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Credit evaluation file

 Member profile of arturgallo
  • arturgallo  (


  • Positive feedback (last 12 months): 100%

    • The percentage of positive credit rating is calculated based on the positive and negative credit ratings obtained from the transactions concluded in the past 12 months, excluding those left by the same member for shopping in the same week Repeated feedback EBay Time )。
    • Please note that because of the above rules, the total number of ratings used to calculate the percentage of credit rating may be different from the total number shown in the "Latest Credit Rating" table on the left.
    • Positive evaluation/(positive evaluation+negative evaluation)
    • Member's credit index in the past 12 months
    • Positive: 2 Negative: 0
    • Percentage of positive comments from members
    • 2 / ( 2 + 0 ) = 100%

  • Registration time: September 22, 2016 Location: Italy

Credit rating

  • This table shows the positive, neutral and negative credit index received by members in the past 12 months.

1 month 6 months 12 months

Detailed seller rating

  • These ratings provide more details about the seller's performance. The highest rating is five stars, while the lowest rating is one star.

Average rating in the past 12 months
This information will be displayed only when members receive at least 10 detailed seller ratings.