Ali recruits "yellow identification" experience officer: younger sister is preferred Industry trends

Ali recruits "yellow identification" experience officer: younger sister is preferred

On May 26, the Security Department of Alibaba Group issued the "strongest recruitment order for the whole network not to spend huge sums of money" through the official microblog "Zhian Bureau", and launched the recruitment activity of "AI Yellow Day Experience Officer" to all netizens. In short, it is to invite you to Alibaba Hangzhou Xixi Park (the headquarters of Alibaba Group)
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 Setting method of nailing attendance group System Tutorial

Setting method of nailing attendance group

Nail Nail is a free smart mobile office platform produced by Alibaba for global enterprises, including PC version, Web version and mobile version. Intelligent office phone, message has been read but not read, and DING message task management makes communication more efficient; Mobile office attendance, sign in, approval, enterprise mailbox, enterprise online disk, enterprise
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 Alipay announced withdrawal charges Industry trends

Alipay announced withdrawal charges

Following the charge for withdrawal of WeChat, Alipay announced today that it will charge 0.1% of the service fee for withdrawal of individual users exceeding the free limit from October 12, and each individual user will enjoy a basic free withdrawal limit of 20000 yuan in total; After exceeding the basic free amount, a service fee of 0.1% of the withdrawal amount will be charged
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 Alibaba's UC online disk will be closed Industry trends

Alibaba's UC online disk will be closed

Recently, Alibaba's UC announced that in order to cooperate with the state's special campaign against the use of cloud disks to disseminate pornographic information, it will actively carry out the inventory of pornographic and pirated content on online disks and will close the UC online disk on April 15, 2016. In order to prevent users from losing, from now to 2016
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 After the end of the money burning phase, the receiving treasure will start charging on November 1 Industry trends

After the end of the money burning phase, the receiving treasure will start charging on November 1

Receiving Treasure is the first third-party receiving service platform in China invested and operated by Collectplus, the leader and promoter of O2O mode. At the beginning of operation, it took Alibaba as a big tree, and Tmall tried its best to promote receiving Treasure to be familiar to users. With all start-ups
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 Alibaba's internal data: Taobao Tmall Double 11 Pre sold Best Products Summary (with download address) Preferential information

Alibaba's internal data: Taobao Tmall Double 11 Pre sold Best Products Summary (with download address)

The annual online shopping happy festival "Double 11" is coming. In order to facilitate the shopping party to obtain the lowest price and best quality products, Alibaba has compiled a list of Tmall "Double 11" products and Juhuasuan "Double 11" products. The selected products for the Double 11 pre-sale released by Alibaba include mobile digital appliances, home furnishings
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