Dnspod launches free domain name hijacking monitoring

January 1, 2016 09:22:22 Industry trends two 1,975 one

At the end of last year, Tencent, Weibo, Xiaomi Technology, Today Toutiao, Meituan Dianping.com, 360, six Internet companies jointly issued a statement, saying that they were being damaged by traffic hijacking, and they would resolutely boycott illegal acts such as traffic hijacking. The six companies called on relevant operators to strictly crack down on traffic hijacking, and said they would reserve the possibility of further joint action. The so-called traffic hijacking means that the user wants to visit website A, but after entering the website address of website A, the browser presents the content of website B. Traffic hijacking mainly includes domain name hijacking and data hijacking. Because domain name hijacking is simple to implement and has a great impact on user experience, it has been criticized by all Internet participants. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2152.html

Dsnpod has launched a new free domain name hijacking monitoring service to provide customers with a better user experience and help users find domain name hijacking as soon as possible. Dnspod domain name hijacking monitoring adopts the principle of multi-point deployment to effectively address the impact of regional restrictions on DNS resolution services of operators and maximize the accuracy of domain name detection. An effective domain name detection height strategy is adopted to ensure that domain names are found hijacked within 60 minutes and information such as hijacked IP and its provinces and ISPs are saved for users to facilitate subsequent analysis and audit. At the same time, refined hijacking analysis is provided to understand hijacking threats. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2152.html

 Dnspod launches free domain name hijacking monitoring The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2152.html

Activation method of Dnspod domain name hijacking monitoring: The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2152.html

1. Access Dnspod domain name hijacking monitoring homepage The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2152.html

2. Click "Enable Monitoring" after the corresponding domain name, and the background of Dnspod will start to monitor whether your domain name is hijacked by the domain name. The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2152.html

3. Click "Hijacking Details" to view the details of domain name hijacking (including hijacking type, hijacking details, repair instructions, etc.). The article originates from the fallen fish- https://www.duoluodeyu.com/2152.html



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Comments: 2 of which: visitor 1 blogger 1
    •  wkl17
      wkl17 zero

      Curious about its principle, is it possible to deploy monitoring servers across the country to visit monitored domain names regularly to judge and record whether they are hijacked?

        •  Fallen Fish
          Fallen Fish

          @ wkl17 There is no need to have servers everywhere. You only need to know the local DNS servers to query the local DNS resolution records.