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 Double color flying MD5 calibration tool

Dual color flying MD5 verification tool official version v1.0

Updated on: November 2, 2018 Support system: WinALL
Software size: 1.90MB
Software classification: Compilation tool
Software type: domestic software
Software rating:
Software license: free software
Software language: Simplified Chinese

   Double color flying MD5 verification tool official version It is a very good software. The official version of the dual color flying MD5 verification tool has a friendly interface and powerful functions. It can perform file MD5 verification, MD5 encryption and other functions. It is simple and convenient to use and can meet everyone's daily needs.


Software Introduction

The dual color flying md5 verification tool can verify the md5 value of software or iso files. We usually download software or ISO files on the Internet with a unique MD5 value, which is always afraid of being modified by others. In this case, we need to verify whether the original version of the md5 value is the same as the downloaded md5 value. If it is the same, it is not modified; if it is different, it is modified.



Function introduction

The official version of the dual color flying MD5 verification tool can be used for the full text MD5 value verification of all files, so that the integrity of the file can be verified after the value comparison.

You can drag the file directly to the text box or select Browse File to verify it, and MD5 string encryption is added.


usage method

After downloading the MD5 verification tool, install it.

After installation, run the MD5 verification tool. It is generally shown in the following picture. Click the "Browse File" option to browse and add the software, image or video files that you need to verify


Open and search for an image, such as Win7 Ultimate. I found the file system information MD5 value for downloading the software, as shown in the figure below( Note that before downloading the software, it is better to copy the MD5 value and take a screenshot. After the software is downloaded, it needs to be verified

Now let's download and find an example. You can download it yourself for testing. It does not have to be a CD. As long as the download provider provides MD5 suggestions, try to verify them. OK, let's compare the image file I just created. Click Browse to add the file


After the file is added, the md5 verification will start automatically. After verification, the MD5 currently downloaded will appear as shown in the figure below


Compared with the previous backup, if the same file has not been modified, if different, it is recommended not to use

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Double color flying MD5 calibration tool