Dr. eye Translation Dictionary Privacy Policy

Welcome to the privacy policy of Dr. eye Translation Dictionary. We attach great importance to your privacy, so we have established relevant protection policies to help you understand the type, purpose and purpose of the data we collect. These matters are very important. Please take the time to read them carefully.

1、 Data collection

1. After you join Dr.eye Yediantong member, you need to establish user data, provide data including identification type C001 identification person, characteristic type C011 personal description, and other data not classified by C132, such as user name, email address, birthday, gender and other relevant information, so as to directly or indirectly identify and confirm your membership.

2. We will record the user's address, browsing activities or cookies and other relevant data, but these data are only used for traffic analysis and network behavior investigation to improve the quality of our products or services.

3. In some cases, such as when a user requests to subscribe to an electronic newspaper, or to obtain other product related notifications or participate in other activities, we may require the user to log in his personal data in order to contact, complete transactions, provide services, or process subscription procedures; In this case, if the user chooses not to provide any information, we will fully respect it. However, you may not be able to participate in or enjoy relevant services.

4. For the personal data provided, the user may exercise the following rights and methods:

4-1 Query or request reading.

4-2 Request to make copies.

4-3 Request for supplementation or correction.

4-4 Request to stop collecting, processing or using.

4-5 Request deletion.

2、 Data utilization

The purpose and scope of the personal data provided by you using Dr.eye Yidiantong products, services and related websites and applications are to certify membership, marketing, promotion and services. We may provide some of your information to affiliated enterprises or partners (such as agents, contractors or advertisers) to facilitate the marketing and promotion of product activities, or to manage and improve our products, services, content and advertising.

3、 Data removal

When the specific purpose of collecting user data disappears or the agreed period expires, we will delete or stop processing or using the personal data on our own initiative or at the user's request. However, this restriction shall not apply if it is necessary for the performance of duties or business or the user's written consent is obtained.

4、 Data security

1. In order to ensure your personal privacy and data security, your account data are protected by passwords encrypted with specific encryption technology. It is recommended that you change your password from time to time to ensure your personal privacy and data security.

2. In some cases, Dr.eye's website or APP adopts encryption mechanism to ensure the security of your data transmission.

3. Our primary goal is to protect your personal privacy and data security. We only allow employees or agents, contractors or advertisers who need to handle personal privacy and data on our behalf to access data, and relevant personnel must strictly abide by the relevant contractual confidentiality obligations.

5、 Network connection

All directly or indirectly related content not belonging to Dr.eye's website or APP is irrelevant to Dr.eye's translation.

6、 Privacy Amendment

From time to time, we will revise the privacy policy of Dr. eye Translation Dictionary to comply with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations. When we revise, we will publish the content on the website or APP of Dr.eye TranslationLink. You have agreed to our privacy policy when you join the member and provide information to us; If you do not agree with the relevant content, you can contact us to delete the information.

Dr.eye Yidiantong customer service mailbox: service@dreye.com