How does WeChat send videos larger than 25MB

December 31, 2019 21:30:15 Mobile phone system Source: Pacific Computer Network comment 6,922

As we all know, WeChat has a limit on the size of videos sent. If your video exceeds 25M, you will definitely see the following prompt. So the problem is, what should we do if the video to be sent really exceeds 25M? Is it really hard to send it out? Today, the editor will share three groups of tips to help you easily bypass the limits of WeChat. The article originates from the fallen fish-

 How does WeChat send videos larger than 25MB The article originates from the fallen fish-

The video sent exceeds the limit of WeChat. Is it swollen or broken? The article originates from the fallen fish-

Method 1 Try it if the video does not exceed 100M The article originates from the fallen fish-

First, find the video to be sent, right click and select WinRAR or other compression software on the computer to compress and package the video. Next, send the packed file through WeChat to bypass the 25MB limit. The article originates from the fallen fish-

 How does WeChat send videos larger than 25MB The article originates from the fallen fish-

This technique actually uses a hidden setting of WeChat. During file sending, the video cannot exceed 25MB and the file cannot exceed 100MB. Therefore, as long as the video is packaged directly into a file, the 25MB limit can be successfully bypassed. However, because the video is packaged, mobile preview will be very troublesome. This method is actually more suitable for video transmission. The article originates from the fallen fish-

Method 2 Change the extension to. m4v The article originates from the fallen fish-

Open the Explorer, find the video file to be sent, and then right-click to change the extension to ". m4v". At this time, the system may prompt that changing the extension will cause the file to be unavailable. Ignore it. After modification, follow the normal steps and drag it to WeChat to send. The article originates from the fallen fish-

 How does WeChat send videos larger than 25MB The article originates from the fallen fish-

Forcibly change the extension to ". m4v". As for what ghost prompt the system pops up, ignore it! The article originates from the fallen fish-

 How does WeChat send videos larger than 25MB The article originates from the fallen fish-

Although it is also a video format, m4v can easily bypass the 25M limit The article originates from the fallen fish-

. m4v is also a video format, which is used for H.264 encoding together with. mp4. This format may be unfamiliar to many kids. In fact, it is a video format commonly used in Apple devices. In other words, the reason why the video after the extension is modified can break the 25M limit is probably that WeChat is "open" to Apple devices. The article originates from the fallen fish-

Whatever the reason, the original video can easily break the 25M limit after being modified to. m4v. Moreover, since there is no secondary packaging, the other party can also directly click the preview after receiving it, which is more suitable for mobile phone use than the previous one. The article originates from the fallen fish-

Method 3 Send it to yourself on the mobile phone first The article originates from the fallen fish-

If your video is saved on your phone, you can also send it to the File Transfer Assistant first, and then forward it to your friends. In this process, WeChat will automatically compress the original video, and when it is forwarded again, the volume will not be as large as before. Generally speaking, a video of about 58MB can be reduced by almost 10 times after WeChat automatic compression, basically meeting the top limit of 25MB. And because it is sent by MP4, preview and play buttons are also available, which is more in line with everyone's usage habits. However, the compressed video will have a lower image quality than the original video, which is mainly used in some occasions where the image requirements are not high. The article originates from the fallen fish-

 How does WeChat send videos larger than 25MB The article originates from the fallen fish-

The mobile terminal first sends it to the "File Transfer Assistant", and then forwards it to friends again The article originates from the fallen fish-

Write at the end The article originates from the fallen fish-

The above are just a few tips for bypassing WeChat to send videos larger than 25M. In addition, some people have said that we can use WeChat notes to bypass in disguised form. However, I think that in principle, note sending is no different from video packaging, and the operation is more troublesome, so it is not recommended. Well, here are some tips to share with you today. Have you learned them? The article originates from the fallen fish-

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