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How to use bt seed? Usage of bt seed

2023-09-11 09:34:35 Source: Internet Author: xzwh

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Many friends don't know how to use the bt seed, so the following editor explains the use of bt seed. If you need it, please have a look. I believe it will be helpful to everyone.

       How to use bt seed? Usage of bt seed

1. First, we prepare the BT file to download and Thunderbolt software (as shown in the figure).

 How to use bt seed? Usage of bt seed

2. Open Thunderbolt and click "New" (as shown in the figure).

 How to use bt seed? Screenshot of bt seed usage

3. Open the "New Task" page and click "Add BT Task" (as shown in the figure).

 How to use bt seed? Screenshot of bt seed usage

4. Open the Add Task Bar, find our BT seed file, and open it (as shown in the figure).

 How to use bt seed? Screenshot of bt seed usage

5. Select the file to download, click "Download Now", and the file will be downloaded later (as shown in the figure).

 How to use bt seed? Screenshot of bt seed usage

The above is the full content of how to use the bt seed brought by the small editor. More wonderful tutorials are available at the download home.