
イ ー ベ イ ジ ャ パ ン Formula, Distribution and Distribution
EBay SpeedPAK に New た DHL が Added

EBay formula logistics: eBay SpeedPAK, New SpeedPAK, New SpeedPAK, Delivery, eBay SpeedPAK - Ship via DHL, and Additional SpeedPAK.

DHL does not add distribution and choose to distribute goods, goods and countries. 94 り Ma す. EBay SpeedPAK をご uses いたくと, one からででを, delivers ることがききセラーででクーリエを, individuals セラーで, We will use our hands to quickly load the goods. The following is a detailed case.

eBay SpeedPAK- Ship via DHLとは?

"EBay SpeedPAK Ship via DHL (below eBay SpeedPAK)", eBay formula, distribution, Orange Connex. EBay SpeedPAK は eBay formula distribution プ ラ ッ ト フ ォ ー ム (CPaSS) can be used.

「eBay SpeedPAK Ship via DHL」 のサービスのメリット

"EBay SpeedPAK Ship via DHL" has the following meaning:.

-Fuel oil: 25% OFF
-The battery (installed on the machine) is not available
-No additional fund for emergency*
-No information on personal residence allocation

eBay SpeedPAKはこんなセラーにおすすめ!

  • A small amount of goods with different distribution types will be distributed
  • DHL does not deliver goods to customers; 1 delivers goods to customers
  • After the use of eBay begins, many parties will distribute
  • The distribution is connected to the work efficiency

セ ラ ー Protection against 応 に つ い

EBay SpeedPAK is suitable for use, the following conditions, the machine, and the protection.
1. The commodity is located in Japan
2. "eBay SpeedPAK"
3. Within two business days
4. ハンドリンググイムにムに盞発びび tracking serial number, アップ, ードをっいる
※ The goods are delivered on the delivery day, and the distribution operator is responsible for the benchmark of the delivery day. スキャンがㄳンドリンググイムをえたは Suitable for になりせん occasions.

Protect the contents

  • Item not received
  • Late shipment rate

※ The commodities are not marked with Service Metrics or eBay. よラーはに応するるがございすすすすすすすす.

Login method

Interest eBay SpeedPAKユーザーガイド よりりりりごごごをしくさいさいさい.

■ Manual Import Instruction

※ Instruction meeting Orange Connex On the right side, if it is below, time will take longer to make an appointment.

  • オプションンンン 1:11:00-12:00 (Month Day から Golden Day)
  • オプションンン 2:18:00-19:00 (lunar day かららから)


ご Unclear points は The Orange Connex Society カスマー, ポートで, お軽にお, い, せくくい.

Orange Connex/eBay SpeedPAK

Telephone number (フリーコールル): 0800-100-3671
(Month~Earth 9:00-18:00)
メールアドレス: cs.jp@orangeconnex.com
ウェブサイト: www.orangeconnex.jp

 Good Selling and eBay Selling