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 File MD5 batch modification tool

File MD5 batch modification tool official version v1.0

Updated on: April 22, 2019 Support system: WinALL
Software size: 250.00KB
Software classification: File processing
Software type: domestic software
Software rating:
Software license: free software
Software language: Simplified Chinese

       Official version of MD5 batch modification tool It is a simple and powerful tool to modify the MD5 value of files in batches. The software can help users quickly modify the MD5 value of files, so that users can easily modify the MD5 value of a large number of files. In addition, the MD5 batch modification tool is also easy to download.


Software Introduction

After the official version of the MD5 Batch Modification Tool is updated, the MD5 processing speed has also increased by 10%. Common files are supported, and people who need to try it can * display the file size and execution time. Applications: For example, files are blocked and harmonious by the cloud disk, and can be played on demand normally after MD5 modification, or can be posted normally after the pictures are deleted by the paste bar system.

usage method

1. After downloading and decompressing the file MD5 batch modification tool, open the software, click the Load File button, and select the file to modify the MD5 value;

2. Click the Start Modification button

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File MD5 batch modification tool