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When considering the income level, is it more appropriate to choose "interest first, principal later" or traditional repayment method? How to make decisions based on personal income?

ask5875686978 | 2024-06-12 12:48 | From Beijing

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It is very important to consider the income level when choosing the mortgage repayment method. For young people who are new to the workplace and whose income is expected to increase gradually, the way of interest before capital may reduce the pressure of repayment in the short term, but in the long run, the total interest may increase. Therefore, if it is expected that the future income will be stable and grow significantly, it may be an option to pay interest first and pay later. On the contrary, if the income is stable or the growth is limited, the traditional method of equal principal and interest or equal principal may be more appropriate, because they can equally share the repayment pressure and avoid overloading later. In a word, the choice of mortgage repayment method needs to combine personal income and future expectations to ensure that current living needs can be met, open
2024-06-12 10:10
From Beijing

Shuai Yanxia

It is a problem that needs careful consideration to choose the traditional repayment method of "housing loan" after interest payment according to personal income. For young people with stable income and predictable future income growth, choosing "interest before capital" may reduce the pressure of short-term repayment and help to flexibly plan the use of funds. However, for individuals whose income fluctuates greatly or whose future income growth is uncertain, the traditional repayment method may be more stable, which can avoid the risk of overburdening later repayment. When making decisions, individuals should comprehensively evaluate their own financial situation, including monthly income, expenditure, future planning and other factors, and choose the most suitable one open
2024-06-12 12:49
From Beijing

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