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Srm supplier collaboration platform

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    supplier The management system is used to improve the relationship with upstream and downstream suppliers in the supply chain. It is a management idea and software technology solution committed to establishing and maintaining a long-term and close partnership with suppliers.

From the perspective of supply chain, suppliers are no longer individuals standing on the opposite side of enterprise development, but partners promoting enterprise development, and the two should be a community of interests. Therefore, enterprises should not only attach importance to their own development, but also try their best to help the development of suppliers. Incorporate the development of suppliers into the development strategy of the enterprise, share product information in a timely manner, communicate and exchange in a timely manner, and maximize the economic benefits of the supply chain. For a long time, it can not only stabilize the cooperative relationship between the two sides, but also achieve win-win results.

With universal erp, enterprises can control the entire supply process - from strategy to execution - to help you optimize supplier selection, shorten cycle time, and establish continuous and effective supplier relationships.

  (1) Supply strategy formulation

Use new tools and demand consolidation, portfolio analysis, category (commodity) management and procurement control functions to formulate reasonable supply strategies;

(2) Cost analysis

Improve insight into global spending and supply basic data by mapping and sorting out commodity and supplier information, and distributing information to internal systems, electronic catalogs and data warehouses;


(3) Supplier selection

Cooperate with pre selected suppliers by using electronic auction and bidding tools to reduce procurement risks, enhance supply base monitoring, and evaluate supplier performance;

  (4) contract management

Ensure compliance with agreed terms and conditions and use existing contracts for specific product categories shared throughout the company;

   (5) Directory management

Use tools to import data from external sources, maintain a unified scheme, and create and manage a unified e-commerce catalog by accelerating search through commodity indexes.


What is the significance of the supplier management system of Panpu ERP for enterprises?

First, improve the collaboration process with suppliers.

The supplier management system can effectively classify and manage major suppliers, communicate with suppliers in a timely manner through the network, enable suppliers to participate in the supply of materials in a timely and effective manner, and improve the collaboration process with suppliers.

Second, screen and develop high-quality suppliers efficiently.

Through the universal supplier management system, the corresponding indicators are formulated, the data of various suppliers are observed in real time, and the automatic assessment is realized. Suppliers are evaluated scientifically and effectively. From their material performance, the advantages and disadvantages between them are found, unreliable suppliers are found, and high-quality suppliers are selected for long-term cooperation.

Third, reduce the cost of procurement.

Get high-quality procurement services through the universal supplier management system. Because communication management is conducted through the network, it can greatly reduce procurement costs, reduce the demand for procurement personnel, reduce personnel management costs, reduce the cost of collaborative communication with suppliers, and effectively reduce the cost of supplier relationship management for enterprises.

Release: 2021-10-22 17:47 Edit: Fanpu Software · luohongying[ Print this page ]    [ close ]