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 Gaode Navigation

Gaode Navigation v9.6.8803

Updated on: May 14, 2019 Support system: WinALL
Software size: 37.60MB
Software classification: Transportation
Software type: domestic software
Software rating:
Software license: free software
Software language: Simplified Chinese

Google and Apple official map data providers in China, Gaode Navigation (Mobile navigation) Relatively speaking, it is a professional navigation software, Gaode Map - familiar everywhere! Good choice for hundreds of millions of users! The latest and most authoritative map data. It can navigate completely offline without relying on the network. Gaode navigation software was originally charged, but now it has begun to implement the free policy. If you want to use offline navigation, you can download this version from its official.

Software Introduction

It is recommended to open Goddard Navigation in WIFI state and let it download offline map by itself, which is simple and convenient, and can also avoid misoperation that is easy to occur during manual operation.

The operation path is: Open the Gaud map - menu - settings - offline map - select the download city - select - download, just wait and use it.

Support national offline map, save traffic and electricity, save 90% of normal use traffic!


usage method

How to use the offline map package of Gaode Navigation: Download the zip package of map data, and unzip it to obtain the autonavidata70 folder.

Put the unzipped autonavidata60/70 folder into the phone's internal memory card or external memory card. Then run Goddard Navigation, and the system will automatically judge the data storage location and prompt the user to make a choice. (Android version)

Software features

Voice controlled navigation frees hands

5.2 The biggest highlight of the upgrade is voice navigation, which enables command operation and interest point search through voice. "Help" prompts the commands that can be implemented, such as: go home, go to the company, open the road, zoom in, zoom out, switch views, collect, save, etc. Users can operate the software by saying these commands.

Voice search points of interest, unlike other software, which can only recognize a group of words, Gaode Navigation can find all homophones, perfectly solving various accent problems. When the minor editor said "I'm going to xin tian di", Gao De gave a list of all homophone results. The surrounding query is also very useful. If you want to find anything, you can say it. I said "nearby Sichuan cuisine, nearby cinemas, nearby KFC, nearby China Merchants Bank" and so on, all of which can accurately give the desired results.

Path management at a glance


Update log

1. New real-time congestion avoidance: plan routes according to the current real-time road conditions, easily avoid congested roads, and travel smoothly.

2. The latest map data: the latest map in 2014 increased the road mileage by 280000 kilometers and the location information by 750000.

3. New upgrade of navigation engine: the new 7.0 offline navigation engine makes navigation planning more reasonable and route selection faster.

4. New optimization of navigation voice: the navigation broadcast is clearer and more accurate. There is no need to stare at the screen during the whole journey, so it is easier to drive safely.

5. Comprehensive optimization of driving records: driving mileage, fuel consumption, speed and other driving data are recorded in real time throughout the whole process, and overspeed and emergency braking are accurately identified.

6. One button backup of data: driving records, favorites, destinations, and cameras are more convenient for one button backup, and data will never be lost.

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Gaode Navigation