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Ninja must die 3 cracked version

  • edition: v2.0.60
  • size: 1.77 GB
  • Date: 2024-06-20
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Type: Action shooting
  • Environmental Science: android
  • Privacy: see
  • jurisdiction: see
  • keep on record: ZheICPB No. 2022009343 - 3A
  • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-498-01400-9
  • manufacturer: Hangzhou Yanhun Network Technology Co., Ltd
Introduction to the game
After three years of development, more than 20 million new masterpieces of Ninja Must Die have been downloaded worldwide-- Ninja must die 3 Coming! We are committed to creating the coolest and most refreshing game experience on the mobile platform. On the basis of learning the experience and lessons from previous works, we have made all-round integration and innovation of horizontal parkour games and horizontal action games. This is a new horizontal board action mobile game developed by Xiaobai Studio under Yanhun Network. Players will play the roles of Xiaohei and Ali in the game, participate in the competition, uncover the truth of the event, and maintain the peace of tolerance. The main scene in the game is the main interface, while the map mainly exists in 3V3 and arena playing methods. Players can perform a series of operations on the main interface, such as character upgrading, weapon strengthening, and treasure upgrading. At the same time, they can easily access each open activity instance or multiplayer battlefield. The background of the game is said to be that in the ninja era, the ghost family, sealed by the ancient god of tolerance for thousands of years, is making a comeback. In order to resist the invasion of the ghost clan, the Ninja Village recalled all the ninja elites to wipe out the ghost clan. At the same time, the samurai's plot gradually surfaced, and a fierce competition began. With the deepening of the investigation, all kinds of mysteries have been uncovered, but the truth is unexpected. The driving force behind the destruction of Ninja Village and the disappearance of ancient Yin Sword was also Ninja, and the rule of Samurai had already existed in name. Ninjas with different beliefs are fighting head to head, and the war of tolerance is about to break out!
Note: here is the "Ninja must die 3 cracked version" for everyone. A large number of Gouyu will be given as gifts when entering the game. It is also the latest version of the game at present.
 Ninja must die 3 cracked version

Game features

------Original play------
◆ On the basis of the world's original series of play methods, deeply think about and extract the essence of classic horizontal action games such as Rockman and Devil City, and create the most refreshing new play method system on the mobile phone platform. ◆ The newly joined Boss battle, through the perfect integration with the game playing method, and the careful design and polishing of each Boss, achieves the most wonderful horizontal boss war experience on the host platform.
◆ Flying dragon mode, fruit cutting mode, air boss war, limited time escape and other new level elements, combined with exquisite level design, provide players with incredible rich challenges.
------Picture style------
◆ Under the style of ink and wash with oriental characteristics, it integrates the design concept of modern animation and stands out among thousands of mobile games.
◆ The game scene created by the in-depth combination of 2D hand painting and 3D technology shows a mysterious ninja world that conforms to the logic of real space but is full of magical elements.
◆ The characters and Boss images designed with our unique painting style, the vivid and highly tensile role movements, and the cool and powerful ninja show the cool and elegant ninja vividly.
------Stories and world views------
◆ Focusing on the three forces of ninja, samurai and ghost clan, from the perspective of the protagonist, show a story with interlocking plots, and build a convincing and wonderful original ninja world.
◆ Explore the way of story telling on the mobile phone platform, naturally integrate a large number of story performances into the game (at the cost of greatly increasing the difficulty of game development), and bring better game fluency and sense of story substitution.
◆ Pure hand drawn ink style opening animation


Ninja must die. Which is better, 3SSR weapon? Ninja Must Die 3 is a popular horizontal adventure parkour game. There are many SSR weapons in the game. Many players don't know which SSR weapon to cultivate. Let's check the SSR weapon ranking with the small editor!
Ninja must die 3 ssr weapon ranking
1. Fire resisting plantain fan: It has high attack power and can release a flame tornado moving forward, which is a slightly controlling skill
2. Ghost Tear Murakami Zheng: A Japanese Taidao, which is very useful in close combat. It can also wield sword qi to cause penetrating damage to distant enemies
3. Tianjing Kuwu: It's a ninja weapon by name. It has very powerful aoe damage. Once released, the ice burst can clear the screen
4. Ai crazy XXX: a weapon with the name of Apple mobile phone, which is also very powerful. It has the skill of summoning Thunder Shield. Breaking the shield can also generate lightning clearing screen
5. Xuan Lei: A powerful knife that can summon a rotating thunder ball and cause damage when expanding
6. Tianyin Lingxiao: an auxiliary SSR weapon that can summon a shield to resist damage, and a broken shield can cause clear screen damage
7. True Lingyu Bow: The range damage is very sufficient. Three rows of sector ice swords are fired in a row, and the number of ice swords increases in turn
8. Flaming Suzaku: using the name of the four Chinese mythical beasts, incarnate the flame to sprint for a very long distance and generate shock waves to cause damage at the end

Ninja must die 3 exchange code 2024

Ninja must die 3 Where is the free gift package exchange code? Gift bag exchange codes can be exchanged for rich game rewards in the game. The following editor has compiled a summary of the latest gift package of Ninja 3 for everyone. Ninja with super benefits must die for 3 gift bag exchange codes for free. Come and have a look!
Ninja must die 3 exchange codes
Redemption code 1: 1d0hy6001
Exchange code 2: ecd93tz5
Exchange code 3: ut26nbww
Exchange code 4: seven hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and forty-one
Exchange code 5: After players follow the WeChat official account of "Ninja Must Die 3", there will be a weekly gift package exchange code every week
PS: Please note that there should be no blank space before and after the gift package code. The same gift package code can only be redeemed once per account number, and cannot be received repeatedly
Ninja Must Die 3 is a very interesting game. In the game, you can feel completely different from Ninja 1 and Ninja 2. Ninja must die 3 There are many treasures in this game, but the refresh time of each treasure in the game is different. Many kids don't know what the refresh order of the treasure in the game is, which is also a problem that many players are very concerned about. So today, let's take a look at the introduction to the list of the new order of treasures in the game Ninja Must Die 3 Hand Tour. Those who are interested or in need should not miss it. I hope it can help you.

Update log

On June 20, the new expansion of Ninja Must Die 3, "Mountain Wind Leaning Summer," went live.
1. The limited time draw probability of "Flying Thunder · Silver owl" has been increased. Draw a certain number of times to receive corresponding rewards, and draw 120 times to obtain additional silver owls.
1. The new theme of SSR weapon dragon pen has been transformed into "Zhan Shui Lan", and the limited time draw probability has been increased.
2. The new theme of SSR weapon's eight pronged thunder breaking gun has been transformed into a "cloud breaking green" online, and the limited time extraction probability has been increased.
1. The new BOSS activity "Enduring the Holy Mountain when the wind rises" is launched, and we will practice together in the summer! Defeat BOSS and get rich rewards, including new avatar, new avatar box and new expression.
2. "Happy Egg Twisting" goes online, complete the activity task, draw eggs, unlock the gift, and include a new avatar.
3. The anecdote of tolerance book "The end of the night and the dawn" goes online. A broken porcelain cup carries an unfinished wish... Watch the secrets of tolerance world to get rewards and mysterious clues.
4. Xiafeng special gift package is online, including new avatar, dynamic expression and special effect furniture.
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ACT game, namely Action Game, is a type of electronic game that mainly challenges the hand eye coordination ability and reaction speed of players. Such games usually include fast game rhythm, continuous actions and complex physical operations, such as jumping, climbing, shooting and fighting. The goal of the action game is to complete the task, pass or defeat the enemy, while maintaining the character's HP and collecting props or scores. Action games can be further subdivided into multiple subcategories, including platform games, shooting games, fighting games and horizontal rolling games. And action games often have high interactivity and real-time game feedback, which makes them very attractive and addictive. With the development of technology, action games also continue to introduce new play methods and innovations, such as adding multiplayer online cooperation, competitive mode, and the design of role playing game (RPG) elements, so that players can experience the fun of character growth and story development while enjoying action pleasure. If you like the act game, you might as well have a look at the collection brought by Xiaobian this time!

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