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Credit evaluation file

 Stormwooddinteriorsltd user profile
  • stormwoodinteriorsltd  (

    five hundred and ninety-two

    • Icon Legend
    • Purple stars represent a credit score between 500 and 999
    • EBay Store

  • Praise rate (last 12 months): 100%

    • The positive rating is calculated based on the total number of positive and negative reviews of transactions concluded in the past 12 months, excluding the same member in the same calendar week( EBay Time )It is left for them to buy items Repeated feedback
    • Please note that this may mean that the number of scores used in this calculation is different from the number of scores shown in the recent scoring table on the left.
    • Positive/(positive+negative)
    • This member's 12 month credit score
    • Good comments: 19 Bad comments: 0
    • The favorable rating of this member
    • 19 / ( 19 + 0 ) = 100%

  • Registration time: August 17, 2006, place: UK
  • Register as a commercial seller

Credit score

  • This table shows the overall positive, medium and negative credit scores received by members in the past 12 months.

1 month 6 months 12 months
Well received
Neutral comment
negative comment

Detailed Seller Ratings

  • These ratings can provide more details about the seller's performance. The highest score is 5 stars, and the lowest score is 1 star.

Average score in the past 12 months
  • Accurate description

    The average score based on 12 scores is 4.9 (out of 5).

  • Reasonable freight

    The average score based on 12 scores is 4.8 (the full score is 5).

  • Delivery speed

    The average score based on 12 scores is 4.8 (the full score is 5).

  • communicate

    The average score based on 12 scores is 4.9 (out of 5).