Baidu Cloud accelerates the increase of domain name prompt: this domain name has used the anti screening service, please change the main domain name to access again Website construction

Baidu Cloud accelerates the increase of domain name prompt: this domain name has used the anti screening service, please change the main domain name to access again

When Baidu Cloud accelerated to add a domain name, it was prompted at the top of the page that this domain name has used the anti screening service, please change the main domain name to access again. This is because your domain name has set anti blocking settings in Baidu Alliance, which also uses Baidu Cloud to accelerate data distribution. To resolve the above
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 Disable the test domain name assigned by the cloud CDN service Website construction

Disable the test domain name assigned by the cloud CDN service

After the launch of the CDN service of Zaiyun, a test domain name will be assigned by default for the test of the CDN service. This domain name can really play a role in the service debugging phase, but when the CDN service configuration is officially launched, it will look like a chicken, even a site image, affecting site SEO
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 Slow loading time of Baidu's "lightning algorithm" online first screen will affect mobile search ranking Industry trends

Slow loading time of Baidu's "lightning algorithm" online first screen will affect mobile search ranking

Baidu launched the "lightning algorithm" in early October 2017. When the "lightning algorithm" is launched, the first screen loading time of the mobile search page will affect the search ranking. If the first screen of the mobile web page is opened within 2 seconds, the mobile search will give you preferential treatment for improving the page rating and getting traffic tilt; At the same time, while moving
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