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Jinyou World Mobile Edition

  • edition: v2.0.1
  • size: 86.05 MB
  • Date: 2024-06-14
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Type: Chess and card board games
  • Environmental Science: android
  • Privacy: see
  • jurisdiction: see
  • MD5: 6437E2C0A67992474FC7E6E995D9D251
  • Package name: com.javgame.gamelobby
  • manufacturer: Hangzhou Huanyou Network Technology Co., Ltd
Introduction to the game
I believe many people are very fond of playing cards and mahjong, right? This activity can almost be said to start only in the New Year, because many mobile phone software are international landlords. International mahjong is very different from those in our hometown. Recently, I found a software with a lot of chess and card playing methods, which is Mobile version of Jinyou World Game Center This is a chess and card game software with a lot of playing methods. Here, there are many game playing methods, such as fighting landlords and more guandan games. It can be said that many software are not available, so this is also its uniqueness. Here, you can play two games with your friends on weekends. Time flies, not to mention how happy it is. Don't download it now.
 Mobile version of Jinyou World Game Hall

Application Introduction

Jinyou World Video Chess and Card Game Hall is one of the online chess and card game developers and operators. It provides you with download, introduction, guidance and communication of various leisure chess and card games, local games and video dating games.
At present, in addition to the mainstream games on the network (such as five cards, cheat gold flower, bull, fight landlord, video fight landlord, tractor (four cards upgraded), bloody battle mahjong, crazy mahjong, military chess of four countries, Chinese chess, Lianliankan, etc.), the platform also covers local games in Jiangsu, Anhui, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces and cities, including whipped eggs, fried land, Nanjing mahjong Suzhou Mahjong, Zhenjiang Mahjong, Xuzhou Mahjong, Yangzhou Mahjong, Hefei Mahjong, Anqing Mahjong, Guiyang Sichuan Mahjong, Qinzhou Mahjong, etc.
In addition to the above regional games, there are also Guangdong Mahjong, Harbin Mahjong, Ningxia Water Skiing Mahjong, Hebei Qinhuangdao Mahjong, etc. There are nearly 100 platform games, and new games are constantly being developed.

How to Play Guandan in Jinyou World Game Hall

"If you don't have whipped eggs before a meal, you don't have a meal." It is a game of playing cards with whipped eggs. It's very comfortable to play whipped egg poker in leisure time, before and after meals. "Guandan" is a poker game widely spread in Anhui, Jiangsu and other places. It is developed from the local poker game, replacing the traditional "fast run" and "80 points". The game is played by four people in pairs, winning and losing. Because of its easy learning, strong combination and skill, the game is more entertaining and stimulating, and is loved by the government, white-collar workers and the masses.

Card size
1. Four Kings are the biggest cards, six or more bombs, flush, five bombs, four bombs, other cards
2. The order of single cards from big to small is: Dawang, Xiaowang, level cards, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 (take playing 10 as an example, Dawang, Xiaowang, 10 A 、 K、Q、J、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2 )
3. For general card types, only cards with the same card type and the same total number of cards can be compared in size. Among them, combination cards such as triple pair, steel plate, straight child, etc., only need to compare the cards with the maximum value.
Special rules and names
Match with people (any combination)
The matching cards are hearts of the current level.
For example, the level card is 10. 2. 3, 4, and 10, 6 of hearts can form 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the cis
It can also be arbitrarily combined into any card type, such as bombs and the same flower, except for Wang and Xiao Wang.
Shuanggong and Duijia are the top two.
Double down means that you and your partner will be the last two.
Last swim is the last.
First place in the head family.
Catch the wind When someone plays his last hand, if other players give up. The next round is his opposite family.

Play tribute cards
1. First round
Draw random cards, and the winner will play first.
2. Tribute card playing
Before each game starts, the downstream player of the previous game needs to pay tribute to the upstream player with a card. The tribute card must be the largest card in his hand, except for "matching with people". The recipient of tribute must return a card in his hand to the giver (no more than 10), and the downstream player will play the card.
3. If the lower reaches catch two kings, the upper reaches will play cards instead of paying tribute; If two people catch one "king" each or one party catches two "kings", they do not need to pay tribute, and the upstream player will play first.
4. When both players go down, they should pay tribute to the upriver. The upriver player takes the big card and returns it to the big card. The big card player will play first; If the cards paid by both parties are the same size, the tribute shall be paid in a clockwise direction. When the cards are returned, the cards shall be returned to the lower side respectively. After the cards are obtained by both parties, the cards shall be lit at the same time, and the lower side of the upstream party shall play the cards first.
5. Return card: Return card can be any card (no more than 10).

6. Shuffle
The upstream side shuffles the cards, the other side cuts the cards for the downstream side, and the downstream side starts first. In case of double play, the next player from the upstream must start first.
7. Annunciation
If the number of cards in hand is less than 6 (including 6), you must take the initiative to count and report whenever you ask; If wrong cards are reported or deliberately concealed, the cards that have been played must be withdrawn and re played.
Upgrade Rules
The winner is the first player to play the card and the last player to play the card is the last player.
If it is double down, the winner will be promoted to level 4. (Reward one more promotion)
If one of the competitors is the last one, the winner will be promoted to level 2;
If the winner is the last one, the winner will be promoted to Level 1.
New and old rules
Both old and new players have a question. What's the difference between old and new players?
In a word, it can be explained that the family reception is different from the family reception.

Game highlights

1. This front row game is absolutely all live online chess and cards. This chess and card software guarantees the new play method of the Hundred People War, and definitely gives you the most professional chess and card competition experience.
2. This is a wonderful software that can make money online 24 hours a day. Jinyou World Game Center is a 24-hour live game, which guarantees that you can start to make money with one click. In addition, there are super rewards for you to challenge.
3. This is a chess and card software that can definitely make your friends get rich overnight. This chess and card software can ensure that wealth and stimulation can be the same. When the cannon strikes, gold will be ten thousand taels.
4. Absolutely fun money making chess and card software. This chess and card software can not only earn real money online, but also win various wonderful gifts, such as shopping vouchers, phone bills and iphoneX.

Game features

1. You can directly log in to the platform via WeChat to quickly open the game competition play mode, with clear images and smoother play.
2. The system automatically matches the players to enter the battle mode faster.
3. There are many gold rewards. You can get them for free as long as you complete the task in Jinyou World Game Center. More surprises are waiting for you to participate online at any time.
4. Customer service is online 24 hours a day, bringing you the most intimate services, and there are more wonderful content for you to provide free of charge in real time.
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