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Anonymous lover game

  • edition: v2.0.5
  • size: 261.13 MB
  • Date: 2024-04-26
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Type: cosplay
  • Environmental Science: android、iOS
  • Privacy: see
  • jurisdiction: see
  • keep on record: Jing ICP Bei No. 15052514 - 13A
  • MD5: 8E926E4EB0C22C571FF6B0F413DAC553
  • Package name: com.hellomeow.newlife
  • Version No.: ISBN 978-7-498-09565-7
  • manufacturer: Beijing Bingshi Technology Co., Ltd
  • Network required No advertising
Introduction to the game
Anonymous lover It is a role-playing game with love and betrayal stories. The theme is novel, and the plot content is more exciting, so that players can immerse themselves in the temptation to go home. In the game, players will play a housewife who has suffered double betrayal from lovers and friends from the first person perspective, take revenge on them, and collect information through various clues to investigate, You can also employ private detectives to search, with various directions and different results. Interested partners come to download the experience quickly. If you were her, you would choose to fight back, fight back, or save your family and endure humiliation. What branch would you go to?

Game features

Through the first person perspective, the story unfolds slowly with a mobile phone as the carrier.
Here, you can——
1. Check, like and publish the circle of friends, and interact with other characters by using Meow.
2. Switch the trumpet to spy on her husband's secret anonymously.
3. Use the MasterCard app to investigate people around you and unlock unknown memories.
4. Enrich your memoirs, peel the cocoon from the past, and find the key to solve the current dilemma.
5. Use the itinerary app to enter the scene, reason, judge, and act cautiously to promote the development of the story.
6. Visit the Miracle Shop, buy special gifts, and unlock the unique story experience.
7. The direction of the story is in your control.

Anonymous lover game plot

The female leader is Lin Min'en, a full-time wife. She was born in a rich family. Her parents gave money to support the female and male entrepreneurs, but the male leader betrayed everyone by backhand. The female leader and her friend really have a good relationship, and her friend also cares about the female leader very much, but her friend also has some unclear relationships with the male leader and the male second.

How can anonymous lovers recover their physical strength

1. Obtained by watching advertisements
2. System gift
Players sign in every day. Accumulated sign in can gain physical strength
3. Automatic reply
Return to 1 point in 60 minutes, and each game consumes almost 1 point of physical strength
4. Krypton gold
Players can buy krypton gold or diamonds in the mall.

Update log

「 Mainline update 」
*According to the key choices made in the itinerary [Stelly's Narration] or [Beauty Show Rehearsal], six plot branches were opened: cooperation with coal ball made Zhao Zeyu fall into disrepute; Cooperate with Shen Jiayan and give Zhao Zeyu a fatal blow; Joining hands with them, Zhao Zeyu was pushed into the abyss; Or just believe in yourself and give Zhao Zeyu the final judgment? Or perhaps, your choice is about to have a big ending... In the eye-catching beauty show scene, let the scum man have nowhere to escape!
*Optimize the scene effect of Feilan Cafe and beauty show stage.
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 Get network status Get the network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid ------------------------------------- access networks Access to network connection may generate GPRS traffic ------------------------------------- Read phone status Access phone status ------------------------------------- Get WiFi status Get the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information ------------------------------------- Write to external storage Allow programs to write to external storage, such as files on SD card ------------------------------------- Access external storage Access to external storage ------------------------------------- Read phone status Access phone status ------------------------------------- Wake Lock  Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off ------------------------------------- Get WiFi status Get the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information ------------------------------------- Get rough position Obtain the user's wrong longitude and latitude information through WiFi or mobile base station, and the positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m ------------------------------------- Get task information Allow programs to get current or recently running apps ------------------------------------- Change WiFi status Change WiFi status ------------------------------------- Get exact position Receive satellite positioning information through GPS chip, and the positioning accuracy is within 10 meters ------------------------------------- Show system window Show system window -------------------------------------

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