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Boxing King World Nine Tour Edition

  • edition: v1.8.0
  • size: 984.26 MB
  • Date: 2024-06-09
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Type: Arcade fighting
  • Environmental Science: android、iOS
  • Privacy: see
  • jurisdiction: see
  • keep on record: Jing ICP Bei 18046233-8A
  • Package name: com.snk.kofworld.aligames
  • manufacturer: Tianjin Shiyong Cultural Media Co., Ltd
Introduction to the game
Boxing King World Nine Tour Edition It is a large-scale 3D-MMORPG mobile game officially authorized by SNK Group and about to be released by Ledao Interactive. It is also the first RPG based game after the arcade boxing series. It is made with a new 3D engine and has beautiful game pictures, which can restore the original gorgeous moves and sense of attack of the retained "King of Fists" to the greatest extent, and also strengthen and supplement the story of the role of the game in the past dynasties. The player in the game will be a professional combatant. You can choose your favorite character to compete with other players freely and fairly, collect many fighting characters, and start your action fight. In addition, the life skills in the World of Fighters game are highly realistic, providing cooking, bartending, flower path, facial art and other games, which bring you an immersive experience in reality. World auctions, community auctions, rich props and materials are all available. Fair bidding simulates real brokerage behavior, rich game playing methods, diversified daily activities, and limited time activities, Team up with friends to join the battle and challenge the classic BOSS. It's fun. Favorite friends can download the experience.

Game features

1. The first gathering of roles in previous dynasties
Gather the most complete fighters in history to present the classic plot of the King of Fists series, and uncover the mystery of the King of Fists through the ages together with Shaving Grass, Eight God Temple and Unknowing Fire Dance;
2. Motorcycle Racing Bar Date
Original vehicle system, modified locomotive to speed up the experience with one click, and join the club bar to experience rich social play;
3. Balanced attribute restore operation
The "Boxing King Competition", which is integrated into fair competition, is opened every day to restore the boxing king fighting experience;
4. Seamless connection of super large scenes
The full 3D engine is used to create a panoramic free urban landscape, restore the urban landscape, and show the beautiful world;
5. Full dubbing of the original lineup
The original voice dubbing team of the Boxing King, the most luxurious CV lineup in history, plays the role of a classic fighter, and Japanese front-line voice actors give their voice.

Boxing King's World Ninth Tour Introduction

Introduction to the main character
[Wolff] Introduction
Main character: Wolf Wolf (male)
Prototype k, 22 years old, american nationality, symmetrical body.
Character: Firm and calm.
Constellation: Pisces.
Blood type: O.
Interests: fitness, hamburger, art.
Disgust: noise, cigarettes, guns.
Relationship with the original characters:
Idol: Tang Fulu.
Friend: Sakazaki Liang.
Explanation in the plot:
He is the perennial champion of the American underground fighting competition, but he can't remember his own life experience. He broke through the secret base of the sound nest alone. It is suspected to be the clone of Teri, the experimental body of the Yinchao replication plan. "

[Snake] Introduction
Lead character: snake (male)
The prototype eight gods, aged 30, Italian nationality, tall and strong.
Character: Uncle is a melancholy guitarist.
Constellation: Aries.
Blood type: O.
Interests: like black, death metal, painting.
Disgust: Pop music.
Relationship with the original characters:
Compassion: Billy
Idol: one of the strangers with eight gods' life experience in Kenan Town, looking for self redemption while trying to reach the recognition of the fighters for their talents.
Explanation in the plot:
The talented bass player seems to have been brainwashed. The Eight Gods Temple often went to watch it when playing bass in Nanzhen and regarded it as an idol.

[Faith Brown] Introduction
Main character: fiath Firth (female)
The prototype Liana is 25 years old, American nationality, plump and sexy.
Character: cold face, queen temperament.
Constellation: Virgo.
Blood type: AB.
Interests: fighting, ancient martial arts, like classical music, Harley motorcycle.
Disgust: a time waster, a sissy man.
He was a comrade in arms and a friend of Nu Team Liana.
Relationship with the original characters:
Boyfriend: Liana.
Idol: Hadilan.
Explanation in the plot:
He served as an assassination instructor in Hadilan's army. After the attack on the International Mercenary Organization, the protagonist was taken away and trained as a boy. When they grow up, they change too much, and the protagonists can't remember all the things when they were young, so they act like they don't know each other.

Introduction to [Xingye Fumigation]
Leading Role: alice fumigant xingye (female)
Prototype Athena, age 16, nationality Japan, posture Loli
Character: enthusiastic and lively, strong affinity.
Constellation: Lion.
Blood type: B.
Interests: like food, comic book cosplay, and making dolls.
Disgust: wear the same clothes for two days.
Relationship with the original characters:
Master: Zhen Yuanzhai
Idol: Athena. He is an assistant of a brokerage company with super ability and wants to become an idol singer like Athena.
Explanation in the plot:
A plane model, a girl from Akihabara, has an enviable superpower. He was robbed by Nests organization when he was young, and was suspected of brainwashing. He ran into Zhen Yuanzhai in Akihabara. Since I met Athena, I have made her an idol!

Boxing King's World's Ninth Tour Version Introduction

1、 Fighter Level
The level of the fighter will directly affect the combat effectiveness, which will affect the comprehensive combat effectiveness in the later period. However, what Jiuyou Xiaobian wants to say is that players should choose to add points according to the different professional attributes when improving the role's combat effectiveness. Remember not to blindly add professional attributes.
How to improve the character's combat power:
1. Mainline task
2. Guided task
3. Extraordinary mission
Before level 31, you can be regarded as a novice. In the early stage, just follow the task as much as possible! However, due to different schools of fighters, the idea of adding points will also be very different, which requires players to judge

2、 Equip combat power
At the beginning, novices can reduce their pursuit of equipment quality. First, the equipment obtained by running tasks can smoothly pass Level 31. After Level 31, you are basically in the middle of the period. At this time, you can create more high-quality equipment through the equipment obtained by the main line task. Note that the quality is divided into five types: white, green, blue, purple, and orange, The higher the grade is, the lower the probability is. Therefore, the chance of making more equipment to obtain rare equipment will also increase.
[Equipment Improvement]
1. Equipment strengthening:
Materials: banknote, white raw stone, spar and a series of strengthening materials
2. Infuse blood: use the limited blood position to obtain higher attribute bonus
Basically, there are two ways for beginners to improve their combat effectiveness in the early stage. However, in the world of boxing masters, more attention is paid to combat skills. Equipment upgrading is an important auxiliary means, but in real combat, attention should also be paid to combat skills!

Upgrade Skills
1. Brush copy
If you want to improve your own strength, I suggest that you can improve from single player copy and arena in the early stage. However, there are some specific fighting methods that will also be very helpful to you. Players can choose three classes to assist in the fight, not to mention whether there are other rewards, but it will be very helpful to your fight!
2. Arena
In addition to single player dungeons, the arena is also a good way for you to upgrade. You can gain more experience through the experience of fighting monsters. It should be noted that the upgrade of a fighter requires experience. Therefore, Jiuyou Xiaobian suggests to brush the test values as much as possible in the early stage
3. Fighter Dispatch
As long as you can complete the task, you will get certain props and experience points. However, each task will have special requirements, so when you send a task, there will be certain requirements on the level and identity. You should pay attention to this
Use fancy voice to experience changeable voice lines and make your voice no longer normal

Update log

v Version 1.8.0
Updated optimization
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    3v3 Popular games of Jiuyou Boxing King mobile version Ranking list of pk mobile games Classic nostalgic mobile tour

3v3 game is a very exciting game type. It usually refers to a multiplayer online game with team cooperation as the core and competition as the main playing method. In the 3v3 game, players need to form a team composed of three characters to fight with another team composed of three characters. The goal of the game is to defeat the opponent and win through teamwork and collaboration. In order to improve the playability of the game, each player needs to choose a role with different skills and characteristics, and play their own advantages in the game to make contributions to the team. In addition, 3v3 game play is usually very diversified, including PVP (player to player), PVE (player to environment) and other modes. In PVP mode, the player needs to fight with another team composed of three players, and defeat the opponent through team cooperation and tactical planning. If you are interested, please download it!

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