Remove the dream weaving chain in dream weaving V5.7 Website construction

Remove the dream weaving chain in dream weaving V5.7

The dream weaving V5.7 has been released for some time, and webmasters who use it will find that there is a "dream weaving chain" inside. For the overall sense of the website and user experience, webmasters want to remove the "dream weaving chain". Here I provide a simple method to easily remove the "dream weaving chain". Don't be behind
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 Batch replacement of Zhimeng Dedecms article title and content Website construction

Batch replacement of Zhimeng Dedecms article title and content

Due to the needs of optimization after collection and keyword maintenance, it may be necessary to maintain the title of multiple articles and a keyword of the body content, and realize the batch maintenance of the database content with the batch maintenance database provided by Zhimeng. Specific operation method: enter the background, click the acquisition on the left
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 Dream weaving skill: the bug of dream gathering summary is the optimization of automatic summary function Website construction

Dream weaving skill: the bug of dream gathering summary is the optimization of automatic summary function

By default, the article title is used as the summary content when dedecms collects. Solution: Modify the default value of the "Summary Filter Content" on the collection page to {dede: trim replace=""} (. *) {/dede: trim} so that when collecting new articles every day
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 The method of collecting and filtering hyperlinks and retaining text in dream weaving Dedecms Website construction

The method of collecting and filtering hyperlinks and retaining text in dream weaving Dedecms

I haven't used collecting for a long time. Yesterday, I experienced the collecting function of Dream Weaving, and felt that the effect was just right. However, some problems soon emerged. For example, when using the filtering hyperlink rules provided with the dream gathering function, the linked text content will be directly filtered out, which results in the collection of articles
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 Remove the "dream weaving chain" in Dedecms V5.7 Website construction

Remove the "dream weaving chain" in Dedecms V5.7

It has been a long time since the release of Dedecms. Because I was busy with other things a while ago, I did not upgrade my website. Today, after upgrading, I found that there are still great changes. The most eye-catching part is the friendship link, which adds a "dream weaving chain". If you don't like it, delete it directly. The following are my collected deletions
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 Dream weaving dedecms implements automatic addition of alt attribute to pictures in content Website construction

Dream weaving dedecms implements automatic addition of alt attribute to pictures in content

In fact, there are many methods on the Internet to add alt attributes to images in dedecms content, but some of them are not perfect, nor perfect, and some of the shortcomings are that they do not really modify the content in the body every time, that is, what is saved in the database has not changed, but just generate html
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