S. M.A.R.T. Attribute Parameter Details

December 27, 2021 21:36:54 Practical Information comment 1,225

1、 SMART Overview

Hard disk failures generally fall into two categories: predictable and unpredictable. The latter happens occasionally, and there is no way to prevent it, such as sudden chip failure, mechanical impact, etc. However, such as the wear of motor bearings and the decline of magnetic medium performance of disks are predictable situations, which can be found several days or even weeks ago. If this problem occurs, the SMART function will sound an alarm when starting up, at least allowing the user enough time to transfer important data to other storage devices. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The earliest hard disk monitoring technology originated in 1992, IBM used the monitoring technology, which was later named Predictive Failure Analysis, in the IBM 0662 SCSI Generation 2 hard disk drive of the AS/400 computer. It measured several important hard disk security parameters in the firmware and evaluated their conditions. Then the monitoring software obtained two results: "hard disk security" or "failure will occur soon". The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Soon, Compaq, the computer manufacturer at that time, and Seagate, Kunteng and Connor, the hard disk manufacturers, jointly proposed a similar technology called IntelliSafe. With this technology, hard disks can measure their own health indicators and transmit parameter values to the operating system and the user's monitoring software. Each hard disk manufacturer has the right to decide which indicators need to be monitored and set their security thresholds. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

In 1995, Compaq submitted the technical proposal to the Small Form Factor (SFF) Committee for standardization. The proposal was supported by IBM, Seagate, Kunteng, Connor and Western Digital. In June 1996, it was revised to version 1.3 and officially renamed S M. A.R.T. (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology), whose full name is "Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology", has become a technical standard to automatically monitor the integrity of hard disk drives and report potential problems. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

As an industry standard, SMART specifies the standards that hard disk manufacturers should follow. The conditions to meet the SMART standards mainly include: The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

1) Complete the setting of various parameters and attributes required by SMART during equipment manufacturing; The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

2) Under the specific system platform, SMART can be used normally; Through BIOS detection, it can identify whether the device supports SMART, display relevant information, and identify valid and invalid SMART information; The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

3) Allow users to turn on and off the SMART function freely; The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

4) During the user's use, it can provide various effective information of SMART, determine the working state of the equipment, and send corresponding correction instructions or warnings. When both the hard disk and the operating system support SMART technology and are enabled, if the hard disk is in bad condition, SMART technology can display an English warning message on the screen: "WARNING: IMMEDIATLY BACKUP YEAR DATA AND REPLACE YEAR HARD DISK DRIVE, A FAILURE MAY BE IMPORTANT." The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The SMART function continuously collects information from various sensors on the hard disk, and stores the information in the service area of the hard disk. This area is generally located in the first dozens of physical tracks on the physical plane 0 of the hard disk, and the manufacturer writes the relevant internal management program. In addition to the SMART information table, it also includes low-level formatter, encryption and decryption program, self-monitoring program, automatic repair program, etc. The monitoring software used by the user reads the SMART information through the command named "SMART Return Status" (command code: B0h), and the end user is not allowed to modify the information. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

2、 ID code of SMART

The ID code of the SMART detection of the hard disk is represented by two hexadecimal numbers (the decimal number in the brackets corresponds to the decimal number). At present, most of the SMART ID codes of hard disk manufacturers represent the same parameter meaning, but manufacturers can also use different ID codes according to needs, or increase or decrease ID codes according to the number of test items. In general, the following test items are required: The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

01 (001) Low Read Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

04 (004) Start/Stop Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

05 (005) Relocated Sector Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

09 (009) Power On Time Count (POH) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

0A (010) Spin up Retry Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

0B (011) Disk calibration retry count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

0C (012) Power Cycle Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C2 (194) Temperature The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C7 (199) ULTRA DMA Parity Error Rate ULTRA ATA CRC Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C8 (200) Write Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

3、 Description of SMART

Description, that is, the name of a test item, is the text explanation of the ID code. For users, it is not only necessary to understand the meaning of the description, but also important to understand the definitions of the parameters such as "critical value", "worst value", and the difference between "current value" and "data value", so as to have a basic understanding of their hard disk status. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

4、 SMART value

1. Threshold The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The critical value is the threshold value designated by the hard disk manufacturer to represent the reliability of a project, also called threshold value, which is calculated by a specific formula. If the current value of a parameter approaches the critical value, it means that the hard disk will become unreliable, which may lead to data loss or hard disk failure. Because the critical value is determined by the hard disk manufacturer according to its own product characteristics, the test results of the special test software provided by the manufacturer are often quite different from those of the test software under Windows. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Take the parameter Raw Read Error Rate as an example: the calculation formula of a hard disk for this parameter is "10 × log10 (number of sectors of data transferred between the host and the hard disk) × 512 × 8/number of sectors to be re read". Among them, "512 × 8" is to convert the number of sectors into transmitted data bits. This value is calculated only when the transmitted data bits are in the range of 1010~1012. After the Windows system is started, when the data sector transmitted between the host and the hard disk is greater than or equal to 1012, this value will be reset, so some values will be reset in different operating environments There will be large fluctuations under different testing procedures. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

2. Normalized value The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The current value is the result of the formula calculation of each ID item based on the measured data when the hard disk is running. The calculation formula is determined by the hard disk manufacturer. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

When the hard disk is delivered from the factory, each ID item has a preset maximum normal value, that is, the factory value. The basis and calculation method of this preset are confidential for the hard disk manufacturer. Different models of hard disk have different maximum normal values, which are usually 100, 200 or 253. The current value displayed when the new hard disk is first used can be considered as the preset maximum normal value (except for some ID items such as temperature). With the use loss or error, the current value will be refreshed and gradually reduced according to the measured data. Therefore, if the current value is close to the critical value, it means that the life of the hard disk is reduced and the possibility of failure is increased. Therefore, the current value is also one of the bases for judging the health status or predicting the life of the hard disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

3. Worst The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The worst value is the maximum abnormal value of each ID item when the hard disk is running. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The worst value is the peak statistics of some data deterioration during the hard disk operation, and the value will be refreshed continuously. Generally, the worst value is equal to the current value. If the worst value fluctuates greatly (less than the current value), it indicates that the hard disk has made an error or experienced a harsh working environment (such as temperature). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

4. Data value (Data or Raw value) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Data values are measured values of various parameters when the hard disk is running. Most SMART tools display data in decimal system. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The meaning represented by data values depends on the parameters and can be roughly divided into three categories: The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

1) The data value does not directly reflect the state of the hard disk. The result can only be obtained by converting it to the current value through the built-in calculation formula of the hard disk; The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

2) The data value is directly accumulated. For example, the Start/Stop Count data is 50, which means that the hard disk has been started and stopped 50 times since it left the factory; The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

3) The data of some parameters are instantaneous. For example, the data value of Temperature is 44, indicating that the current temperature of the hard disk is 44 ℃. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Therefore, viewing data directly for some parameters can also roughly understand the current working state of the hard disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

5、 Status

There is a critical value (threshold) in each SMART information of the hard disk. The critical value of different hard disks is different. After SMART analyzes the current value, the worst value, the comparison result of the critical value and the data value, it provides the current evaluation status of the hard disk, which is also an important information for us to intuitively judge the health status of the hard disk. According to SMART, there are three states: normal, warning, fault or error. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

SMART judges that these three states are closely related to the assignment of SMART's Pre failure/advisory BIT parameter. When Pre failure/advisory BIT=0 and the current value and the worst value are far greater than the critical value, it is a normal flag. When Pre failure/advisory BIT=0, and the current value and the worst value are greater than but close to the critical value, it is a warning sign; When Pre failure/advisory BIT=1 and the current value and the worst value are less than the critical value, it is a fault or error flag. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

6、 Detailed explanation of SMART parameters

In general, users can roughly understand the health status of the hard disk by observing the relationship between the current value, the worst value and the critical value, and paying attention to the status prompt information. The following is a brief introduction to the meaning of each parameter. The items marked in red are life critical items, and the items in blue are specific to solid state disk (SSD). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

In flash based SSDs, storage units are divided into two categories: SLC (Single Layer Cell) and MLC (Multi Level Cell). SLC has high cost, small capacity, fast read and write speed and high reliability. The number of erasures can reach 100000 times, 10 times higher than MLC. Although MLC has large capacity and low cost, its performance lags far behind SLC. In order to ensure the life of MLC, the control chip should also have an intelligent wear balance technology algorithm, so that the number of writes in each storage unit can be evenly allocated to achieve an average time between failures of 1 million hours. Therefore, there are many SMART parameters of SSDs that are not available in mechanical hard disks, such as the number of erasures of storage units, spare block statistics, etc. These new items are mostly customized by manufacturers, some of which have not been explained in detail, and some of which may not be accurate, and are only for reference here. The following items that are unique to the SSDs of the manufacturers not indicated are unique to SandForce master chips, and other manufacturers shall indicate them separately. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

01 (001) Low Read Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

If the data is 0 or any value, the current value should be far greater than the critical value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The bottom data read error rate is the error that occurs when the head reads data from the disk surface. For some hard disks, data greater than 0 indicates that there is a problem on the disk surface or the read/write head, such as media damage, head pollution, head resonance, etc. However, for Seagate hard disk, this item of many hard disks will have a large amount of data, which does not mean there is any problem, mainly depending on the degree of decline of the current value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

In SSDs, the data value of this item includes correctable errors and uncorrectable RAISE errors (UECC+URAISE). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Note: RAISE (Redundant Array of Independent Silicon Elements) means redundant array of independent silicon elements. It is a unique redundancy recovery technology of solid state disk to ensure the internal data security similar to RAID array. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

02 (002) Disk read/write flux performance Throughput Performance The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This parameter indicates the read/write throughput performance of the hard disk. The larger the data value, the better. If the current value is low or close to the critical value, it indicates that there is a serious problem with the hard disk. However, the current hard disk usually displays a data value of 0 or does not display this item at all. Generally, the amount of data will be available after the manual offline SMART test. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

03 (003) Spin Up Time The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Spindle spin up time is the time taken for the spindle motor to reach the rated speed from startup. The data value directly displays the time in milliseconds or seconds, so the smaller the data value, the better. However, for a normal hard disk, this is only a reference value. Each time the hard disk starts, the time is different. A slower start does not mean that there is a problem. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

It takes about 4 seconds to 15 seconds for the spindle motor of the hard disk to reach the rated speed from startup. The long startup time indicates that there is a problem with the motor drive circuit or the bearing mechanism. Once the data value of this parameter is always 0 on some models of hard disks, it depends on the current value and the worst value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

For SSDs, all data is stored in semiconductor integrated circuits, and there is no spindle motor, so this item is meaningless. The data is fixed to 0, and the current value is fixed to 100. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

04 (004) Start/Stop Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data of this parameter is the cumulative value, which indicates the number of times the spindle motor of the hard disk starts/stops. New hard disks usually only have a few times, which will gradually increase in the future. Some functions of the system, such as turning off the hard disk when idle, will greatly increase the number of starts/stops of the hard disk. Under the influence of the timing function, the excessive number of starts/stops (far more than the number of power on 0C) indicates that there may be a problem with the hard disk motor and its drive circuit. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The current value of this parameter is calculated according to a formula. For example, for a Seagate hard disk, the critical value is 20, and the current value is calculated by the formula "100 - (start stop count/1024)". If the start/stop count of a new hard disk is 0, the current value is 100 - (0/1024)=100. With the increase of the start/stop times, the value continues to decline. When the start/stop times reach 81920, the current value is 100 - (81920/1024)=20, which has reached the critical value, indicating that the hard disk has reached the design life from the start/stop times. Of course, this is only a life reference value, and does not have a definite indicator. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This item is also meaningless for SSDs. The data is fixed to 0 and the current value is fixed to 100. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

05 (005) Reallocated Sectors Count/Retired Block Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data should be 0, and the current value should be far greater than the critical value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

When read/write/verification errors continue to occur in a sector of the hard disk, the hard disk firmware program will add the physical address of the sector to the defect list (G-list), redirect the address to the reserved spare sector, and transfer the data in the sector together, which is called remapping. The hard disk after the remapping operation cannot find bad sectors in the routine Windows detection, because its address has been pointed to the standby sector, which is equivalent to shielding the bad sectors. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of this parameter directly indicates the number of sectors that have been remapped. The current value continues to decline with the increase of the data value. When it is found that the data value of this item is not zero, pay close attention to its development trend. If it can remain stable for a long time, the hard disk can still operate normally; If the data value keeps rising, it means that the bad sectors keep increasing, and the hard disk is in an unstable state, so it should be replaced. If the current value is close to or has reached the critical value (the data value at this time is not necessarily large, because the number of spare sectors reserved by different hard disks is not the same), it means that the defect table is full or the spare sectors have been exhausted, and the remapping function has been lost. If bad sectors appear again, they will appear and directly lead to data loss. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This is not only a key parameter for the life of the hard disk, but also the number of remapped sectors directly affects the performance of the hard disk. For example, some hard disks may have a large amount of data, but the current value does not decline significantly. Although these hard disks can still operate normally, they should not continue to be used. Because the spare sectors are located at the tail of the disk (near the disk axis), a large number of spare sectors will increase the seek time and significantly reduce the performance of the hard disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This parameter is very sensitive on mechanical hard disks, and it is also important for solid state disks. The life of flash memory is normally distributed. For example, MLC can write more than 10000 times. In fact, it means that "batch damage" will not occur before 10000 times of writing, but some units may be damaged after dozens of times of writing. In other words, the disk of mechanical hard disk will not be damaged due to reading and writing. The appearance of bad sectors is mostly related to the process quality, while the number of reading and writing of flash memory is limited, so the damage is normal. Therefore, SSDs also reserve a certain amount of space during manufacturing. When a storage unit has a problem, the damaged part is isolated and replaced by the good part. This replacement method is the same as the sector remapping of mechanical hard disks, except that mechanical hard disks rarely have remapping operations when they are normal, and SSDs often do. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

In SSD, the data of this item will continue to grow with the use, as long as the growth rate remains stable. Generally, the data value=100 - (100 × total number of replaced blocks/required blocks), so the remaining life of the hard disk can also be estimated. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The twelfth letter of the Intel SSD model indicates two specifications. The letter 1 indicates the first generation SSD with 50 nm technology, and the letter 2 indicates the second generation SSD with 34 nm technology. For example, SSDSA2M160G2GN indicates the 34nm SSD. Therefore, there are two ways to view parameters: The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The 50nm SSD (first generation) depends on the current value. The initial value is 100. When a replacement block occurs, the value does not change immediately. Until four blocks have been replaced, the value becomes 1. After that, the current value increases by+1 for every four blocks. That is, 100 corresponds to 0~3 blocks, 1 corresponds to 4~7 blocks, and 2 corresponds to 8~11 blocks The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The 34nm SSD (second generation) directly views the data value, which directly indicates how many blocks have been replaced. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

06 (006) Read Channel Margin The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This function is unknown, and the current hard disk does not display this function. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

07 (007) Seek Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data should be 0, and the current value should be far greater than the critical value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This item indicates the error rate of the head when searching. There are many factors that can cause the error rate to rise, such as the mechanical system and servo circuit of the head assembly have local problems, the surface medium of the disk is poor, the hard disk temperature is too high, and so on. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Usually, the data of this item should be 0, but for Seagate hard disk, even if it is a new hard disk, this item may have a large amount of data, which does not mean there is any problem, but it depends on whether the current value decreases. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

08 (008) Seek Time Performance The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This item represents the average performance (seek speed) of the hard disk seek operation, and is usually associated with the previous item (seek error rate). The continuous decline of the current value indicates that there is a problem with the head assembly, seek motor or servo circuit, but many hard disks do not display this item now. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

09 (009) Power On Time Count (POH) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The meaning of this parameter is clear at a glance. It indicates the power on time of the hard disk. The data value directly accumulates the power on time of the device. Of course, the new hard disk should be close to 0, but the counting units of different hard disks are different. There are hours, minutes, seconds, and even 30 seconds, which are defined by the disk manufacturer. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The critical value of this parameter is usually 0. The current value will gradually decrease with the increase of the power on time of the hard disk. Approaching the critical value indicates that the hard disk is close to the expected design life, which does not mean that the hard disk will fail or be scrapped immediately. The remaining life or failure probability can be estimated roughly by referring to the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) value of this model of hard disk given by the disk manufacturer. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

For SSDs, note that "device initiated power management (DIPM)" will affect this statistic: if DIPM is enabled, sleep time is not included in the continuous power on count; If the DIPM function is turned off, the time in the active, idle, and sleep states will be counted. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

0A (010) Spin up Retry Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data should be 0, and the current value should be greater than the critical value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of the number of spindle spin retries is the count of the number of attempts to restart the spindle motor, that is, the number of attempts to restart the spindle motor when it failed to reach the rated speed within the specified time after starting. The increase of data volume indicates that there is a problem with the motor drive circuit or the mechanical subsystem, and insufficient power supply of the whole machine will also cause this problem. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

0B (011) Head Calibration Retry Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data should be 0, and the current value should be far greater than the critical value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

When the temperature of the hard disk changes, the mechanical parts (especially the disk) will be deformed due to thermal expansion and cold contraction. Therefore, the head calibration operation needs to be performed to eliminate errors. Some hard disks also have a built-in head timing calibration function. This item records the number of times that need to be recalibrated (usually because the last calibration failed). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

An increase in the amount of data in this item indicates that there is a problem with the motor drive circuit or the mechanical subsystem, but some new hard disks also have a certain amount of data, which does not mean there is a problem. It depends on the current value and the worst value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

0C (012) Power Cycle Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of power on cycle counting represents the number of power on/off times of the hard disk, that is, the cumulative number of power on/off times. New hard disks usually only have a few times. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This item is different from the start/stop count (04). Generally speaking, the power on/off of the hard disk means that the computer is turned on and off, so the data will be increased by 1 after a switch on and off; The start stop count (04) indicates the start/stop of the spindle motor of the hard disk (the hard disk may start and stop several times during operation, such as the system entering sleep or being set to idle for how long and then shut down). Therefore, in most cases, the number of power on/off will be less than the number of start stop counting (04). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Generally, hard disks are designed to be powered on for a high number of times, such as at least 5000 times. Therefore, this count is only a reference value for life, and is not indicative in itself. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

0D (013) Soft Read Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Software read error rate, also known as correctable read error rate, is an uncorrected read error reported to the operating system. The lower the data value, the better. If the data value is too high, it may indicate that there is a problem with the magnetic medium of the disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

AA (170) bad block growth count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The total number of blocks that failed to read or write. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

AB (171) Program Fail Block Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Number of Flash programming failure blocks. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

AC (172) Erase Fail Block Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Number of failed erase blocks. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

AD (173) wear balancing operation times (average wiping times)/Wear Leveling Count (Micron magnesium) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Average number of erasures for all good blocks. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The Flash chip has a limit on the number of writes. When the FAT file system is used, the file allocation table needs to be updated frequently. If some areas of the flash memory are read and written too frequently, they will wear out faster than other areas, which will significantly shorten the life of the entire hard disk (even if the number of erasures in other areas is far less than the maximum limit). Therefore, if the entire area has a uniform write amount, the chip life can be significantly extended, which is called wear leveling measures. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

AE (174) Unexpected Power Loss Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The number of times the hard disk has experienced an unexpected power down event since it was enabled. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B1 (177) Wear Range Delta The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The difference between the wear percentage of the block with the heaviest wear and that of the block with the lightest wear. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B4 (180) Unused Reserved Block Count Total (HP) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The SSD will reserve some capacity to replace the damaged storage unit, so the amount of available reserved space is very important. The current value of this parameter indicates the number of reserved storage units that have not been used. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B5 (181) Program Fail Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Displays the number of programmed failures with 4 bytes, similar to the (AB) parameter. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B5 (181) Non-4k Aligned Access (Micron Micron) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B6 (182) Erase Fail Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

4 bytes are used to display the number of block erase failures since the hard disk is enabled, similar to the (AC) parameter. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B7 (183) Serial port speed down error count SATA Downshift Error Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This item indicates the number of times the SATA interface rate has dropped in error. Usually, the compatibility problem between the hard disk and the motherboard will cause the SATA transmission level to be degraded. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B8 (184) I/O error detection and correction (IOEDC) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

"I/O error detection and correction" is a part of HP's proprietary SMART IV technology. Like other manufacturers' I/O error detection and correction architectures, it records the number of parity errors when data is transferred to the host through the drive's internal cache RAM. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B8 (184) End to End Error Detection Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Point to point error detection count of Intel's second generation 34nm solid state disk. There is an LBA (logical block addressing) record in the SSD, which shows the number of errors in the mapping between the internal logical block address and the real physical address of the SSD. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B8 (184) Init Bad Block Count (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The number of bad blocks of the hard disk when it leaves the factory. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

B9 (185) Head Stability The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The meaning is unclear. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

BA (186) induced operation vibration detection (Western Data) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The meaning is unclear. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

BB (187) Uncorrectable Errors (Seagate) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Errors reported to the operating system that cannot be corrected by the hardware ECC. If the data value is not zero, the data on the hard disk should be backed up. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

An uncorrectable RAISE (URAISE) error reported to the operating system in all access commands. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

BC (188) Command Timeout The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The number of times the operation was terminated due to hard disk timeout. Usually, the data value should be 0. If it is far greater than zero, it is most likely that the power supply problem or poor contact caused by data line oxidation, or the hard disk has serious problems. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

BD (189) High Fly Writes The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The head flight height monitoring device can improve the reliability of reading and writing. This device constantly monitors whether the head flight height is within the normal range to ensure reliable data writing. If the flying height of the head deviates, the writing operation will stop, and then try to write again or change the position. This continuous monitoring process improves the reliability of the written data and reduces the read error rate. The data value of this item counts the number of times the flying height of the head deviates when writing. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

BD (189) Factory Bad Block Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

BE (190) Airflow Temperature The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This item indicates the airflow temperature on the surface of the disk inside the hard disk. In some Seagate hard disks, the current value=(100 - current temperature), so the higher the airflow temperature, the lower the current value. The lowest value is the lowest point that the current value has ever reached. The critical value is determined by the maximum allowable temperature defined by the manufacturer, and the data value is not practical. Many hard disks do not have this parameter. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

BF (191) shock error rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of this item records the frequency of errors caused by mechanical impact on the hard disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C0 (192) Power Off Retract Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

When the computer is shut down or accidentally powered off, the head of the hard disk must return to the docking area and cannot stay in the data area of the disk. During normal shutdown, the power supply will notify the hard disk that it is Standby Immediate, which means that the host requires the cache data to be written to the hard disk, and then it is ready to shut down and power off (the same is true for hibernation and standby); An unexpected power failure means that the hard disk loses power without receiving a power off notice. At this time, the head will automatically reset and quickly leave the disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of this parameter accumulates the number of times the head returns. However, it should be noted that for some hard disks, this parameter only records the return action of the head in case of accidental power failure; Some hard disks record all the head return actions (including hibernation and standby, but not during shutdown); There are still some hard disks that have not been recorded. Therefore, the data value of this parameter continues to be 0 or slightly greater than 0 on some hard disks, but it will be greater than the data of power on cycle count (0C) or start stop count (04) on other hard disks. In some new energy-saving hard disks, the data volume of this parameter is also related to the energy-saving design of the hard disk, which may be much larger than the data of the power on cycle count (0C) or start stop count (04), but much smaller than the data volume of the head load/unload count (C1). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

For SSDs, although there is no head loading/unloading operation, the data volume of this item still represents the number of unsafe shutdowns, that is, the number of unexpected power outages. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C1 (193) Head Load/Unload Cycle Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

For the past hard disk, when the disk stopped rotating, the head arm stopped at the parking area at the central axis of the disk, and the head contacted the disk. Only when the disk rotated to a certain speed, the head began to float on the disk and began to move outward to the data area. This makes the head rub with the disc when the hard disk is started or stopped. Although the parking area of the disc does not store data, there is no doubt that a cycle of starting or stopping will make the head wear twice. Therefore, for previous hard disks, the number of head takeoff and landing (loading/unloading) is an important life critical parameter. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

In modern hard disks, the head arm is usually parked on a specially designed docking rack outside the disk, away from the disk. Only when the disk rotates to the rated speed, the head arm starts to rotate inward (the disk axis) to move the head to the disk area (loading), and the head arm rotates outward to return to the docking rack for unloading. In this way, the phenomenon that the head contacts the disk when the hard disk starts or stops is completely eliminated. Western Data Company calls it "slope loading technology". The importance of this parameter has been greatly reduced due to the fact that the magnetic head never contacts with the disc during the loading/unloading process and there is no wear of the magnetic head. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of this parameter is the cumulative number of times the head performs load/unload operations. In principle, the loading/unloading times should be equal to the starting/stopping times of the hard disk, but for the built-in hard disk of the notebook and the new energy-saving hard disk of the desktop, the data volume of this item will be large. This is because the head arm assembly is designed with a fixed return torque to ensure that the head can automatically leave the disc radius range by spring force and quickly return to the docking rack in case of accidental power failure. Therefore, to keep the head within the radius of the disk when the hard disk is running, it is necessary to keep the head arm drive motor (seek motor) continuously energized with current. When the hard disk is idle for a few minutes, the head arm immediately performs the unloading action and returns to the docking rack, which is not only conducive to energy saving, but also reduces the probability that the hard disk is impacted by external forces, causing the head to contact the disk. Although reloading will increase the seek time a little, it will do more harm than good after all, so the number of times the head is loaded/unloaded in such hard disks will be far greater than the amount of data in the power on cycle count (0C) or start stop count (04). However, this loading/unloading method has no contact between the head and the disk, so the design value has also been greatly increased. Generally, the head loading/unloading rating of the notebook built-in hard disk is between 300000 and 600000 times, while the head loading/unloading design value of the new energy-saving desktop hard disk can reach one million times. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C2 (194) Temperature The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of temperature directly represents the current temperature inside the hard disk. When the hard disk is running, it is better not to exceed 45 ℃. Although the temperature is too high, it will not cause data loss, but the mechanical deformation caused will lead to the increase of seek and read/write error rates, which will reduce the performance of the hard disk. The maximum allowable operating temperature of the hard disk can be viewed from the data provided by the hard disk manufacturer, which generally does not exceed 60 ℃. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Different manufacturers have different representations of the current value, the worst value and the critical value of the temperature parameters: the current value of some Seagate hard disks is the actual temperature (Celsius), and the worst value is the highest temperature ever reached, so the critical value is meaningless; The worst value of some hard disks of Western Data Corporation is a function of the time after the temperature rises to a certain value. The duration after each temperature rise will lead to the gradual decline of the worst value. The current value is inversely proportional to the current temperature, that is, the higher the current temperature, the lower the current value, fluctuating with the actual temperature. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C3 (195) Hardware ECC Recovered The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

ECC (Error Correcting Code) means "error checking and correction". This technology can tolerate errors and correct them, so that reading and writing operations can continue without interruption due to errors. The data value of this item records the number of times the head corrects errors through ECC technology when reading and writing on the disk. However, many hard disks have their manufacturer specific data structures, so the size of the data volume does not directly indicate the problem. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C3 (195) On the fly ECC Uncorrectable Error Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This parameter records the number of errors that cannot be corrected (UECC). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C3 (195) Program Failure block Count (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C4 (196) Reallocation Events Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data should be 0, and the current value should be far greater than the critical value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of this parameter records the number of attempts to transfer data from the remapped sector to the standby sector. It is the cumulative value of the remapping operation. Successful transfers and unsuccessful transfers will be counted. Therefore, this parameter is similar to the remapping sector count (05), which reflects the existence of bad sectors in the hard disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C4 (196) Erase Failure block Count (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

In SSDs, this parameter records the number of programming failures of remapped blocks. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C5 (197) Current Pending Sector Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data should be 0, and the current value should be far greater than the critical value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data of this parameter indicates the number of "unstable" sectors, that is, the number of sectors waiting to be mapped (also known as "suspended sectors"). If the unstable sector is subsequently read and written successfully, the sector will no longer be included in the waiting range, and the data value will drop. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Only the sectors with errors in reading will not result in remapping, but will be listed as "waiting". Maybe there will be no problem in future reading, so remapping will only occur when writing fails. If an error continues to occur when writing to the sector next time, a remapping operation will occur. At this time, the data values of the remapping sector count (05) and the remapping event count (C4) increase, and the data value of this parameter decreases. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C5 (197) Read Failure block Count (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C6 (198) Offline Uncorrectable Sector Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data should be 0, and the current value should be far greater than the critical value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data of this parameter accumulates the total number of uncorrectable errors that occur when reading or writing sectors. If the data value rises, it indicates that there is a problem with the media or mechanical subsystem on the disk surface. Some sectors can no longer be read. If files are using these sectors, the operating system will return an error message about reading the disk. The next write operation will remap the sector. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C6 (198) Total Count of Read Sectors (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C7 (199) Ultra ATA Access Check Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of this parameter accumulates the number of data line transmission errors found through the Interface Cyclic Redundancy Check (ICRC). If the data value is not 0 and continues to grow, it means that there is an error in the hard disk controller → data cable → hard disk interface. Poor quality data cable and interface contact may cause this phenomenon. Since the data value of this item will not reset to zero, some new hard disks will also have a certain amount of data. As long as the data value does not continue to grow after the data cable is replaced, it means that the problem has been solved. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C7 (199) Total Count of Write Sectors (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C8 (200) Write Error Rate/Multi Zone Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data should be 0, and the current value should be far greater than the critical value. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data of this parameter accumulates the total number of errors when writing data to sectors. Some new hard disks also have a certain amount of data. If the data value continues to rise rapidly (the current value is low), there may be a problem with the disk and head components. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C8 (200) Total Count of Read Command (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C9 (201) Off Track Error Rate/Soft Read Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value accumulates the number of derailment errors during reading. If the data value is not 0, it is better to back up the data on the hard disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C9 (201) TA Counter Detected (meaning unknown) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

C9 (201) Total Count of Write Command (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CA (202) Data Address Mark errors The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The lower the data value of this item, the better (or defined by the manufacturer). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CA (202) TA Counter Incremented (meaning unknown) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CA (202) Percentage Of The Rated Lifetime Used (Micron magnesium chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The current value drops from 100 to 0, indicating the statistics of the erase margin of all blocks. The calculation method is to divide the number of MLC erasures by 50, and the number of SLC erasures by 1000. The result is an integer, and the difference between the number of MLC erasures and 100 is taken as the current value (the estimated number of MLC erasures is 5000, and the estimated number of SLC erasures is 100000). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Total Count of error bits from flash (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CB (203) software ECC error number Run Out Cancel The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The frequency of error checking and correction (ECC) errors. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CB (203) Total Count of Read Sectors with correct bits error (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CC (204) software ECC correction The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Count of errors corrected by software ECC. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CC (204) Bad Block Full Flag (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CD (205) Thermal Aspect Rate (TAR) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Error caused by overtemperature. The data value should be 0. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CD (205) Max P/E Count (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CE (206) Flying Height The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The vertical distance between the head and the disc surface. If the height is too low, it increases the possibility of damage caused by the contact between the head and the disc; A higher height increases the read/write error rate. However, to be precise, there is no device in the hard disk that can directly measure the flying height of the head, and the manufacturer only calculates the flying height of the head according to the signal strength read by the head. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CE (206) Write Error Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CE (206) Minimum Erase Count Min (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CF (207) Spin High Current The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value records the times of surge current when the spindle motor is running. The increase of data volume means that there may be a problem with the bearing or motor. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

CF (207) Maximum Erase Count Max (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

D0 (208) Spin Buzz spindle motor restart times The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value records the number of times the spindle motor repeatedly tries to start, which is usually caused by insufficient power supply. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

D0 (208) Average Count Average (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

D1 (209) Offline Seek Performance The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This item indicates the seek performance of the drive when it is offline. It is usually used for factory internal testing. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

D1 (209) Remaining Life% (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

D2 (210) Ramp Load Value The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This item can only be seen in some hard disks manufactured by Maxtor a few years ago. Usually, the data value is 0, and the meaning is unknown. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

D2 (210) Bad block management error log BBM Error Log (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Vibration During Write The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Record of external vibration when writing data. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

D3 (211) SATA host interface CRC write error count SATA Error Count CRC (Write) (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

D4 (212) Shock During Write The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

A record that is subject to external mechanical impact when writing data. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

D4 (212) SATA host interface read error count SATA Error Count CRC (Read) (Indilinx chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

DC (220) disc offset Disk Shift The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The offset of the disk in the hard disk relative to the spindle (usually caused by external force impact or temperature change). The unit is unknown. The smaller the data value, the better. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

DD (221) shock error rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Same as (BF), the data value records the frequency of errors caused by external mechanical shock or vibration of the hard disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

DE (222) Head seek time cumulative Loaded Hours The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The operating hours of the magnetic head arm assembly, that is, the cumulative running time of the seek motor. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

DF (223) Head Load/Unload Retry Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

This item is similar to item (C1). The data value accumulates the number of times the head attempts to reload/unload. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E0 (224) head resistance Load Friction The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The resistance of mechanical parts to which the magnetic head is subjected during operation. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E1 (225) Host Writes The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Since the number of erasures of flash memory is limited, this is a unique statistic for SSDs. When 65536 sectors are written to the hard disk, the data of this item will be+1. If you can use HDTune and other software to view SMART, you can calculate it yourself. The Intel SSD Toolbox has calculated it for you, and directly displays the amount of data that has been written to SSD. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E2 (226) Head Loading Time Cumulative Load 'In' - time The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The cumulative running time of the head assembly, that is, the time when the head arm is not in the docking area, is similar to item (DE). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E3 (227) Torque Amplification Count The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The number of times the spindle motor attempts to increase the torque to compensate for changes in disc speed. When there is a problem with the spindle bearing, the spindle motor will try to increase the driving force to make the disc rotate stably. The current value of this parameter decreases, indicating that there is a serious problem with the mechanical subsystem of the hard disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E4 (228) Power Off Retract Cycle The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value accumulates the number of times that the head automatically returns due to accidental power failure of the device, similar to item (C0). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E6 (230) GMR head amplitude The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The head "jitters", that is, the distance of forward/reverse reciprocating motion. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E7 (231) Temperature The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The data value of temperature directly represents the current temperature inside the hard disk, which is the same as item (C2). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E7 (231) remaining life SSD Life Left The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The remaining life is a prediction based on the P/E cycle and available spare blocks. 100 for new hard disk; 10 indicates that the PE cycle has reached the design value, but there are still enough reserved blocks; 0 indicates that the reserved block is insufficient, and the hard disk will be in read-only mode to back up data. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E8 (232) Endurance Remaining The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Life margin refers to the percentage of the number of erasures of the hard disk and the designed maximum number of erasable erasures, which is similar to item (CA). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E8 (232) Available Reserved Space (Intel chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

For Intel SSDs, the previous 05 item mentioned that some capacity will be reserved to replace damaged storage units, so the amount of available reserved space is very important. When the reserved space is exhausted, the data of the damaged unit will be lost, and the life of the SSD will end. So just looking at item 05 doesn't mean much. This item is the most important. This parameter can be viewed from the current value. All the reserved space in the new SSD is 100. With the consumption of reserved space, the current value will continue to decline. When it is close to the critical value (usually 10), it means that only 10% of the reserved space is left, and the life of the SSD will end. This is similar to item (B4). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E9 (233) Power On Hours The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

For ordinary hard disks, this item is the same as (09). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

E9 (233) Media Warout Indicator (Intel chip) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Because the number of erasures of the solid state disk is limited, when a certain number of erasures are reached, a large number of units will be damaged at the same time, and the reserved space can not hold, so this parameter actually represents the design life of the disk. Intel's SSD depends on the current value. As the average write times of NAND increase from 0 to the maximum design value, the current value of this parameter gradually decreases from 100 to 1. This indicates that the design life of the SSD has ended. Of course, reaching the design life does not necessarily mean that SSDs will be scrapped immediately, which has a great relationship with the quality of flash memory chips. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Note: Total Erase Count refers to the total number of erasures of all blocks in the SSD. The maximum number of erasures varies for NAND chips of different specifications and SSDs of different capacities. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

F0 (240) Head Flying Hours/Transfer Error Rate (Fujitsu) The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The time when the head is in the working position. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Fujitsu hard disk indicates the number of times the connection was reset during data transmission. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

F1 (241) Total LBAs Written The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Cumulative number of LBA writes. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

F1 (241) Lifetime Writes from Host The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The total amount of data written by the host to the hard disk since the hard disk was enabled, expressed in 4 bytes, with each 64GB byte written as a unit. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

F2 (242) Total LBAs Read The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Cumulative number of LBA reads. Some SMART reading tools display negative data values because 48 bit LBA is used instead of 32 bit LBA. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

F2 (242) Lifetime Reads from Host The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

The total amount of data read from the hard disk by the host since the hard disk was enabled is expressed in 4 bytes, and each 64GB byte read is a unit. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

FA (250) Read Error Retry Rate The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Number of errors reading from disk. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

FE (254) Free Fall Protection The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

Now some notebook hard disks have free fall protection function. When the built-in acceleration detection device of the hard disk detects the displacement of the hard disk, it will immediately stop reading and writing operations and reset the head arm. This measure prevents the friction impact between the head and the disc, and improves the seismic performance of the hard disk. The number of actions of this protection device is recorded in the data of this parameter. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2705.html

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