Huayue Spring Garden

nine thousand and five hundred RMB/m ²

400-176-0760 to 845298

Online consultation

Basic information of Huayue Spring Garden

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  • Main house type

    3 dwellings (97 ㎡), 3 dwellings (106 ㎡), 3 dwellings (116 ㎡)

  • Decoration status


  • Project features


  • Project address

    No. 1, Guanghua North 1st Road

  • Developers

    Shantou Ducheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd

  • Opening time

    December 31, 2021

  • Plot ratio

    four point five

  • Greening rate


  • Delivery time

    December 31, 2020

Introduction to Huayue Spring Garden

recommend | Three bedrooms | Four bedrooms

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Supporting facilities around Huayue Spring Garden

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Bus: No. 11, 22, b, 25, 26, 52, 57, Shiyi Middle School, No. 11; 22 line b; 25 routes; 26 routes; 47 lines; No. 52 Guanghua Tea Market Station


Tai'an Hospital

Comprehensive shopping mall

Wanda Plaza

Price information of Huayue Spring Garden

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Q&A of Huayue Spring Garden

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