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Settlement process
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Settlement process
Platform advantages
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Settlement process Authentic anti-counterfeiting center, business settlement process!
Qualification review
  • 1. Business license of enterprise legal person, etc
  • 2. Trademark registration certificate or holding certificate, etc
  • 3. Production license or hygiene license, etc
  • 4. Other certificates such as famous and high-quality product certificate
  • 5. Power of attorney, power of attorney for anti-counterfeiting production
Sign up for settlement
  • 1. Communication of anti-counterfeiting demand
  • 2. Determine the production requirements of anti-counterfeiting signs
  • 3. Sign the contract for the production of anti-counterfeiting signs
Logo printing
  • 1. Arrange logo printing after payment
  • 2. Production and printing of anti-counterfeiting signs
  • 3. Delivery arranged by the production completion factory
Platform opening
  • 1. Opening the anti-counterfeiting query system
  • 2. Arrange technology development according to requirements
  • 3. Completion of delivery of anti-counterfeiting system
  • 4. Follow up of after-sales customer service
Platform advantages Authentic anti-counterfeit center, focusing on enabling anti-counterfeit goods!

ten year

Anti counterfeiting center online

twenty-one term

Patent copyright

five thousand +

Brands settled in

ten Billion +

Product anti-counterfeiting protection

In 2010, the anti-counterfeiting center was officially put into operation

Anti counterfeiting center officially launched

Authentic anti-counterfeiting center, which has been in stable operation for ten years since it was launched in 2010, continues to provide anti-counterfeiting services for brand products, and is recognized by major brands. The center provides solutions such as anti-counterfeiting label production and two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting marketing.

20+anti-counterfeiting patents, enabling commodities

20 + anti counterfeiting patents

Authentic anti-counterfeiting center, relying on the rich accumulation of anti-counterfeiting technology and strong anti-counterfeiting research and development capability, has so far obtained 20+anti-counterfeiting patent technologies, and has been approved as a high-tech enterprise, providing anti-counterfeiting solutions for the whole industry and empowering commodities!

5000+brand merchants settled, good reputation and service

5000 + brand merchants settled in

Authentic anti-counterfeiting center has attracted more than 5000 brand merchants. Over the years, the company has continuously upgraded its hardware production equipment, updated its anti-counterfeiting marketing system, improved its anti-counterfeiting services for merchants stationed in the market, and won praise from merchants stationed in the market.

1 billion+anti-counterfeiting protection, anti-counterfeiting big data!

1 billion + anti counterfeiting protection

Authentic anti-counterfeit center currently provides anti-counterfeit protection for more than 1 billion commodities. At the same time, based on the "authentic PTZ" anti-counterfeiting marketing management system of the authentic anti-counterfeiting center, it provides enterprises with precision marketing of 1 billion+anti-counterfeiting big data of one thing, one code, and two dimensional code every time!

contact us Authentic anti-counterfeiting center provides you with professional anti-counterfeiting services!

Telephone consultation

Fax: 020-38326598

Telephone: 186-8845-1205


Online consultation

Customer service QQ: one billion four hundred and fifty-four million seven hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-two

Customer service WeChat: eighteen billion six hundred and eighty-eight million four hundred and fifty-one thousand two hundred and five

WeChat consultation

Scan WeChat

More services Authentic anti-counterfeiting center, providing anti-counterfeiting solutions for the whole industry

Anti counterfeiting label production

QR code anti-counterfeiting

One thing, one code marketing

Anti counterfeiting traceability system

Anti counterfeiting and anti fleeing goods

More anti-counterfeiting products

Copyright © 2010-2020 Authentic Anti counterfeiting Verification Center YGZAB No. 44010602002662 Yue ICP Bei No. 12040229

Authentic anti-counterfeit center provides anti-counterfeit authentication services for brand merchants and objective, fair and authoritative anti-counterfeit inquiry services for consumers. Authentic anti-counterfeiting center helps you realize the digitization of product anti-counterfeiting labels, rapidly improve the product grade and enhance the product brand image.