Some home routers are controlled by hackers and DNS is modified Industry trends

Some home routers are controlled by hackers and DNS is modified

Recently, users in many regions of China reported that the router signal at home was poor and the network speed was not fast. This paper analyzes the cooperation between DNSPOD, a well-known domestic domain name resolution service provider, and a third party, and confirms that this is a large-scale black product attack, which will affect some home router users to access
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 Dnspod launches free domain name hijacking monitoring Industry trends

Dnspod launches free domain name hijacking monitoring

At the end of last year, Tencent, Weibo, Xiaomi Technology, Today Toutiao, Meituan, 360, six Internet companies jointly issued a statement, saying that they were being damaged by traffic hijacking, and they would resolutely boycott illegal acts such as traffic hijacking. These six companies call on relevant operators to strictly crack down on streaming
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