Nankai University emba

Nankai University EMBA Senior Executive MBA Online consultation

Time of establishment: 2002 Abbreviation: Nankai Address: No. 94, Weijin Road, Tianjin
  • AMBA
  • EMBA
  • Executive MBA
Official website:
Registration Tel.: 400-611-2986
mail box:
Nankai University EMBA Enrollment Information Network provides Nankai EMBA (Senior Executive MBA) enrollment and examination information, including Nankai University EMBA enrollment brochure, enrollment projects, scores/tuition fees over the years, early interviews, research directions, number of applicants, university rankings, application guide, faculty, student dormitories/canteens, online registration, etc, At the same time, it provides online consulting services. The EMBA Center of Business School of Nankai University has a team of teachers with rich economic management practices. With its strong and dedicated teaching staff, extensive and abundant international cooperation resources, exquisite curriculum, strict teaching management and cohesive alumni network, it has been widely praised and become one of the top EMBA programs in China, which is in the forefront of domestic economic schools; The college has always maintained close teaching and scientific research cooperation with business schools of famous universities in the United States, Britain, Canada, Germany, Australia and other countries, and frequently conducted academic exchanges with each other. The college is committed to creating new academic knowledge and cultivating future leaders.
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EMBA of Nankai University essential information
  • Nature of institution:
    985, 211, double first-class
  • Time of establishment:
  • Enrollment category:
  • Admission College:
    Business School
  • Enrollment:
  • Official website address:
  • Early interview:
  • International certification:
  • Accept adjustment:
  • Address:
    94 Weijin Road, Tianjin
  • average age:
    25-33 years old
  • Average annual income:
  • Master's degree:
  • Doctoral Program:
  • Key disciplines:
  • Key laboratory:
  • First class discipline:
  • research project:
EMBA of Nankai University student recruitment brochure
common one Chapter Summary
  • major
  • General rules
  • Length of schooling
  • tuition
  • Teaching method
  • Class area
  • sign up
EMBA of Nankai University Tuition/tuition over the years
EMBA tuition: 228000 yuan
EMBA of Nankai University Score line/historical score line
EMBA of Nankai University Research direction
EMBA of Nankai University Pre interview
batch Submission time of prequalification materials Release time of interview list Interview time Time of release of interview results
EMBA of Nankai University Enrollment data over the years
EMBA of Nankai University Teachers
Nankai University has a team of teachers who have both public functions and professional skills and are energetic and energetic. There are 2202 full-time teachers. Among them, 885 doctoral supervisors, 783 graduate supervisors, 898 professors and 857 associate professors.
EMBA of Nankai University dormitory
No information about "dormitory"
EMBA of Nankai University canteen
No information about "canteen"
EMBA of Nankai University Netizen comments
  • ask Does Nankai University emba have a large number of students applying for the exam in 2021?

    In the era of rapid development, we may have been out of the state of learning team, which will lead to the loss of more employment opportunities. We can also spend more time to start paying attention to the emba method of in-service graduate students in Nankai University, which is also recruiting students in a large scale every year. If we still have some aspirations and brave pursuit, The way of applying for the college is also quite good, because its influence is relatively high in China, and it will also cultivate different excellent students.

    Released 42 minutes ago

  • ask Hello, I want to know whether all the expenses of Nankai University's EMBA are borne by oneself?

    Hello, students. As for the cost of Nankai University's EMBA, it should be explained here that it is basically borne by itself, but the main costs are tuition fees, registration fees, and some material fees. Other costs are not extra, so you can not worry about the cost, but there is no statement of state subsidies.

    Released 1 hour ago

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