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Yi Tian Tu Long Ji Mobile Chinese Version

  • edition: v1.7.13
  • size: 623.36 MB
  • Date: 2024-06-19
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Type: cosplay
  • Environmental Science: android
  • Privacy: see
  • jurisdiction: see
  • keep on record: YCPB 14009613 No.12A
  • manufacturer: Perfect World Game
Introduction to the game

The friendship in the palm is in harmony, and I will accompany you to lean against the sky and kill dragons. 2021 3DMMO Great Martial Arts Mobile Tour under Perfect World Yi Tian Tu Long Ji Mobile Chinese Version Expose the details of Era's engine! Thanks to the efficient rendering of the perfect self-developed third-generation engine, ERA, Yitian Tulongji mobile game will meet with all the chivalrous men with high quality pictures comparable to the end game. The discount end of Heaven Reliance and Dragon Slaughter is built by the third generation engine ERA developed by the Perfect World. The game characters are carefully delineated by the normal map. Emei Luoli is ice skinned and has a clear image of her bones. Wudang feathered men are uninhibited and dignified, the imperial sister of the Ming Dynasty is cold and arrogant, and looks better than Luo Fu. Shaolin monks are proficient in martial arts and teach all living creatures. Sect scenes are rendered with full particle real special effects, which perfectly restores the rise of sect politics during the Yuan Dynasty. The Era engine is built for mobile platforms. While meeting the needs of games, it introduces a large number of forward-looking designs The GI global lighting is a technical consideration, and the game screen is deeply optimized, so that all chivalrous men can experience the high-precision picture quality of the Dragon Slaughter by Heaven mobile game while ensuring a low heating capacity of their mobile phones. Interested players, please come to our website to download and experience!

Game features

[Thousands of benefits will be provided for massive activities]

A thousand miles away, the poem sword years always remember Qing. Every old friend who "bid farewell" to The Dragon Slaughter on the Sky will get a "return gift package" and a large number of experience gifts after going online again as long as the conditions are met. No matter where you are, you have the opportunity to receive exclusive return experience rewards when you return to the Jianghu. Little farewell and big surprise. You are waiting for the Marriott gift.

[Unique Equipment]

Unique weapons, necklaces, amulets, and rings have first appeared in the Jianghu. They are armed with a sharp blade that sweeps all over the country. They are equipped with accessories for fighting in the Wulin, and they are alone in the Jianghu! Players using ordinary treasure map, advanced treasure map and super treasure map have a chance to trigger Exquisite Secrets. After triggering, rare treasures can be dropped from the camp map. Unique equipment is produced from treasure.

[The first appearance of the magic weapon]

The new artifact Ziwu Double Axes, Thunderbolt and Super Treasure Map are likely to trigger the Exquisite Secret Collection. They may get the artifact directly and have the opportunity to obtain a large number of Exquisite Ancient Coins. Young Xia who cannot directly obtain the new artifact can exchange it by accumulating Exquisite Ancient Coins.

[New Secret Script]

The Wulin is surprised to find a unique secret script to help fight the five major mobile travel professions of "Yitian Slaughter the Dragon". Reasonably match the Wulin secret script, not only can the character attribute be greatly improved, but also can easily defeat the past powerful enemies! It can also trigger passivity and quietly turn into a master to show its power!

[New Baby Tutorial]

Know the culture and reason, and identify all things. Add a new tutorial "Dream Stream Writing" to let your baby understand the mysteries of science!

Be honest, just and strict, and run the country according to law! The newly added precious tutorial "Book of the Lord Shang" officially starts!

[New Fashion]

In the name of roses, invite your TA to have a romantic trip! The new fashion "romantic tour" gave TA a romantic surprise.

Introduction to the Five Major Occupations of Yitian Slaughter the Dragon

[Ancient Tomb]

occupation location : Double swords, both offensive and defensive

The disciples of the Ancient Tomb Sect all wear double swords. The left heavy sword uses the solitary sword technique, and the right short sword uses the jade lady sword technique. The solitary sword move is mostly a charge skill, supplemented by skill dominance and diversified control, which can play a huge advantage in single duels. Most of the Yunv swordsmanship is a large-scale attack skill. Most of the skills include slowing down and immobilizing. The enemy cannot escape from the attack range of the ancient tomb disciples, and can only fight with trapped animals.


Career orientation: auxiliary team, post emptive

Wudang Sect was created by a generation of master Zhang Sanfeng. Its martial arts are unique, and it is respected as the best in the Wulin together with Shaolin.

Wudang has strong internal power and is known as the "Master of Internal Martial Arts". Martial arts emphasizes internal skill cultivation. It pays attention to braking with static force and overcoming hardness with softness. It does not attack, but it cannot be easily violated. Adhering to the essence of Tai Chi, the heavy dark iron sword is used as the weapon. With the support of strong internal power, the heavy sword can also be used easily and flexibly. Proficient in Tai Chi Boxing and Eight Trigrams Array, which can improve attack and defense in a wide range, while the long-distance sword technique can quickly advance, making it have a strong control ability in group warfare.


Career orientation: treatment team, artillery output

Emei Sect was founded by Guo Xiang, a generation of chivalrous women, and is called the three major martial arts sects in the Central Plains together with Shaolin and Wudang.

The martial arts in the gate combine hardness and softness, and are extremely powerful. It stresses "turning all methods into one method, and breaking all methods with one method". The martial arts of Emei are between the masculine of Shaolin and the feminine of Wudang. It is famous for its elegance and elegance. It is good at both attacking from afar and close combat. At the same time, it is good at many healing and fitness methods, and has great reputation in the Jianghu. Emei disciples not only have the ability to subdue demons, but also have the ability to help the world. They are indispensable to the team and are admired by disciples of other sects.


Career orientation: explosive pursuit, absorb damage

Mingjiao, which was introduced from Persia, worships light and worships the sun and the moon, so it is called Mingjiao. Since the introduction of Mingjiao into China, it has helped the world and emphasized unity and mutual assistance, so that the poor people become its followers. Mingjiao led its followers to fight against tyranny for many times, so it was regarded as a heresy by the imperial court. Due to the suppression of the Imperial Court, Mingjiao's actions were extremely secretive and mysterious. In addition, the way of doing things was informal, which was criticized by the righteous path of Wulin, and eventually led to incompatibility with other sects. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Mingjiao took it as its duty to expel the violent Yuan. The martial arts of Mingjiao are various. Because Mingjiao has been fighting against the Yuan army for a long time, and its martial arts are mostly practical, it is very suitable for fighting against the enemy.


Career orientation: the strongest meat shield, which can counter damage and kill enemies

The first famous temple in the Central Plains, a Buddhist shrine. Founded in the period of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, it is a leading figure in the Chinese Wulin. Its martial arts are vast, and most ordinary people are known as "Shaolin is the best martial arts in the world". Shaolin's martial arts are extensive and profound. The martial arts are famous for its variety, completeness and strength, and its 72 unique skills are the best in the world. Shaolin monks use Zen to enter the martial arts and practice Zen with martial arts. Their martial arts are profound, and their martial arts are the best in the world. Their moves are open and close. Together with Shaolin's strong internal mental skills, they are awe inspiring and change making.

Analysis of the details of the guild system in "Yitian Slaughter the Dragon"

Guild Management

When the guild was first established, there were too few players in the guild, so the guild leader and members should try to find heroes who had not joined the guild to join the sect, and at the same time, deal with the application information in the guild list in time to quickly expand the guild.

Guild Title

Guild leaders within a guild can give corresponding guild positions according to the activity and contribution of individual players, and help the guild leaders jointly manage the affairs of the guild. The positions within a guild are mainly divided into guild leaders, vice leaders, elders, elites, and guild members. Different permissions will be given to players according to their job titles

Guild Upgrade

Guild upgrading is a guild affair that needs to be handled by the leader and vice leader. Upgrading requires a certain amount of guild experience, funds and resources to successfully upgrade the guild level

Guild experience can be related to the activity of players in the guild, such as daily guild tasks, guild wars, etc., which can accumulate certain guild experience for the guild. Therefore, actively urging guild members will help the guild quickly upgrade to a powerful guild~

How to obtain guild funds and resources?

The funds and resources of the guild are mainly obtained through the donation of the guild and the guild residence. The players of the guild belong to the same family. The growth of the guild will naturally bring better benefits to the members of the guild

While players are actively engaged in the construction of the guild, they will naturally increase their contribution to the guild to show their strength. Having a high contribution value not only can quickly improve the rank and title of the guild, but also can use the contribution value as currency to exchange rare props in the guild shop to continuously improve and strengthen themselves

Guild Shop

Guild shop is open to players who have joined the guild. Players can spend their contribution to buy rare props

How to obtain contribution value?

Players can obtain guild contributions through guild donations, guild tasks, etc. Players who are active in the guild and make great contributions will receive more contribution value rewards

Guild Technology

Guild building technology is a way for guild members to develop and upgrade weapons in guild buildings. Upgrading such buildings can improve the overall attributes of the guild. With the upgrade of the guild level, the guild will open up different guild building technologies

Upgrade Rules

1) The Guild Leader consumes the Guild's funds, resources, etc. to upgrade the Guild's buildings

2) Guild level affects the maximum level of technology

3) The higher the guild level is, the higher the attributes of the guild building will be, and more attribute bonuses will be given to the guild

4) Upgrading the guild building can improve the comprehensive level of the guild war

Guild Practice

Guild members can choose to increase one of their own attribute values in the process of guild training, and upgrade the training attribute by consuming contribution values. With the increase of the guild level, the guild will open different guild training attributes, and players can choose to upgrade the attribute values themselves

Upgrade Rules

1) Increase the level of training attributes by consuming contribution values

2) Guild leader can open new training attributes by consuming sect funds and resources

3) The higher the sect level is, the more training attributes the guild leader can open

Guild Task

After entering the guild, players can receive 10 rounds of guild tasks every day. If the number of times consumed, they will not be able to receive guild tasks

Guild War

Introduction to Play

Guild war is an activity in the guild after players join the guild. The activity will start from 20:00 to 21:30 every Saturday. Guild leaders of all sects must remember the time of the activity and do not miss the opportunity to participate in the guild war~

Activity description

1) The top 16 active guilds can participate in the guild war

2) 20:00-20:45 group game every Saturday

3) Every Saturday at 20:45-21:30

All members who participate in the guild war will receive rewards after the end of the war. The reward content is determined by the points and ranking of each guild in the guild war.

Learn how to play the Experience Tower

Baojianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. Young Xia, it is impossible for you to dominate the Wulin without some experience. Today, I will take you to know about the Experience Tower.

Open level

The experience tower is opened when the player reaches level 36. It is a single player task that can be played every day. The so-called experience road has a long way to go, but challenging the experience tower can obtain a large number of gems, which is a necessary magic weapon to strengthen equipment and improve combat effectiveness. So even if it is difficult, many young Xia still like it.

Now let's go to the Training Tower to find out. Find the experience tower in the activity interface and click the "Join" button to transfer to the experience tower interface~!

On the experience tower interface, you can see that the pass rewards include gems, mysterious gift bags, black iron and other Jianghu necessities.

Activity Rules

Click the "Enter Training Tower" button to start training and fighting from the first floor. The fighting time is limited to 1 minute. You can summon chivalrous men to help you in the battle! Each layer will draw 3 waves of monsters. If all monsters are destroyed within the time limit, you can receive rewards for the current layer and enter the next layer of challenge.

The higher the number of layers, the more rewards will be obtained, and the difficulty of the challenge will also be improved. The difficulty and recommended combat power of each level can be seen at a glance on the experience tower interface outside the battle scene. If you encounter a difficult level, you can improve your strength and try again!

In addition, the experience tower can be reset once a day! When it is difficult for you to challenge the next level, you can reset the training tower and start again! Moreover, the game has carefully designed the sweeping function for young Xia to challenge the successful level without entering the battle scene. Just click the "Sweep" button to automatically challenge! However, sweeping takes some time. Fortunately, closing the interface or going offline will not interrupt sweeping. So take this time, young Xia, you can go to attack the copy and transport a dart, killing two birds with one stone! Of course, if you reach VIP4, you can immediately finish sweeping for free and get rewards.

Careful young Xia will also find that special rewards will be given for the first time to pass the designated level~! For so many treasures, Shaoxia, hurry up!

Update log


New content:

1. The second anniversary of "Yitian Slaughter the Dragon", a large number of new play methods, creating a vast Jianghu, and more abundant activities to send tens of millions of benefits

2. Cross server 1V1 fair competition, gathering all the Jianghu experts, and advancing to the next level in the fierce battle, the dragon overlord, who to give up

3. Damage reduction and concealment increase, incarnate as a reclusive expert, easily defeat past enemies, equip refining to cultivate exclusive artifact, and reproduce the power of relying on the sky to kill dragons

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