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Chinese version of Life Re opening Simulator

  • edition: v1.0
  • size: 852.27 KB
  • Date: 2023-07-26
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Type: Leisure puzzle
  • Environmental Science: android
  • jurisdiction: see
  • MD5: 2C496A2B69C85131A4900A2483681094
  • Package name:
Introduction to the game
Official version of Life Re opening Simulator It is a mobile game that can bring fun life simulation to players. In this happy world, players can freely choose different identities. There are also different opportunities that can be brought to everyone in the game, so that you can immerse in this simulation world and experience many different lives. In the game, you can constantly explore random events, experience interesting adventures, unlock more modes, and enable you to obtain more exciting random life in this virtual world. When you start to choose talents, you will begin to simulate a person's entire life trajectory. In this game, there are countless different lives. Life, old age, sickness and death are not fixed. Only by constantly trying can you achieve normal growth. In addition, there are a variety of props that can bring different life experiences to players. The new props can unlock different items to make players' lives more complete.
 Official version of Life Re opening Simulator

Game features

1. The simple and clear game screen allows players to start your life in rich scenes, and you will experience every stage of life;
2. It gives players a very real feeling. Players can feel the wonderful life and experience some important choices in life;
3. The playing methods are very rich. Players can make various choices freely, and different choices will bring you different effects;
4. Cute painting style will attract many players' attention, and it will be easy to integrate into the game;
5. The early stage is the most basic task, which is a good opportunity to accumulate experience and gold coins;
6. The tasks to be done at each stage are different, and the difficulty will vary greatly.


1. Players can experience different kinds of life, and each choice is very important. Players can freely create and choose your life;
2. The destiny is out of control, and you can't interfere in every choice of yours. You will be given a chance to make a fresh start. Players should make a good choice;
3. Each choice of players affects the fate of their characters. Different players will have different lives and feel their own life stories;
4. A very imaginative game, in which you can realize your dreams, will certainly make you love it;
5. Move your finger on all tasks, and then wait for the progress bar to complete automatically;
6. The music in the game is everywhere, which can make you feel better and enjoy a good time here.

Introduction to Life Re opening Simulator

You must choose a mysterious small box to cultivate immortals.
A variety of small capsules can be selected to avoid dying halfway.
Kesulu may add other values to reduce IQ if he chooses, and he has a 1% chance of dying before the age of 400.

Alien visitors selected eggs and tips and put them at the end of the column.
Magic wand+gender female+entering the house will trigger to become a magic girl,
But if your IQ is less than 5, it will trigger your lack of willpower and be induced to fall. You have become a tentacle witch, and have served the Queen ever since. And you seduce other magic girls (hso)
Constitution<88, may also be killed by other magic girls (this is the magic girl, love)

Customs clearance conditions:
Physical fitness must be greater than 2000
IQ must be greater than 500
Happiness must be greater than 10
All the five element paths of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, space and time chaos, life destruction, and any one of the original paths must be understood to survive the disaster, and the final happiness of the evil heart disaster must be greater than 10 to survive (1% of the five elements, 0.1% of the source)

Game Eggs

[Top Secret] Scientists believe that most people's talents are from the world.
[Top Secret News] It is said that the immortal cultivator really exists
[Top Secret] It is said that normal people will not live to be 100 years old in any case, unless... there is a small box?
[Top Secret News] Archaeologists found an ancient pill, which looks golden and unlike anything else.
[Top Secret] Some people say that only China and the United States are real in the world.
[Top Secret] Someone said, "If you are rich, you will not be born in the countryside; if you are poor, you will not be born in the city. I don't know whether it is right or not."
[Juejuzi Message] Today's sweet fragments have been loaded, not 8 Fu, Bao! Today, I started my life again. I really cried to death. What about this family? My life is so good that I can stomp on this cup of pudding. I was stunned to be speechless. On the way, I saw a Java man who was speechless. It's a long time. Let's save the earth and have fun together
[Top Secret News] Geneticists say that the best talent only has a 0.1% chance to appear, the second talent is 1%, and the better talent is 10%.
[Top Secret] Experts believe that some middle-aged and elderly people live a boring life and can only live by watching the news because someone can't make up an event.
[Top Secret News] It is said that a game was created by two people. The programmer only spent a few hours writing the program, while the planning at home took more than a week to write the copy.
[Top Secret] You read a fantasy novel. In the novel, you need to understand all the Five Elements Avenue and any source Avenue to survive the catastrophe.
[Top Secret News] A writer under 25 years old forced to describe middle age and married life that he did not understand, which caused a lot of criticism.
[Top Secret] A spicy chicken game has no minimum guarantee for ten consecutive draws, just like the world online.

Game evaluation

You can freely start your life plan, start a business, start a company, grow your company step by step, get married and have children, all of which is natural. Here you can choose your own lifestyle, work hard to learn to be a bully, and experience a more perfect life according to your life plan. It's a simulation game that can change your life. Players who join here can decide their own life path. This is a great thing. Now let's start this exciting journey.
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    Invincible game

Invincible version of the game is a special type of electronic game. The original version of the game is usually modified or cracked, so that players have advantages that they do not normally have in the game, such as unlimited life, unlimited resources, super speed, unlocking all levels or characters, etc. This version of the game often reduces the challenge of the game and makes it easier for players to experience the game content, especially for those who only want to enjoy the story or explore the game world. The invincible version of the game is usually produced by third-party developers or fans, not the officially released version. They may not be found on regular game platforms due to copyright issues, but they can be downloaded from some forums or websites on the Internet. This type of game is suitable for those who have played the original version and want to re experience the game in different ways, or those who want to overcome certain difficulties without spending too much time trying. However, the invincible version of the game may reduce the player's sense of achievement and challenge pleasure, because they remove the difficulty elements in the game design. If you are interested, please download it!

Game introduction&FAQ
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