Tencent's organizational structure is adjusted and upgraded to the industrial Internet

September 30, 2018 20:29:47 Industry trends two two hundred and twenty-six

The long rumored adjustment of Tencent's organizational structure has finally come to an end. This morning, Tencent announced its strategic upgrade, retaining the original enterprise development group (CDG), interactive entertainment group (IEG), technology engineering group (TEG), WeChat group (WXG); It also highlighted the integration effect, and newly established the Cloud and Smart Industry Group (CSIG), Platform and Content Group (PCG). This is Tencent's first large-scale internal structure adjustment after six years. Ma Huateng said that this is an evolution facing the future, and it is Tencent's active innovation and upgrading iteration for the next 20 years. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2510.html

Tencent said that on the basis of connecting people, connecting digital content and connecting services, we will further explore the integration of social networking, content and technology more suitable for future trends, and promote the upgrading from consumer Internet to industrial Internet. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2510.html

With the strategic upgrading, Tencent's organizational structure ushered in a new round of optimization and adjustment after six years, restructuring and integration based on the original seven business groups (BG). Both maintain the advantages and characteristics of deep cultivation in vertical fields, and retain the original enterprise development group (CDG), interactive entertainment group (IEG), technical engineering group (TEG), WeChat group (WXG); It also highlighted the integration effect, and newly established the Cloud and Smart Industry Group (CSIG), Platform and Content Group (PCG). The new six business groups will connect the future with a clearer and more firm path. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2510.html

 Tencent's organizational structure is adjusted and upgraded to the industrial Internet The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2510.html

In addition, Tencent announced the establishment of a technical committee to promote more collaboration and innovation through a series of measures such as internal distributed open source collaboration, strengthening basic research and development, and creating a technology platform with Tencent characteristics; Combine the original social and effect advertising department with the original online media business group advertising line to form an advertising marketing service line. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2510.html

Ma Huateng, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Tencent, said: The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2510.html

This initiative is a new starting point for Tencent to move towards the next 20 years. It is a very important strategic upgrade. The second half of the Internet belongs to the industrial Internet. In the first half, Tencent provided users with high-quality services through connection. In the second half, we will help the industry and consumers form a more open new connection ecology on this basis. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2510.html

As an Internet based technology and culture company, technology is the most solid underlying infrastructure of Tencent. Facing AI and the upcoming 5G era, Tencent will use technology as the driving engine to explore the next generation of social and content integration. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2510.html

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