%~70%. After the successful implementation of the ERP system supporting order oriented production, the on-time delivery rate of customer orders rose to more than 90%

5. Timely production information and accurate inventory quantity lay the foundation for the correct formulation of production plans, and at the same time, they also improved the enforceability of production plans.

6. Through the system, control that the receipt quantity of the warehouse cannot be greater than the quantity of the purchase order

Released: 2021-06-21 19:07 Source: Fanpu Software[ Print this page ]    [ close ]
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Chengdu Company: No. 9, Floor 1, No. 160 Jianshe South Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu

Chongqing Company: Floor 18, Huachuang Business Building, Hongqihegou, Jiangbei District, Chongqing

Consulting: 400-8352-114

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