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How did the emperors and the Three Kingdoms become more fiefs

Source: f166 mobile game website Author: A Fei Release time: July 1, 2024 18:17:21

Seizing fiefs depends on the specific development of your country. For novice players, only when their level exceeds 30 can they seize the resources in other players' fiefs. Generally, the game market can attack the city after eight hours, but the efficiency is very low. And if the level of the siege generals you sent out is not high, it is easy to defeat the defending generals, and even if you capture the city, you will not be able to withstand the enemy's counterattack. Therefore, in the opening stage, try to avoid robbing others directly. The best way is to seize the window of novice development to build your own fief.

 How did the emperors and the Three Kingdoms become more fiefs

Generally, players can open fiefs in their own cities to use as production resources or build troops. Twelve different types of buildings can be built on one fief, such as halls, farms, barracks and academies. The first three fiefs should build as many farms and houses as possible to ensure the urban population while constantly obtaining resources. Wait until the level is upgraded before selecting the main barracks and houses, which can increase the number of troops and meet the needs of the war faster. It is also at this stage that you can frequently attack and occupy other players' cities to obtain more fiefs, because you must ensure abundant resources by plundering in the late game. It is suggested that players should try their best to transform halls, academies and other buildings with little role into houses or barracks. When the number of people in the city is more, the combat ability of the army will be significantly improved.

 How did the emperors and the Three Kingdoms become more fiefs

In addition to attacking the city, we also need to ensure that our existing fiefs are not taken away by others. When we can detect that some players are coveting our city, what we need to do is to arrange troops to block the main forces of the enemy. In fact, there are many skills in blocking. For example, you can send residual blood troops to intercept. This is not to expect them to win, but to delay as long as possible, and this constant intrusion will also make the enemy's front tired of coping. When we find out which team is the main force of the attack, we can send our main force out of the city to fight. It is suggested that the use of cavalry troops can further reduce the enemy's response time.

 How did the emperors and the Three Kingdoms become more fiefs

If the enemy rushes up against our defensive position, or we do not notice it before the enemy attacks the city, then we need to quickly replenish the garrison. For the defensive side, it is necessary to make the stone throwing team and infantry alternate positions, so as to ensure that when the infantry are consumed, they can quickly attack and damage the siege soldiers. Generally speaking, the deployment of about 20000 stone throwing soldiers can ensure the absolute safety of the fiefs in the city.

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