Overview Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Your eBay account

It only takes a few minutes to create an eBay account. After setting up your account, you can buy and sell items, send messages to other eBay members, and leave feedback to buyers and sellers.

The following guide will explain in detail how to create, manage and customize accounts. You'll also learn how to get help if you encounter any eBay account problems.


Set up account

Sign up for an eBay account

Learn how to set up an eBay account using your email address or one of your social accounts.

Login account

Learn how to log in and out of your account, and what to do if you encounter any problems accessing your eBay account.


Manage Accounts

Change account settings

Customize your account by changing your account settings, including preferences, contact information, and subscriptions.

Change Password

Learn how to change your eBay password, whether it's because you forgot your password or because you want to update it.  


Learn how to send messages to others on eBay and how to view eBay messages.

Purchase record

You can track all orders, find order details, contact sellers, etc. in the purchase record.


Get help with your account

Protect Account

Learn how to protect your eBay account from hackers and fraud.

Ask for help when your account is attacked by hackers

If you think your account has been stolen, we will help you to protect your account security.  

Account restrictions and freezing

If you can't find your account, it may be frozen or restricted.


your seller account

Start selling items on eBay

Do you want to start selling items on eBay? Read our beginner overview.  

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