Nankai University emba

Nankai University EMBA Senior Executive MBA Online consultation

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What is the emba curriculum of nankai university? Is there any special teaching method?

2023-11-14 09:35:49 Source: On the job postgraduate education information network

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Nankai University emba The curriculum is designed to provide students with comprehensive and in-depth business education, covering business management, marketing, finance, strategic planning and other aspects. The following is a comprehensive exposition of its curriculum design and other aspects to help candidates judge whether it is necessary to study.

 What is the emba curriculum of nankai university? Is there any special teaching method?

1、 Nankai university emba curriculum

Course module

Course content

Learning objectives

Enterprise management module

Corporate strategy, organizational behavior, human resource management, corporate finance, corporate governance, etc

Deeply understand the knowledge of enterprise operation management, strategic planning and human resource management

Marketing module

Market research, brand management, sales strategy, customer service, etc

Learn how to understand customer needs, formulate marketing strategies, improve sales performance and other core marketing skills

Financial module

Financial statement analysis, investment management, corporate finance, etc

Master the basic knowledge and skills of financial finance, and understand how to conduct financial analysis, develop investment strategies, corporate finance and other operations

Strategic planning module

Enterprise strategic planning and decision-making

Learn knowledge and skills on how to formulate enterprise strategy, evaluate strategic feasibility and implementation effect

Leadership and team management module

Leadership training, team building and management

Understand how to improve the knowledge and skills in leadership, building efficient teams and managing teams

International business module

International business environment, international trade rules, cross-cultural communication, etc

Understand the knowledge and skills of how to conduct business activities and cross-cultural communication in the context of globalization

2、 Emba teaching method of nankai university

(1) Classroom teaching

Professional professors and industry experts give lectures and guide students to master relevant knowledge and skills by explaining cases and analyzing practical problems.

(2) Group discussion

Students will discuss in groups, discuss a specific topic in depth, form group reports or give presentations, and develop students' teamwork and communication skills.

(3) Case study

Through the analysis of real business cases, students can deeply understand the actual problems faced by enterprises and develop their ability to analyze and solve problems.

(4) Combat simulation

Students can experience the process of business decision-making and improve their ability to make decisions and respond to changes by simulating the actual practice of enterprise operation.

(5) Lecture guests share

Invite industry experts and successful entrepreneurs to give lectures and share, so that students can understand the latest business trends and industry trends, and broaden their vision and ideas.

(6) Online learning

Using modern information technology, students can learn independently and communicate online after class, consolidate the knowledge learned in class, and interact with other students.

(7) Practical project

Arrange students to participate in real business projects or enterprise research, so that students can use their knowledge to solve practical problems in practice, and improve their application ability and innovation awareness.

These are the main courses and teaching methods of nankai university emba. Through diversified curriculum and flexible teaching methods, it aims to help students comprehensively improve their business literacy and management ability, and cultivate more senior management talents with international vision and innovative spirit.

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