Alibaba Cloud Centos 7 configures HE tunnels to support IPv6 access Website construction

Alibaba Cloud Centos 7 configures HE tunnels to support IPv6 access

With the exhaustion of Ipv4 addresses, more and more regions begin to popularize IPv6 networks, but at present only the education network in China supports IPv6 better. Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and Baidu Cloud, the largest cloud service providers in China, do not support IPv6 networks. At present, only Jing'an Network supports IP
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 IPV6 address resolution starting with FE80 and FEC0 System Tutorial

IPV6 address resolution starting with FE80 and FEC0

IPv6 has become very popular in the education network. Computers connected to IPV6 will get an IPV6 address. Generally speaking, IPv6 addresses can be divided into three categories: unicast address, multicast address and multicast address. Unicast addresses can also be divided into several categories: global unicast addresses can be aggregated, link local unicast addresses can be aggregated, and link local unicast addresses can be aggregated
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 Enable the lnmp environment of WDCP to support ipv6 protocol access Website construction

Enable the lnmp environment of WDCP to support ipv6 protocol access

With the depletion of ipv4 addresses (which has been yelling for so many years that they are going to be exhausted, how come they are not exhausted yet), the commercial pace of ipv6 is getting faster and faster. Many major stations have already supported access through ipv6 (for example, Tencent), and more and more VPS have begun to support the ipv6 protocol, not to mention overseas ones
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